Adventure under the stars: the map of the places where you can camp in Spain


boy with tent on summit

Plant your tent and merge with nature

That idyllic moment that we see in the movies -and, increasingly, on Instagram-, in which a group of friends roast clouds of sugar in an improvised bonfire, before going to sleep in the middle of nature is, in our country , almost a utopia. “In general terms, we can say that free camping is prohibited in Spain and its practice can lead to an economic sanction that can be quite high”.

Pablo García and Carlos Moreno, authors of the website on bicycle trips ** Con Alforjas **, explain it to us. However, the aforementioned situation occurs, above all, in the event that we want to set up a tent; if we want to spend the night in the open, things change... but not much. "In theory, bivouac could be practiced , namely, sleep outdoors without a tent . However, there are some regional regulations that also expressly prohibit it.

Even so, the experts clarify that the risk of sanction in the case of the bivouac is lower than the one that exists if a tent is placed. That yes, always taking into account that our country is one of those of the Union in which more wild camping is persecuted : “Although free camping is prohibited in almost all European countries, in Spain the persecution of campers is greater than in other states where it is not allowed either. At the other extreme are countries like Norway or Scotland, where wild camping is allowed and is a fairly common practice , or France, where it is much more tolerated”.

two people in a hammock over a river

Practicing bivouac is less persecuted than camping

This being the case, where could we live our glorious communion with nature, that counting stars until dawn that many of us have dreamed of? To begin with, in the areas designated for 'controlled camping'. “These spaces are delimited by the municipalities. In some cases, are free, and in others you pay a symbolic amount”, they explain from Con Alforjas. "For the vast majority, you have to request permission from the corresponding town hall since, on many occasions, they are only for group youth camping, camp type."

Bloggers also point out another exception to the rule: the high mountains. “There are some Autonomous Communities, such as Aragón, which allow camping from 1,500 meters of altitude , as long as certain requirements are met”, they tell us.

With all this data and with the help of many internet users who love nature, Pablo and Carlos have created a map of places where wild camping can be carried out in Spain, or what is the same: your new coordinates to fulfill that dream of a movie that we were talking about at the beginning. Thus, the areas where camping is allowed are in yellow, while the free shelters are in blue. "Eye! We are not going to include sites of the type: 'One day I camped there and nothing happened', but only the controlled camping areas enabled by municipalities. Legal 100% ”, warn the authors.

In this way, the map includes beautiful wooded spaces in the middle of the ** Sierra de Cazorla **, such as ** Los Negros **, and even offers tips to enjoy your stay (“It is advisable to climb Mount Espino, through a pine forest dotted with maples, gall oaks and hawthorns. At the highest point you can see some of the most beautiful views of the Sierra de Segura”). There are also free shelters like the one in Saint Barbara , in the region of La Selva (Girona). It is said that there is no water available, but there are “magnificent views”.


Although they are legal, before camping in any of these places, from Con Alforjas we recommend contact the town hall that manages it to find out. "Governments change and the situation can change rapidly in an area," they warn. And, of course, follow the specific rules of each place. “In the places of controlled camping panels are usually installed with the regulations which usually includes not making a fire outside the areas designated for it (which are usually barbecues), not throwing garbage, etc. As a general rule, and common sense, we must always leave the site the same (or better) than we found it”, affirm Pablo and Carlos.

camping under the stars with campfire

On the map there are only legal areas for camping

In fact, making a brief review of recent history -which includes a state law of 1966 that was quite permissive with free camping, which became much less so with the implementation of the Autonomies-, both recognize that the fact that laws are becoming more restrictive As for free camping, it can make sense, despite the fact that it limits our enjoyment of natural landscapes.

“You have to start a base: so that there is no prohibition, there must be education. We, personally, would like it to be legal, since, as lovers of nature and outdoor activities, we are the first ones who are going to take care that our presence goes unnoticed and does not cause any damage or residue -especially when it comes to a camp that is set up at dusk and dismantled at dawn-. However, legalizing it without conditions can cause a much greater evil, since there are many people who, due to ignorance or lack of environmental education, do not behave appropriately when they free camp and can pose a significant danger (fires, rubbish...) ”.

Do we pay just for sinners? ”, ask the cyclists. "It's possible. Our position is that the authority on duty that 'discovers' a free camping should interpret what type of person and camping is taking place, and decide whether or not it is punishable. In the end, It is your judgment when applying the regulations. the one that prevails”, they explain.

girl drinking coffee next to tent

We must leave the place better than we found it

In fact, on their website they give some wild camping tips , which include asking the police for permission if you are in a town or city and explaining that you are only going to spend the night. However, in the event that law enforcement wakes you up in the middle of the night, they are usually polite. “Explain to them that you are traveling with your bicycle and that, the next day, you will leave at dawn. The normal thing is that be understanding and even offer you a better place to stay ”. Moreover, the neighbors may even do it: “In small towns, especially in the mountains, it is a good option to ask the neighbors for a place to camp to sleep; many times, they will offer you a garden or an orchard, or even, with luck, their own house”.

tent in landscape

Better to warn that we will camp in the area

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