This is Bruges' plan to deal with post-pandemic tourism


Tourism Yes but sustainable

Tourism? Yes, but sustainable

Although what of “fairytale city” It even becomes somewhat repetitive, the truth is that we cannot think of a better description when talking about Bruges, its cobbled streets, its its canals and its bridges it is about.

Be that as it may, the point is that precisely that magical aura that surrounds this Belgian world heritage city is what took decades attracting millions of tourists to its streets.

Bruges Belgium

Bruges bets on sustainable tourism

Travelers eager for soak up its architecture , of its history and that wonderful flemish painting that for centuries had its breeding ground here, surrounded by a context of economic and cultural prosperity.

But now, in the XXI century , being aware that the world is changing at breakneck speed and that we are experiencing the consequences of a global health crisis unprecedented, in Bruges they remain ready to protect that great heritage which is your reason for being.

Before the appearance of Covid-19, the city had decided to take action on the matter, shaping everything an acting program -which had been developing since 2019 and monopolized until 2024- for prevent the mass tourism will devastate with the most valuable thing the city had: its essence.

Now, after this year and a half of crisis and with the confidence that the tourism sector will soon return to what it was, Bruges continues betting on its measures , although adapted to the new situation: if before they were focused on sustainable development, now they do so a sustainable recovery.


Of the more than 8.3 million people who passed through Bruges in 2018 -13% more than in 2017; in 2019 there were 7.9 million -, about 6 million were one-day tourists.


The historic center suffers the effects of mass tourism

Of those 6 million, in addition, half only spent in the city between 1 and 3 hours, taking away an incomplete and ephemeral perception of it and assuming, however, a huge impact. Of the total number of visitors, only 1.1 million decided to spend at least one night in Bruges.

These are numbers that not only attract attention, but also put the focus on the extent to which the fact that visitor figures to our cities rise year after year should be considered something positive or negative. Bruges, of course, was always clear: he decided bet on a tourism strategy to settle for the quality above the amount.

That it seek to guarantee growth in a sustainable manner, without the environmental, social and economic impacts negatives caused by the so-called overtourism. And on that same line, continue now: a safe destination They say it depends on it.

Because in Bruges they know well that tourism is a reality with which they must live: a large part of his economy depends on him -also around 6 thousand jobs-.

So, with all these numbers on the table, what are the guidelines that the city has established for mitigate the effects of the massive arrival of visitors How much did it already affect other European cities? All we have now.


Inspired by the idea that Bruges is as unique and incomparable as a four-leaf clover, it has been decided to also divide the program into four main points that advocate that tourism should contribute to create a city: a) balanced, b) connected, c) attractive and d) enterprising.

Bruges is no longer Erasmus

Balanced, connected, attractive and enterprising

balanced thanks to control of the impact of tourism , which must support, for example, those companies that choose to offer a quality service that entails a positive social and environmental effect , beyond trying to capture as many visitors as possible.

Connected thanks to the promotion of synergies between residents -almost 20 thousand people live in the 4.4 square kilometers which occupies the historic center of Bruges-, tourists and entrepreneurs, ensuring that everyone benefits from everyone and no one is harmed.

Attractive for tourism interested in its strengths, culture and history , to which they direct a large part of their offer. They believe it is important to strengthen that "brand" that has managed to carve out over time and that makes Bruges is known in all corners of the world.

And finally, entrepreneur: because The tourism in Bruges is synonymous with prosperity , and they have that very, very clear. That's why the city plans to continue supporting all those small entrepreneurs willing to do tourism related projects , always in a safe and controlled way.


And how have you thought about applying all these ideas? Well, the priority is, above all, to promote and give a lot of love to the tourist traveling independently and decides to spend the night in Bruges.

Gruuthuse Museum Bruges

Taking advantage of the low seasons will be key

Because one of the problems that the city suffered the most up to now was influx peaks , which sometimes led to the number of visitors will triple that of its population . For this reason, they will stop reinforcing those proposals that promote tourism for a few hours.

But of course, the question is to do it by intelligent growth -of tourism-. That is to say: both in quality - that the traveler who visits Bruges is so satisfied that extend his stay, decide to return or recommend the city to acquaintances- as in quantity -take advantage of low seasons and weekdays to promote residential tourism, that of the Belgians themselves who live in the surroundings of Bruges.

They also want to bet more on the congress tourism, incentive travel, business and MICE, expanding tourist proposals for these groups beyond the historic center, provided that they are initiatives that do not alter the order or the rest of the neighbors in the residential spaces.

Finally, another important decision: the number of hotel beds is paralyzed . In other words, Bruges stands before the increase in number of beds in hotels, just as it stops vacation rental proposals: there is a limited number of tourist apartments in the historic area and no more licenses are granted. A very important way of fight gentrification.

witches christmas

Bruges prepares to start a new stage

To these measures already entrenched since before the arrival of the pandemic, the city has wanted to add some more, focused on this new stage for tourism that we live now.

One of them has been to implement a series of support measures for tourism entrepreneurs to help them get out of the rough patch, as well as protocols to ensure that open their businesses gradually.

He has also developed a web page with information about the measures before the Covid-19 and the situation of the city, which is updated every moment and is constantly visited by residents and potential visitors.

In addition, they have created a new campaign, Imagine Bruges Summer Deal, with which they encourage all those travelers who stay at least two nights in the city , with a voucher exchangeable for various options - either a package of typical Bruges gifts , either a voucher to go shopping or enjoy a gourmet experience, or five coupons worth €10 each to spend on visits to monuments, museums, various attractions or guided tours.

In this way, with the support of locals, businessmen and the tourist community itself, Bruges is taking the first steps towards more sustainable and controlled tourism. Towards tourism, after all, of quality.

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