'Watch the stars', the definitive guide to recognize 88 constellations


'Gazing at the stars' a guide to recognize 88 constellations.

'Observe the stars', a guide to recognize 88 constellations.

Looking at the sky, recognizing the constellations, the stars, the planets... has become a great pastime for many during these months of confinement. But unless you use a mobile app, r recognizing the constellations that occupy our sky is not an easy task It takes time and reading.

Would you like to learn and recognize the patterns that the constellations follow? The editorial CincoTintas has published Look at the stars , a book that presents the 88 internationally recognized constellations , carried out by the Canadian writer Sara Gillingham, also a member of the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Cambridge.

Is about a definitive guide to know and recognize all the constellations visible from the planet Earth . It is ideal for all those interested in astronomy, as it provides witty and accessible descriptions of the heavens for readers to locate, name and tell the story – mythological or historical – behind each and every one of them.

The ancient constellations.

The ancient constellations.

For example, delve into the ancient constellations (mythological and zodiacal) and modern constellations (animals and people, objects and symbols). “Spanning from classical myths –such as that of the hero hercules or the ** myth of Aquarius about Ganymede **, the handsome Greek prince who became the official cupbearer of the gods– even the most modern constellations –such as toucan (The toucan), which is named after the native birds seen by explorers on their travels, or ** Telescopium ** (The telescope) which is named after influential scientific instruments of the time”, they point out from the editorial.

Also, each of the 88 star groups is visually presented in three ways : in its simple geometric form, from point to point; within a map showing its location relative to the other constellations, also indicating when and where to see it, and as an elaborate illustration of the character, object, or creature it represents.

The guide is complete with celestial maps of the northern and southern hemispheres and other resources, as well as websites and apps to dig deeper into the stories of the stars.

The definitive guide with which to learn about constellations.

The definitive guide with which to learn about constellations.

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