A walk through the most beautiful squares of Paris


Place des Vosges

Place des Vosges, in the heart of Le Marais


Erected in the early 17th century under Henry IV, It was renamed in honor of the birth of his son, the Dauphin, the future Louis XIII.

Hidden **on the Île de la Cité, near the Sainte-Chapelle **, this secluded little triangular square is protected by beautiful buildings and at its ends, by the former Palace of Justice in Paris and the monumental Ponf Neuf.

Away from the turmoil, it's a meeting point for petanque lovers and lovers who stroll and dine in its cozy restaurants.

Place Dauphine

Place Dauphine, the most romantic of the squares in Paris


In this square participated multiple renowned architects ; among them Pierre Lescott, who made its Renaissance façade, the oldest in the Louvre museum.

This was decided in 1545 by Francis I, the day before his death and was decorated by Jean Goujon in honor of the French sovereign. It is without a doubt one of the most wonderful spots in Paris; at nightfall, its perfect lighting makes its walls a beautiful theater set.

The bustle that wakes up The Pyramid of Leo Ming Pei , located on the adjoining cour Napoléon, mysteriously stops at the entrance that separates them. A) Yes, the only appreciable murmur is that of the water from its fountain and the soft melody of some transverse flute ; causing a true Stendhal syndrome.


The Renaissance facade, by Pierre Lescot


created at the initiative of Louis XIV, with the plans of the architect Hardouin Mansart from 1699, in a classic French style, to succumb to the desire of the Roi Soleil to honor the monarchy.

This octagonal square is characterized by its famous colonne Vendôme founded by Napoleon Bonaparte to applaud his victory at the Battle of Austerlitz.

From the Second French Empire, and with the subsequent opening of the ** Hotel Ritz **, the Place Vendôme becomes the quintessential place of opulence and Parisian elegance. This chic image is preserved thanks to its haut de gamme jewelry and watch shops.

Place Vendome

The Place Vendôme and its famous column


Entering from rue Vide-Gousset you come across a kind of piazzetta in which calm reigns. Its name is due to **the memory of the Augustinian convent (called petits-Pères) **, located there in the past. Specifically, it corresponded to the patio of the same, being its church, l to Basilica of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires.

The eponymous rue stands out, formerly devoted to shops selling pious objects whose facades are dominated by statuettes, such as the Maison Bleue, religious bookstore and publisher since the 19th century, today replaced by a current store.

This unique and timeless corner, unknown even by Parisians, gives off nostalgia for the past, when the neighborhood kids get together to play ball.

His charm increases with the Le Moulin de la Vierge bakery-cafe, which occupies an old boutique with mirrors and frescoes, recognized as a Historical Monument. From its terrace you will enjoy this Parisian haven of peace!

The Moulin de la Vierge

The bakery with a terrace overlooking the Place des Petits-Pères


This sober but spectacular square is one of the four Royal squares of the city. is dominated by an imposing bronze equestrian statue of Louis XIV , decreed in homage to his military triumphs; by one of his celebrated courtiers, La Feuillade.

He asked the sculptor Martin Desjardins said figure and the architect Mansart , build a square to welcome it. It was the first circular place in the history of classical urbanism.

It is located in the center of Paris, between the Palais Royal, the quartier de la Bourse and the busy Etienne Marcel neighborhood; and houses residences and fashion and decoration boutiques.

Place des Petits Peres

Place des Petits-Pères, a haven of Parisian peace


located in the heart of Le Marais , this distinguished jewel of the seventeenth century is a trip to the times of the kings of France; originally called place Royale, it was required by Henri IV and inaugurated in 1615 for the wedding of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria.

They resided in it Madame de Sévigné, Richelieu and Victor Hugo ; whose house is a free museum dedicated to the illustrious French writer.

This square, one of the most expensive in Paris, is bordered by a symmetry of exceptional bourgeois apartments, whose arcades house **contemporary art galleries and cafes. **

Place des Vosges

The historic Place des Vosges


This charming hideaway on the rive gauche, close to the Church of Saint-Germain-des-Pres ; At the end of the 17th century, it was the front courtyard of the abbey palace of the same.

Two centuries later, he settles in it Eugene Delacroix , where the museum dedicated to his work is currently located; the workshop, conceived by the artist, and its flowery garden isolated from the outside.

This bend reflects the charming spirit of yesterday's Saint-Germain-des-Près. On spring nights, the violet flowers of its four paulownias and the light of its five-arm lamppost add to the environment a pleasant character of douceur de vivre.

Place de Furstemberg

The bucolic Place de Fürstemberg


Created in the 18th century by order of Louis XV according to Jacques Ange Gabriel, the first architect of the king ; It was a mythical location for large demonstrations, both royal and popular.

During the Revolution Française, it was the Place de la Révolution and it was there that Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were guillotined.

This square, the largest in the capital; it has an incomparable location; on the one hand enjoy the grandiose perspective of the Champs Elysées and for another of The Tuileries. In addition, they flank her at a distance, the Palais Bourbon on the left bank of the Seine and the Madeleine church on the right.

Built in a classic style and surrounded by prestigious mansions such as the ** Hôtel de Crillon **; brag about his imposing obelisk of Louxor, offered by Egypt , as well as two wonderful fountains and eight statues representing the main cities of France.

Place de la Concorde

The Place de la Concorde, which was once the Place de la Révolution


is situated in the epicenter of the “nouvelle-Athènes” ; formed in the early 19th century as a romantic opposition to Haussmann's architecture. Neoclassical constructions were built on it, becoming one of the artistic centers of the city at the time.

Its circular shape was conducive to carriages and its central fountain, used as a watering hole for horses, was replaced by the bust of a well-known caricaturist of that time.

Embrace beautiful buildings; What the Fondation Dosne-Thiers and its historic library , which boasts of its halls and gardens, as well as the **hôtel de la Marquise de Païva**, ostentatiously decorated and one of the most emblematic of the nouvelle-Athènes.

Place Sanit Georges

The Place Sanit-Georges, at the epicenter of the “nouvelle-Athènes”


It occupies the square of the old town of Montmartre , which brought together Parisian bohemia from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th.

Located a few meters from the ** Sacré-Coeur basilica **, it is one of the most touristy and clichéd areas of Paris.

This movie square attracts the traveler for its Parisian folklore; gathering a hodgepodge of accordionists dressed in guise of titi parisien and artists and portraitists with béret , who exhibit and sell their works.

In order to appreciate it properly, it is advisable to arrive early in the morning or at night.

Place du Tertre

The Place du Tertre, full of painters and portraitists

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