We need to talk about the selfie stick


We need to talk about the selfie stick

And why you can't take it wherever you want

What we mean is that such is the emotion and the string of news -almost daily- that arise around this contraption that anyone would say We are facing the invention of the century. The last? The appearance of ** a selfie stick that is also a spoon , thus opening a new era for him _ food porn ** -_came out a few hours ago and already sold out- . Or for the **South Korean "divas" who eat on camera** -and make A LOT of money doing it-.

They have also had their minute of glory "selfie arm" (perhaps emulating the famous images of the ** photographer who travels the world with the beautiful bride holding his hand **) and is even considering shoe shape selfie , an April's Fool joke that, due to demand, may become a reality.

It's getting out of hand

It's getting out of hand

The thing is: Is the world ready for the selfie stick? Interestingly, it seems not. Just a week ago, the internet went crazy with the headline "** More people die from selfies than from shark attacks **", repeated even in major newspapers - despite the fact that the Washington Post revealed the fallacy in its pages -. And the verbal attacks on this accessory are repeated day after day (at the same time, everything is said, its sales grow).

The thing has gone so far that even there are places where you can no longer use this gadget , and they are more and more: the Disney parks, the National Gallery in London, the Wimbledon track , the Smithsonian museums in Washington, the Palace of Versailles... and the list grows every day.

the frankensteinselfie

The Frankenstein-selfie

Recently, the MAC Gas Natural Fenosa and the Thysseen-Bornemisza Museum joined it, where it cannot be accessed with this artifact. "It is a potential danger for the works of art exhibited in the museum rooms, which can be hit or damaged. It is preferable to prevent to avoid damage, although photos are allowed, without flash, in the permanent collection", they clarify us from the second center.

In fact, the opinion of this art house is that its decision will soon be copied everywhere: "Especially in shows with a large influx of people for the damage that can be caused between them if it is used massively and without control".

London with selfie stick

London with selfie stick

Basically, It's the same answer they gave at Disney World, where there is also the danger of lock the stick in the attractions . However, in places like La Casa Encendida they are much more permissive: "Everyone is free to use the tool they most want to communicate with the rest of the world ", they tell us. And they are very clear that the stick is here to stay.

They explain it to us like this: "The selfie stick has become one more gadget for travelers who want to immortalize the best moments of their trip and share it via mobile in real time with all their friends. always looking a location that, in some way, allows to identify the place or, if that's difficult, how beautiful or special where they are. It's a way of explaining to the world' I have been here ’".

In fact, something of this tolerant and "adaptive" vision has rubbed off on many museums around the world , which, due to the proliferation of the selfie stick, have understood the importance of leaving a visual record of everything in the internet age, and they have lifted their traditional ban on taking photos of the works. Many have even joined the initiative #MuseumSelfie Day , which was held on January 21 and will be launched again on January 20 next year.

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