An unexpected Belgrade


An unexpected Belgrade

An unexpected Belgrade

The bridge in question does not go unnoticed in the Belgrade landscape and it does so with clean and elegant lines. It is a metaphor of efficiency and aesthetics in equal parts that occupies an increasingly important role in a city where you can find sophisticated and original places of which we make an inventory:


This restaurant a few meters from the Sava River, on Ulica Karadjordjeva Street, is the fruit of the happy combination between Italian cuisine and design . The large space also makes it versatile: during the day it also serves as a cafeteria; at night, it's a busy cocktail bar. In addition, his restaurant has managed to introduce a novelty in the city, the long joint tables . Although the local people are not used to having to share a table with strangers, here they have no choice. And they don't care, because they still want to be in one of the trendy places.

Comunale Italian cuisine and high doses of design

Comunale, Italian cuisine and high doses of design


It opened in 2011 and is an oasis of luxury in the area: the first five-star hotel in more than a decade in the country . Created by the Brazilian architect Isay Weinfeld, due to its interior design concept it can be considered almost a museum. In the rooms and common spaces, tons of wood brought from Brazil; in the lobby, a select collection of antiques yes In addition, it has the largest rooms in the city, with Hermés in the bathrooms. It is worth stopping at the central student square (Studentski Trg) if not to stay in the hotel, at least to have a drink in its bar.

Square Nine Hotel the first five stars in a decade

Square Nine Hotel: the first five stars in a decade


It is the space dedicated to design that every modern city seems to offer. It serves as inspiration and, at the same time, as a showcase for the creators of the area. Although it was created in the 90s, a group of designers has spent a few months revitalizing a proposal that had been somewhat abandoned. They got some help from the public authorities and since then they have only flourished boutiques and small businesses around the Choomich market . It can be accessed from Makedonska or Kolarčeva streets.


For Supermarket, design is a way of life . This is how this place, considered one of the first "concept stores" in Belgrade, has defended itself in recent years. Before, it was one of those supermarkets specializing in low prices, but only the name remains of that. Now it's a store, a restaurant, a mini-spa, an art gallery and also a tattoo parlor . All in one. And everything impeccable. You have plenty of time (and space) to have a lively agenda of cultural activities. In addition to its location at Visnjiceva 10, a branch in the Bikini Berlin complex will open from April 2014.

Supermarket a concept store with design as a way of life

Supermarket, a concept store with design as a way of life


Other places like KC Grad or Drugstore have that Berlin air - that is, a creative space, with a neglected aesthetic and located in an old industrial area - that suits Belgrade so well and that stirs up even more the already lively nightlife of Belgrade. the city. This cocktail bar instead draws the eye to the lower Dorćol , which is becoming the most fashionable neighborhood, located in the heart of the city. Nightly DJ sessions and the occasional live concert, no fixed dress code and long opening hours -from seven in the evening to four in the morning on weekends- they make it almost impossible not to find a moment to peek at Radionica if you visit the city.

Radionica bar a cocktail bar in the neighborhood of Dorćol

Radionica bar: a cocktail bar in the Dor?ol neighborhood

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