Why is it so hard for us to disconnect on vacation?


Do you have a hard time disconnecting on vacation?

Do you have a hard time disconnecting on vacation?

Life goes like this. You live thinking about the weekend and the next vacation. You feel an irrepressible euphoria the days before finally closing the computer and leave your chair empty (the one that is taking temperature by seconds). And finally the day arrives, you say goodbye and see you soon to your colleagues and bosses. An “oh yes!” takes possession of you in those brief moments of extreme happiness.

Life is for you and vacations too.

But what happens next? There are people for whom vacations do not feel too good despite all its benefits. Suddenly, anxieties and contained stress surface, and some even fall ill without being able to do anything to avoid it.

Although vacations are synonymous with rest and enjoyment , Is not always that way. Many need two vacation periods to get some rest and unwind. Because if, the digital disconnect It is a problem that also haunts us outside working hours.

One in three workers cannot rest on vacation.

One in three workers cannot rest on vacation.

If you have ever felt that despite having vacations, you don't leave the work mode aside, it's normal (or more common than it should be). The study carried out by Expedia 'Vacation Deprivation' where more than 11,000 people from 19 countries were surveyed during September 2018, speaks specifically about this.

We Spaniards take an average of 2 and 3 days to relax (34% of those surveyed said so) ; 25% get it immediately, and between 4 and 5 days, 15%.

Why are we taking so long? Perhaps the reason is that 38% of Spaniards surveyed work during their vacations , while 70% check emails and 50% feel very stressed after doing so. And we are not the only ones, in countries like Germany, France, Japan, Brazil, Mexico they also take 2-3 days to relax.

An analysis by the Ranstad company in 2017 also provided data on the difficulty that exists today to relax on vacation and foreshadowed what would come in later years. One in three workers could not disconnect , and it was especially difficult for those of 25 years . 38.6% said they could not forget about work on their holidays.

France, for example, passed a law in 2017 that protected the worker from digital intrusion to get you to unwind during your vacation and also outside working hours. In Spain, a proposal was presented in October, the Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, which is pending approval.

How long does it take you to disconnect

How long do you take to disconnect?


In the new digital era it is difficult not to find a worker who does not receive emails or work calls in their rest period and who does not have a hard time unwind after taking your vacation. “On vacation, which is when you have to restore mental and emotional balance and you have to change routines to function and act flowing without impositions and free of obligations, some people find it difficult to adapt and rest. This can generate more stress and even pre-holiday syndrome,” says Juan Cruz González, clinical psychologist and consultant, founder of Diotocio and applied Positive Psychology programs.

Why do we find it difficult to disconnect and rest on vacation? The psychologist has several reasons to explain it.

“To face the day to day and the daily wear and tear that occurs, the body raises the levels of adrenaline and cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. But when this situation is maintained over time These hormone levels can be raised that breaks the balance and makes some people, during periods of rest, whether weekends or vacations, they can't stop even physically even if they want to ”.

It may also be due to a mental cause, since there are difficulties in stopping and wanting to leave everything resolved, disconnect from new technologies and balance their use... But we cannot forget the emotional and social causes that make it even more complicated.

"The excessive control, worries and fears they lead us to be more concerned with an uncertain future than to enjoy being busy in the present. At a cultural level, we have learned to overvalue work, to define who we are by what we do, and it is not well seen we allow ourselves to have time to do anything and let ourselves flow”, adds the psychologist.

We can achieve this with prior training.

We can achieve this with prior training.


Must disconnect on vacation, But let's not blame ourselves for not getting it. A first step to achieve this is to try feel more fulfilled outside of work life , the first determination to achieve it is to live much more in the present.

We are constantly dreaming of the weekend and the holidays without thinking that it is possible enjoy our day to day finding moments in which we can calm down and be free.

“There is an increasing tendency to wait for vacations or moments of rest. A change of consciousness is necessary and attitude to develop new routines. We have the ability to do it from brain neuroplasticity, practice it and incorporate it into daily moments to live with greater balance”, says Juan Cruz.

But how? One way to do this is through nature, 2018 was the year we talked about the benefits of forest bathing on our health. We can also achieve rest by doing activities that motivate us, although yes, with no other challenge or goal than to enjoy.

And very important: Leave rest days before or after the holidays to disconnect.




“Our brain can be trained and create changes but we need to do it like athletes, strengthen it with prior preparation with a few minutes each day ”, tells Traveler.es the psychologist.

Don't despair, you can learn to let go easily. How? Here are some tips:

1. Leave everything planned in time at work.

two. Accept that it is a situation of change of routines in eating, sleeping, and activities.

3. Go without high expectations and relying on the ability to learn and adapt.

Four. Have a flexible attitude against unforeseen events or changes.

5. Adopt a positive thinking attitude and emotionally intelligent optimism.

6. allow yourself to enjoy the moment , thank it and learn to transfer it in our day to day.

7. Disconnect "literally" for certain periods, especially by turning off devices.

8. Take up relaxing activities in contact with nature, either on the trip or previously.

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