Pyrenees, from start to finish


Highway N260 as it passes through Huesca

Between valleys and peaks, our trip will be an attractive destination of destinations

Our door to the rest of Europe, geographically speaking, and saving Portugal, It is the Pyrenean mountain range , the mountainous strip of just under 500 kilometers that advances, drawing peaks and valleys , for the communities Basque, Cantabrian, Aragonese and Catalan . Above the mountain range, Aneto is the eye that sees everything, the highest peak in the Pyrenees, with 3,404 meters of altitude . But he has many other three-thousanders under him, sublime challenges for mountaineers.

But the main challenge of this proposal is to cross the entire Pyrenean mountain range from end to end. We can do it by following the three numbers of the national highway that runs through it, the N-260 , also known as Pyrenean axis . Like a tape measure, it goes through the mountain range from end to end, from its zero kilometer, located in Portbou, in Girona , until the end of his career in the city ​​of Irun, in the Basque Country.

View of Portbou Girona

Portbou, kilometer 0 of my road trip sample

Are 735 kilometers in which we will overcome mountain passes and beautiful valleys , bringing us closer to unique towns that dot the landscape with their charms. Yes, you have to prepare because there are curves, but the best way to get around the mountains is to drive smoothly in its most sinuous sections, feeling the embrace of the landscape , and take the opportunity to make stops at the viewpoints or spaces for picnics or a break from driving. This trip is in itself a great destination, with heights and plains, like life itself.

By car, in a caravan or motorhome, on a motorcycle or by bicycle, in any of these ways, traveling the N-260 from start to finish presents us with many attractions. If we travel by caravan or motorhome, it will be very useful to keep in mind the website of the Spanish Association of the caravanning industry and trade, ASEICAR, as well as some search engines for rest and maintenance stations, such as Areas AC or AutoC. Other locators to keep in mind will be those of rural accommodation (Rural Tourism and Rural Getaway, and the campsite guide of the Spanish Federation of Campsites.


Now yes, our adventure along the Pyrenees , end to end, begins. And it does so where the mountains reach the sea, where the Costa Brava splashes them with its salt and breeze, in the municipality of Portbou . A beautiful cove like a large undulating balcony presides over this town by the sea. There, in addition to a pleasant swim in the Mediterranean, before starting to move away from it towards the Cantabrian Sea, we will be able to savor typical seafood dishes of the fishing village and at the gates of France.

We can also visit the Museum of Memory , which, due to the location of this town, just before the border crossing, pays homage to all exiles. One of them, the Jewish philosopher who had to flee Germany, Walter Benjamin , and died in 1940 in this town of Alt Emporda , has the monument of remembrance of him next to the waters of the Mediterranean.

From Portbou we move to the town of Llanca , on the way we will have the opportunity to deviate to some coves on the coast where we can also swim. Then we say goodbye to the sea to continue to Figueres , where we can visit the Teatre-Museu Dalí, but also the Museu de la Joguina de Catalunya, a journey within our journey through the history of toys for so many generations.


Just twenty kilometers from Figueres, we will arrive at the town of Besalu , old county that preserves a magnificent Romanesque bridge over the river Fluvia . And continuing on our N-260, we will also reach the population of Olot.


Besalú and its magnificent Romanesque bridge over the Fluvià river

But, first, a little anecdote on our way. leaving Figueres back, we will see that the Municipality of Argelaguer has dedicated a monolith to kilometer 69 of the N-260 . Passing through it we will arrive at the capital of La Garrotxa, Olot, land of volcanoes, where we could stop for one night, since the numerous trails for walking, biking or horseback riding They are very seductive, since the territory is an explosion of surprises, such as gastronomy with many typical dishes and the volcanoes themselves, to which the municipality has even dedicated a museum.

We keep rolling on the Pyrenean axis, advancing towards Ripoll capital of Ripollès , a region of forests and meadows that, if we take the option of the old layout of the N-260, signposted as N-260a , we will treat ourselves to one of the many getaways to tranquility to which the route along the N-260 lends itself.

