Jordan Trail: 90.6 kilometers connecting Petra with the Wadi Rum desert


Another way to get to know Jordan.

Another way to get to know Jordan.

for thousands of years Jordan It was a popular place for its trade routes, one of the best known was the King's Highway that ran between Egypt and Aqaba. Despite the passage of time, these routes that were previously used by merchants are today a perfect step for adventurers who want to get to know the Jordanian culture and one of its most beloved jewels, Petra.

Preserving these routes and trails arose the jordan trail , a 650 kilometer adventure that crosses the country from north to south passing through more than 52 towns and cities ; and made up of eight stages, from Umm Qais to Aqaba , a total of 40 days of walking through the history, culture and nature of Jordan. Something like the Jordanian Camino de Santiago , open to all audiences 365 days a year.

Dare with its penultimate stage 906 kilometers of adventure.

Dare with its penultimate stage: 90.6 kilometers of adventure.

Each of the routes has different conditions, and it is convenient to do them in certain months due to weather conditions. And although the eight routes are incredible, without a doubt one of the most peculiar due to its beauty is the penultimate stage , what CONECT the city of Petra with the imposing desert of Wadi Rum.

The climate in Jordan is very similar to ours, so this route should be done in the less hot months, since we are talking about crossing the desert, so It is recommended to do it from October to November.

It is a journey of about 90.6 kilometers , feasible for a week, in which wonders of nature such as boar harun or the 'Mount Aaron' and the cliffs of Jebel Rum Y Jebel Um Ishrin.

The penultimate stage of the Jordan Trail unites two legendary places: the 'eighth wonder of the world' Y the Laurence desert of Arabia . A magnificent opportunity to observe the starry sky from Wadi Rum, the open plains, the desert and some of the least visited places in the country.

Jordan Trail in full.

Jordan Trail in full.

The stops of the penultimate stage of the Jordan Trail are:

1. From Petra to Gaa' Mriebed

2.From Gaa' Mriebed to Wadi al-Saif

3.From Wadi al-Saif to Wadi Gseib

4.From Wadi Gseib to Wadi Aheimar

5.From Wadi Aheimar to Humeima

And if you complete it, 650 km await you.

And if you cover it completely, 650km await you.


While is true that you can organize your trip without the need for agencies by following the advice that they mark on their website , you can also do it with the official ones suggested by the Jordan Trail.

They also organize travel packages for professionals , the next expeditions will take place in October: from the entire route to just north or south of the route. Here you can learn more details.

From Jordan Trail they provide information and reservations for each of the routes. Most include transportation, three meals a day, accommodation, entrance fees for some monuments, and refilling water during the trip. Because You will have to bring your own water bottle since this route is free of plastics.

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