Michelin bets on Barcelona (and Portugal) in the year of the "rain of stars"



Paolo Casagrande, three Michelin stars

Nobody expected this turn of events, and that (it must be admitted) is embroiled every year by the Michelin Guide : the media, gastronomes and the sector have done nothing more than warm up the atmosphere in the face of this unexpected climax. And as always: all wrong . The jackpot goes to Barcelona and the gastronomic project of Martin Berasategui, Paolo Casagrande and Joan Carles Ibáñez in the Hotel Monument . Lasarte is the new must: “A unique cuisine. It justifies the trip!”

The three stars of Barcelona

The three stars of Barcelona

And there we have the first conclusion: Barcelona gains weight against Madrid as gastronomic capital ; the third star to Lasarte and the first to Celeri (I'm so happy for Xavier Pellicer: Celeri is one of our essentials) and ** Xerta de Fran López** (who adds his second macaron, in addition to the one he owns at Villa Retiro in Terres de l'Ebre), who join the excellent moment of Alchemy, Tickets or Enjoy (all candidates for the second). And there they continue Enoteca, Moments and Abac with two stars —in my opinion, one rung below the three candidates, but “E la vita, la vita”.



Madrid achieves a new two stars with the (this time yes) expected recognition to DSTAgE by Diego Guerrero —I don't even want to imagine what it's going to be like to get a table in this house starting tomorrow… Also expected were the first étoiles for ** A'Barra ** and Rodrigo de la Calle at the ** Invernadero **. Bravo. Perhaps surprising is the first "macaron" for Gaytan In any case, we are happy for Javier Aranda.


Diego Guerrero, two Michelin stars

Plus? Finally L'Escaleta (a regular at Mantel & Cuchillo ) achieves the coveted second, too BonAmb by Alberto Ferruz and Pablo Catalá —Alicante hits hard. Also watch out for punch on the table of Cantabria , with Annua in San Vicente de la Barquera and the Amos Gazebo in Villaverde de Pontones.

L'Escaleta welcome

L'Escaleta, welcome


We knew that this year the Guide was going to be flattery with the neighboring country , but we did not expect the barrage: two new two stars, Il Gallo d'Oro in Funchal (Madeira) and The Yeatman in Vila Nova de Gaia (Porto) and seven new first stars : ** Casa de Chá da Boa Nova ** in Leça da Palmeira, the restaurants ** Alma ** and CRAZY in Lisbon. Plus? ** William ** (Madeira/Funchal) , L'And Vineyards (Montemor-o-Novo) or antiqvvm (Porto) and, finally, the Lab by Sergi Arola of Sintra.

The message is clear: the amazing gastronomic progress of the neighboring country and that, surely, next year we will see each other in Portugal, in the Michelin Gala 2018. Do we bet?




Three stars

lasarte (Barcelona)

... which joins Akelarre, Martín Berasategui and Arzak in Guipúzcoa, Azurmendi in Vizcaya, DiverXO in Madrid, El Celler de Can Roca in Girona, Sant Pau in Sant Pol del Mar and Quique Dacosta in Dénia.

Two stars

L'Escaleta (Alicante)

DSTAgE (Madrid)

Annua (San Vicente de la Barquera, Cantabria)

Amos Gazebo (Villaverde de Pontones, Cantabria)

BonAmb (Xàbia, Alicante)

Il Gallo d'Oro (Funcha, Madeira, Portugal)

The Yeatman (Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto)

A star

Celeri (Barcelona)

** Xerta ** (Barcelona)

ca l'harp (Banyoles)

La Boscana (Bellvis)

L'Antic Moli (Ulldecona)

** A'Barra ** (Madrid)

Gaytan (Madrid)

** The Greenhouse ** (Collado Mediano, Madrid)

** Raul Resino ** (Benicarlo)

feel (Ontinyent)

COBO Vintage (Burgos)

Noor (Cordova)

Bulwark (Soria)

Adrian Quetglas (Palma de Mallorca)

Argus (Port de Pollensa, Majorca)

A star in Portugal

** House of Chá da Boa Nova ** (Leça da Palmeira)

** Soul ** (Lisbon)

CRAZY (Lisbon)

** William ** (Funchal, Madeira)

L'And Vineyards (Montemor-o-Novo)

antiqvvm (Port)

Lab by Sergi Arola (sintra)

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