In the town of Vallfogona de Ripollès , we will discover one of those small charming villages, a viewpoint of the landscape, where to stop to have a snack, in the town or in the bar of your municipal swimming pool, privileged surrounded by green only open from the end of June to the end of August due to the freshness of the environment . Corners where you want to ask about the nearest rural tourism and stay a night to go out and breathe nature.


Olot, land of volcanoes


From Ripoll, where we will be impressed by the magnitude of the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria, we will also have a great option of walks and shorter walks to take through its surroundings . Then we will leave for one of the mountain passes of our ambitious route, long but beautiful, the Collada de Coughs, a common passage for skiers, as it connects with the Cerdanya, Andorra and France . We will continue through Cerdanya and Alt Urgell. Right in the middle of these two regions, we can make a stop, even overnight, at one of those spas with history, authentic, it is the Hotel Banys de Sant Vicenç, with certified waters, wellness treatments and in a calm environment that is already a health injection.

In the Seu d'Urgell it is well worth taking some time to calm down strolling through its old town. And then we resume the journey to cross another mountain pass, the Port del Canto , again curves, but with a prize for the views from above, a place where you can have our picnic with a spectacular panoramic view of mountains and meadows.

Once past the port we arrive at sort where, in addition to making us with some lottery ticket , due to the luck that the town administration presumes, we can also choose to make a stop to discover corners of the region such as the Vall Ferrera , in the Alt Pirineu Natural Park , on the way to one of the highest peaks in the Pyrenees, Pica d'Estats . As happens throughout the route, following secondary roads we discover little lonely villages, with stone walls and slate roofs, like those of the Batlliu de Sort , without moving too far from the Pyrenean axis to which we always return, to continue.

Pica dEstats Pyrenees

Pica d'Estats, one of the highest peaks in the Pyrenees


The Romanesque monastery of Gerry of the Salt he's waiting for us. We will see it from the road, on the way to The town of Segur from where we will set course for two more mountain passes in a row, Perves and Viu de Llevata . They take us to the Pont de Suert, another point where, before entering Aragon, it offers us the possibility of enjoying this other Pyrenean enclave, escaping to visit the Valley of Boi , and its Romanesque churches Unesco Heritage, and the Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici.

already in Aragon, Lespaúles, Castejón de Sos, Aínsa and Sabiñánigo They will be our next stops to take advantage of the bath of nature in its valleys, going on excursions or simply staying in a rural tourism that helps us feel the territory, day and night. We will see cattle grazing in meadows, bucolic images between which we advance until Pony . There the Ice Pavilion draws attention for its undulating architecture. On its track we can dance some turns on skates, which will be another way of exercising the body alternative to excursions in the mountains.

Medieval town of Aínsa.

The medieval town of Ainsa

We will enter Navarra passing through Pamplona and we continue to verify that this N-260 brings us closer to charming little towns such as Monreal, cobbled streets and with nearby trails that take us to fairytale forests. The tourist chores in the Community of Navarre They will allow us to fill the days we want there before continuing towards the final stretch of our Pyrenean axis.

Overlapping the Camino de Santiago in various sections, we will pass through Egües, Ostiz, Berrizaún, Olague, Oronoz, Legasa, Donetzebe, Bera, Bidasoa and Behobia . More nature, again close to the sea, museums that tell us about the history of the towns, and gastronomy to savor their culture.

in Irun we arrived at the Cantabrian Sea and at the end of our challenge. End of the journey and well-deserved rest in this city that, much larger than Portbou, invites us to stroll through its streets and drink a cider, breathing in the sea breeze again.

Irun reminds us that every ending is a new beginning. There we will have France and the wonderful coast of Hondarribia next door and the rest of the Basque Country to continue enjoying the pleasure of traveling and discovering new destinations.

Call it Fuenterrabía or Hondarribia but enjoy it

Call it Fuenterrabía or Hondarribia, but enjoy it

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