Van Eyck is here: Ghent pays tribute to the Flemish master in 2020


Ghent in 2020 is Van Eyck

Ghent in 2020 is Van Eyck

An era: the fifteenth century. A place: Ghent . A frame: 'The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb' . An artist? Jan Van Eyck , of course. These are the keys why the ghouls are celebrating this year. And we agree that there have never been a lack of reasons to encourage get to know Ghent . In that from its medieval layout to its castles, its canals, that fairytale atmosphere or, of course, its art, they have always been more than enough excuses.

But this 2020 is marked by an event that — OMG! — has convinced us all: the Belgian city pays tribute, in style, to the Flemish Master most admired in the world.

Because Jan Van Eyck was here , yes sir. But it turns out that today, six centuries later, he is more present than ever.

Ghent so beautiful and suggestive

Ghent, so beautiful and suggestive


"We Ghent have a special relationship with Van Eyck . Without going any further, we all remember how when we were children, already at school, they would take us to visit 'The Mystic Lamb' at Saint Bavo's Cathedral : it is part of our DNA”. This is what she tells us, excited, Astrid Van Ingelgom , General Coordinator of the project OMG! Van Eyck was here —the title is a nod to Johannes Van Eyck fut hic that the artist left embodied in his famous work 'The Arnolfini Marriage' —, and one of those responsible for the revolution that the city will experience during the next 12 months.

It has been three years of intense work that will finally bear fruit. Because 2020 is coming loaded: not only are there going to be two key moments in Van Eyck's art — the most complete exhibition of his work to date Y the return of his most acclaimed creation, after a long restoration, to its place of origin —: “We have also shaped a extensive program of activities that will allow us to enjoy the great master from all kinds of perspectives”. Something unusual so far.

But let's see, Who was Van Eyck? Well, in addition to a unquestionable genius , a oil painting master , a revolutionary perspectives and a true alchemist able to investigate, test and achieve hitherto unknown things with materials, Van Eyck was also diplomat and court painter to the Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good , for whom it is said / is commented, he even served as a spy.

'The Mystic Lamb' at Saint Bavo's Cathedral

'The Mystic Lamb' at Saint Bavo's Cathedral

He traveled throughout Flanders and beyond its borders, he sold his art to wealthy merchants and politicians, he rubbed elbows with the best of the time and he was part, of course, of that revolution that Ghent experienced during the fifteenth century , when it was at the nerve center of the artistic —and economic— movement in Europe. The same one that propitiated that during nothing less than 250 years It was the home, not only of Van Eyck, but also of other emblematic Renaissance and Baroque artists and, above all —and what interests us—, of some Flemish Primitives. We talk about Rubens or Bruegel , from whom if not?


The party has just started, and it has done so in a big way: it is incredible that, of the twenty-three extant works by Jan Van Eyck around the world, ten of them are together, for the first time in history, in an exhibition.

Half of his paintings will be exhibited for three months — from February 1 to April 30 — at the Ghent Museum of Fine Arts, the MSK , under the title Van Eyck. An optical revolution . works like 'The Diptych of the Annunciation' , on loan from Thyssen, 'The Annunciation' of the National Gallery in Washington, or the Portrait of Marguerite Van Eyck , his wife, on loan from the Groeningemuseum in Bruges, will shine along with many other wonders made by Van Eyck's own workshop, some copies of lost works or creations of some of his contemporaries.

Angels singing in the Ghent Altarpiece

Angels singing in the Ghent Altarpiece

Total 13 rooms divided into themes and 140 artistic treasures among which are also included, EYE TO THE DATA, the eight exterior panels of the beloved polyptych that, for the first time, appear outside the cathedral of San Bavón and separately. The opportunity to examine them up close and admire their details at close range is wonderfully exciting. Only. Yes indeed: As soon as the exhibition ends on April 30, they will return home.


