Space tourism is a reality


Fifty years after pilot Yuri Gagarin became the first human to go into outer space, space tourism is about to become a reality. Exactly 52 years later: in 1961 the Soviet cosmonaut completed one orbit of the Earth, and in 2023 the first commercial flights of the Spanish company EOS-X Space They will cross the last frontier of the journey.

Founded two years ago, EOS-X Space was born with the aim of becoming leader in the tourism sector nearspace, literally near space. That is, we speak of v flights capable of reaching altitudes of 30 to 40 kilometers and the chance to enjoy the thrill of space exploration without having to withstand G forces.

Compared to what other companies such as Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin or Space X propose, which play in the suborbital and orbital segment, further away, much more complex and much more expensive, EOS-X Space will drive the volume of space tourism over the next decade adding time and enjoyment to the experience.

“The experience of high-altitude flights offered by companies such as Blue Origin, Space X or Virgin Galactic lasts only a few minutes: our passengers they will be able to admire the curvature of the Earth for hours”, Explain the founder of EOS-X Space, Kemel Kharbachi.

EOSX your space odyssey.

EOS-X: your space odyssey.


EOS-X Space flights will not be carried out on rockets or space planes, but on large helium balloons, the size of a football stadium, which will gently lead to eight passengers (including the pilot) to the edge of the atmosphere, 40,000 meters above the Earth (four times the height of an airplane). From there, the view of our planet will be total, 360º: it will be possible to observe the curvature of the Earth and the blue halo. The flight will last a total of six hours. And it will be a sustainable flight: helium is a non-flammable gas and does not emit emissions. The balloon will not be reusable, but will be recovered and recycled after each trip.\


The first ship to launch EOS-X Space will be the Halo Blue 1. Its manufacturing and engineering is carried out in one of the company's Spanish bases, specifically in the one located In sevilla. From there they are also working on the ships for the first test flights that will begin this 2022. The company's other base is located in United Arab Emirates. According to the company, the hot air balloon ride will be similar to a commercial first class flight. As with any airline, travelers will have access to wi-fi, bathroom and a non-alcoholic bar area. They will go inside a pressurized capsule with panoramic vision and screens . They won't be wearing the heavy astronaut suits and they won't need any special training, just a pre-safety briefing much like we get on regular flights.

The capsule in which they will travel.

The capsule in which they will travel.


The EOS-X experience will also start before you enter the ship. offer a total of six days in the space complex to learn more about everything related to space travel and adventure. And an approximate price of 150,000 euros. They will have professionals in treatment of longevity anti-aging, spaces with hyperbaric chambers, a gastronomic offer of superfoods designed by Michelin-starred chefs and different activities focused on this new tourism.

On the last day, travelers are transferred by helicopter to the spacecamp shuttle, where they will meet the pilots and operations team before launching into outer space. A unique, life changing experience.

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