Ecocapsule, the


ecocapsule on the beach

Vacation on the most remote beach in the world? It can!

It will draw your attention to its smoothly rounded shapes , but what will definitely make you interested in this premade house -possible to be mobile - is his sustainability and his self-sufficiency: " eco capsule works using only clean energy sources : solar and wind energy. Also, save rain water and, through an extremely efficient chain of filters, it can also clean the water of any natural source ", explains Tomas Zacek, founder, CEO and design director of Ecocapsule.

However, it is not the only thing that differentiates this housing unit from the caravans to use. Thus, despite the fact that both can be inhabited and carried from one place to another, they have different walls : those of mobile homes are very thin, from 1.5 to 8 centimeters, while those of Ecocapsule have 18 and are filled with insulating foam high perfomance. "This makes the Ecocapsule features much closer to a standard house than of a mobile home and allows its use in different environments and climates Zacek says.

Ecocapsule in the city

Any place is good to place an Ecocapsule

That of serving in any environment, no matter how remote, is a reality that the company knows constitutes one of its greatest attractive, so Ecocapsule can not only be dragged with a special trailer -which can be attached, yes, only to cars capable of moving more than two tons -, but it is sent to any place in the world in containers -with a very low price-, crane... and helicopter ! "The helicopter option offers unique opportunities: in this way, Ecocapsule can be placed permanently In nature , in the mountains or anywhere that cannot be accessed by means of transportation traditional ", clarifies the CEO.

This leads us, once again, to talk about its greatest innovation, the ability to operate without access to any power source "traditional": "Solar energy is obtained through 880 watt solar panels custom designed and placed on the roof," says Zanek. "Wind power is obtained through a wind turbine high performance with an installed power of 750 watts. All power is stored in 9.7kWh batteries. The water comes from the rain or, as I have already mentioned, from any natural source". Yes, even from the water itself! sea !

ecocapsule in nature

Ecocapsule can be installed in extraordinary places

Due to these special characteristics and the fact that each one is manufactured piece by piece according to the needs of the client, the first generation of Ecocapsule consists only of 50 units and is marketed to €79,900. There are still some for sale, and it is expected that all will be delivered to half of 2019.

Among those being manufactured, there are those that will be used as cabin, What hotel rooms in extraordinary places, such as ecological lodgings in natural enclaves and even as temporary housing for those who work in protected environments: {#resultbox} biologists, photographers, foresters...

The second generation, however, will be mass created , so your chances of customization will decrease along with its price. Of course, we will not have to wait long to start seeing it around the world: its production will begin as soon as they finish the first one, and, according to the founder of Ecocapsule, there is already waiting list and distributors all over the planet.

inner eco capsule

Its interior can be fully customized

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