In case it is not clear yet, we repeat it: Ghent is the city of 'The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb'. Spot.

this was where Van Eyck painted together with his brother Hubert —although he died before finishing it— his famous altarpiece , created for the cathedral at the behest of Councilor Joos Vijd and his wife Elisabeth Borluut. Completed in 1432, this is also where he has stayed most of the time since then.

And we say most of the time because, where we see it, the story of 'The Mystic Lamb' is anything but calm: stolen several times, abandoned, dismantled, copied, restored and, of course, rescued —except for one of the panels of the polyptych, that of 'The Just Judges' , which was never heard of again after his abduction in 1934—, the magnetism generated by his story and his presence is impossible to describe in words.


'The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb' returns to Ghent this year

And why is 2020 a key date for his masterpiece? Because after the second phase of a restoration has come to an end that has been developing since 2012 , the Mystic Lamb has returned to his beloved Saint Bavo's Cathedral , generating great expectation: the work carried out by the team of 10 restorers that has participated in the process —8 for the painting, 2 for the frame— has discovered the primitive aspect of the main panel: that of the lamb.

It was revealed that the play had with a series of repaints from the 16th century —up to seven different layers— which, when removed, have revealed the original polychromy and the —controversial— real face of the lamb . Yes, it is different from the one we all knew. Yes, it is strange to put a new face on it. But yes: it is, for sure, the one he painted in his day Van EycK , so there is no other choice than, whether you like it more or less, to continue adoring it as before.

The new face of Van Eyck's 'Mystic Lamb'

The new face of Van Eyck's 'Mystic Lamb'

But Van Eyck is celebrating for something else : In October 2020, the new visitor center that is being built in the Cathedral of Saint Bavo will be inaugurated. The altarpiece will be transferred to it and will continue to be admired there, as has been the case for six centuries, by millions of people arrivals from all corners of the world.


We ask ourselves the same thing. But don't worry: because this year Van Eyck has a lot going for him, even for this challenge! And it is that Ghent is much more than these great events that we have been talking about. "We want to show tourism our city, the creativity that exists: show its historical buildings, but also modern ones, urban art... The Van Eyck year is much more than the great exhibition ”, affirms Astrid Van Ingelgom emphatically in the presentation of the programme.

And an example of this variety of activities is the 7 Senses Tour : guided tours in multiple languages , lasting approximately two hours, which will present Ghent through Van Eyck's eyes . Or rather: with the eyes of those who have been inspired by Van Eyck.

Hearing, taste, touch, sight, smell, the sixth sense and movement . All of them caused, in some way, by something created six centuries ago that takes new forms and transforms into new ideas.

The classic Belgian houses in Ghent

This 2020 routes are organized through Ghent following in the footsteps of Van Eyck and his contemporaries

And by this we mean, for example, the urban art embodied in the facades of the city hand in hand with big names like Cake or Isaac Cordal . Also to the installation erected in an old building next to a canal in which the responsible artist promises to reveal, among other things, the smell of god -OMG!- A boat ride will go through a 150 meter tunnel with a lively music installation and projections of the artist's great works, while a small fruit orchard located behind the Saint Bavo's Cathedral will fill the heart of the city with plants and flowers represented in the great masterpiece. And speaking of flowers and plants: The Floralias , one of the most emblematic celebrations in Ghent, will also feature Van Eyck this year.

All this combined, of course, with the delight of admire those same historic buildings that in his day, six centuries ago, Van Eyck himself also admired. The routes will start from April 30, 2020.

Urban art inspired by Van Eyck will invade Ghent this 2020

Van Eyck-inspired street art will invade Ghent in 2020


The beginning and end of this tour will be a very special place: located in the basement of the municipal bell tower, in the old Cloth Hall , is from ** February 1 the Van Eyck shop ,** with originals products inspired by the artist . The best? They will be made by little Ghent craftsmen —there are now 75 and the list continues to grow— that have created a unique product for the occasion.

And what are these? From jewelry to rugs , going through scarves, candles, ceramics, coasters, notebooks... and even beer ! —we are talking about Ghent, what did you expect?—: the one that has been prepared for the occasion from 28 herbs that appear perfectly represented in 'The Mystic Lamb'.

