Puerta del Sol will be completely pedestrian


Gate of the Sun Madrid

Puerta del Sol becomes completely pedestrian

From this Thursday, Puerta del Sol and some sections of the streets that surround it become completely pedestrian, raising to 16,751 the square meters destined entirely for pedestrians, they indicate in a statement from the Madrid City Council.

The measure, taken to comply with the European directive on air quality, converts Puerta del Sol into a zero emissions zone and eliminates the approximately 7,000 trips by vehicle that occur daily in the surroundings and in the emblematic square.

Pedestrianization map Puerta del Sol

Map that includes the new and existing pedestrian sections in Puerta del Sol and its surroundings

This pedestrianization affects a total of 5,546 square meters distributed among the 1,555 of the Puerta del Sol; 1,448 of Alcalá street; 945 of the race of San Jerónimo; 817 Espoz y Mina Street; 546 Calle de la Victoria, and 235 Calle Mayor.

Thus, they become pedestrian The main street on its way through the Puerta el Sol; Alcala street between Seville and Sol; the Carrera de San Jerónimo between Plaza de Canalejas and Kilometer Zero; Espoz and Mina between Calle de la Cruz and Carrera de San Jerónimo, and victory street between that of the Cross and Carrera de San Jerónimo. In addition, Esparteros street will undergo a change of direction.

For its part, Ten bus lines of the Municipal Transport Company (EMT) will undergo changes in their headers and in the route: daytime hours 3, 5, 15, 20, 51, 53 and 150; and the night N16, N25 and N26. These modifications can be consulted through the City Council website, where alternatives for driving with a private vehicle are also offered.

The new measurement will be indicated with specific vertical signs and on the road located at five points in the area: on Calle del Correo; in the street of the Cross with Espoz and Mina; in Victory with the Cross; in the access of Alcalá with Seville, and in Mayor with Esparteros.

Fences will not be placed to allow loading and unloading work. Instead, there will be controls by agents of the authority to prevent the access of private vehicles. Entry into the restricted area will have a penalty of 90 euros.

Puerta del Sol bus lines change map

Changes in the headings and stops of the routes of the bus lines as they pass through Puerta del Sol

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