Restaurants against hunger: solidarity on the plate


What happened last year was a completely new situation for society , something we had never faced before and for which we lacked tools. The consequences have been remarkably visible , but apart from the obvious ones, the pandemic has left behind a not so explicit scourge, a poverty caused by the crisis. Restaurants against hunger is the initiative that aims to stop it, uniting the hotel industry to solidarity.

Those responsible for the release are those who support the organization Action Against Hunger , an NGO whose motivation is stifle the causes and consequences of hunger about 50 countries. In this case, they turn to our country with the intention of help families at risk of poverty , and they do allying with the hostelry , another great punished in recent months.

restaurant kitchen

Your only duty will be to find your nearest restaurant.

Never has a campaign given so much value to the saying: "Union make force" . And it is that Restaurants against hunger brings together numerous catering businesses with the sole purpose of helping those who need it most, paying tribute to that solidarity so typical of restaurants.


If you want to register your business in the initiative, just fill out the web form and choose the dishes or menus that will be assigned. a donation of €0.50 to €2 each . It is what the organization has baptized as “become a good restaurant” , not only in the kitchen, but also in personality.

In this way, our only duty is to go to the registered establishments until November 15 . For each plate consumed, the restaurant will donate the chosen amount to Action Against Hunger. A simple campaign for both hoteliers and diners.


For each dish, a donation.

It is not the first time that Restaurants Against Hunger has been successful. With twelve consecutive editions and more than 9,000 participating restaurants , Has got raise more than €1,400,000 , which has resulted in more than 30,000 treatments against malnutrition.

That is why they have also had the support of great figures of gastronomy in our country. Susi Díaz, Quique Dacosta, Carme Ruscallega, Mario Sandoval, Albert Adriá or Joan Roca , among others, have been some of the names that have sponsored the campaign. Added to this edition Marta Verona and María Morales, both MasterChef contestants.

The only thing we have to do is dig into their list of Good Restaurants to find the closest one, go eat and enjoy twice: with your kitchen and with your solidarity . (Find your nearest restaurant here)

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