Van Eyck shop

Van Eyck shop

Another of the objects created for the occasion are the handbags , made by hand and one by one, by the artist Buck's Pearl : “I got carried away the women reflected in the Van Eyck altarpiece , which are not many, I have to say. I have worked the leather to capture their faces and I have created, for now, ten different absolutely unique and exclusive bags ”, She tells us while she shows us the details and finishes of this original accessory, each of which requires a full week of work. Not leaving the store without a bag with some handcrafted piece hanging from your arm will be, as we have already warned, practically impossible.


The culinary heritage is another of the program strengths . To do this, one of the most renowned chefs in the city, the Michelin star Olly Ceulenaere , he has investigated, read, experimented, risked and bet on 15th century flavors and recipes that he has been able to masterfully reinterpret and transfer to the 21st century. His proposals, for which he has used regional zero kilometer products , are an authentic journey through time through the palate.

But the most interesting thing is that his ideas can not only be tried in his own restaurant, Publiek : the chef has shared his conclusions with restaurants, patisseries and fries of the city that, adapting them to his modus operandi, will also offer endless interpretations of that cuisine from six centuries ago.

Creation of Publiek

Creation of Publiek

Yuzu , the chocolatier of master Nicolas Vanaise , who has been working in the world of chocolate since 2003, has also joined this great year. The result has been The Van Eyck Collection : six pralines based on the flavors of the time, but also on the iconography, colors and shapes of the great altarpiece . Almonds and strawberries, coffee and hazelnuts, absinthe or cinnamon and crème brûlée are just some of the exquisite combinations. To find happiness in its broadest sense, you just have to go to Walpoortstraat 11 : there awaits the chocolate paradise.


But OMG! Van Eyck was here covers more, much more. And he does it, for example, in the Church of Saint Nicholas with the surprising and evocative multimedia show light are , devised by the artist Mat Collishaw: four robots dance to the rhythm of a musical composition playing with the altarpiece itself, dividing and organizing itself endlessly in a beautiful dance of lights and color that is hopelessly captivating.

Another great moment will take place on September 22, 2020 : it will be then that the internationally famous composer of Estonian origin, Arvo Part world premiere of his work 'Agnus Dei, the worship of the Lamb' , in Saint Bavo's Cathedral: a composition for choir and organ created especially for the event.

And from musical art to design: the Ghent Design Museum analyzes the seven colors most used by Van Eyck in his work and prepares the exhibition Kleureyck. Van Eyck's colors in the design , in which different artists will show their creations, letting themselves be inspired by them —from March 13 to September 6—. More exhibitions, concerts, plays, fashion and even sporting and children's events will have Van Eyck and his grandiose altarpiece as their central theme throughout 2020. 12 months in which the absolute leading role will be for the one who was —and still is— the most beloved, admired and vaunted artist in Ghent.

What was said: the essence of the 15th century once again takes over the most artistic Belgian city.


well in witches, More Van Eyck! It is the city in which the artist lived for much of his life and in which he established his workshop, how can we not pay tribute to him in his year?

And it will start as soon as the big exhibition in Ghent is over: from April 12 the Groeningemuseum will host a new exhibition entitled Jan Van Eyck in Bruges , with which to learn a little more about the artist's creations and life in Bruges. Not exactly about Van Eyck, but about another of the important Flemish Primitives , the exhibition will be Memling now: Hans Memling in contemporary art , which can be visited at Sint Janshospitaal , where will also take place Heaven in a nutshell. Medieval art for private devotion.

To top off the Van Eyck cultural experience, from March 12 You can also do the guided tour Meet & greet Van Eyck , with which to understand the atmosphere that reigned in the city during that fifteenth century in Bruges and visit those places related to the artist. Two obligatory stops are the van eyck square Y the place where his old house-workshop was located.

Van Eyck awaits you in Ghent

Van Eyck awaits you in Ghent

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