Traveling with The Simpsons


The Simpson

There is no continent that can resist them

They have traveled half the world with adventures of all kinds. Following a GPS signal by mistake, they arrived at Machu Picchu. Mel Gibson brought them to Hollywood to help him improve the ending of one of his movies. A love of Bart's led them to Toronto.

They were kidnapped in Brazil. They accompanied the clown Kursty to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. In Cuba they sought tax benefits. A supermarket incident ends Homer in India. And an argument over a donut caused a serious conflict between Russia and the United States.

What began in 1987 as a small section on the Fox network has now become the longest-running American sitcom in history.

The Simpson

The Simpson family turns 30 on the small screen!

In 1989 they debuted with their own show and today, three decades later, they can boast of having dozens of awards and even having a star on the Walk of Fame. At Traveler, we celebrate this anniversary with a route around the world with The Simpsons.

**AUSTRALIA. Bart vs. Australia (Season 6 / Episode 16) **

Do you know what he is? Coriolis effect ? This is the origin of the problems that take Bart to Australia. Lisa has explained to him that there the water in a drain runs in the opposite direction depending on the hemisphere, and he decides to check it by doing some international calls.

The last one to Australia, albeit collect to avoid the charge… until whoever receives the bill – for $900 – decides to take action.

**JAPAN. 30 minutes in Tokyo (Season 10 / Chapter 23) **

To get cheap travel, the family stands at the airport waiting for a drop to any destination. Homer wants to go to Jamaica, Lisa to Paris, and Marge to Hawaii, but chance takes them to Japan.

A chapter, by the way, that It has never been issued in Japan for his parody of inflation and the scene where Homer and Bart do a sumo wrestling match against Emperor Akihito.

**ANTARCTICA. Something very funny that Bart will never do again (Season 23 / Chapter 19) **

One of the last trips of The Simpsons takes them cruise through Antarctica. To add excitement to the journey – and avoid going back to your boring life – Bart misleads crew and passengers and warns of a pandemic that he must keep them in the sea so as not to be infected.

**CHINA. Gu Gu Gai Pan (Season 16 / Chapter 12) **

Selma's decision to adopt a baby takes the family all the way to China. In order to carry out the paperwork, Homer must pretend to be her husband, although as usual, he fails to play her role successfully. This journey also takes you to the Tiananmen Square and to visit the mummified body of Mao Zedong.

**TANZANIA. The Simpsons Safari (Season 12 / Episode 17) **

An incident with a box of cookies ends in the form of a prize and a trip that takes The Simpsons to Tanzania. There they visit places like Masai Mara, the Ngorongoro, or Kilimanjaro. And they also meet Dr. Bushwell, a researcher who lives among chimpanzees and who happens to be a parody of primatologist Jane Goodall.

**ENGLAND. Regina's monologues (Season 15 / Chapter 4) **

After an unexpected stroke of luck, the Simpson family finds money to go on vacation. The chosen place is London, where Grandpa wants to go to visit Edwina. There they are received by the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who by the way recorded the episode part of him after eight months of negotiations. They also know J.K. Rowling and they have a little incident with Queen Elizabeth II and her carriage.

Do you want to hear the original voice that Blair recorded for The Simpsons? Hit play below!

**IRELAND. In Grandpa's Name (Season 20 / Chapter 14)**

Guinness beer, leprechauns, U2 or James Joyce are just some of the references mentioned in this chapter on Ireland. The Simpsons decide to make it up to Grandpa Abraham after an oversight and he chooses to go to the pub where he, he says, he spent the best night of his life. But things, this time, are not so wonderful.

**ISRAEL, JERUSALEM. The Greatest Story Ever Told (Season 21 / Episode 16)**

Flanders invites the Simpson family to a spiritual retreat in Jerusalem. And although at first Homer is more interested in the breakfast buffet than in the religious monuments, things change when he begins to believe he is a 'chosen one' who must create a new religion. He calls himself 'Messiah' and is diagnosed with Jerusalem syndrome.

**BRAZIL. Blame it on Lisa (Season 13 / Chapter 15) **

This time the family travels to Rio De Janeiro to find a boy who corresponded with Lisa and who has mysteriously disappeared. while they search for him, Homer is kidnapped while in a taxi. His captors ask for $50,000 and the location chosen for the ransom turns out to be unconventional.

This episode caused a lot of discomfort in Brazil due to the topics that the chapter exploited. The government wanted to take legal action and in the end it all ended with a public apology from the producers.

**And finally… Homer in outer space (Season 21 / Episode 16)**

Buzz Aldrin was one of the guest stars of this chapter in which Homer becomes an astronaut. NASA was looking for a common man to take to space and he crosses their path. At Cape Canaveral he undergoes all kinds of tests and once in orbit he decides to open a bag of chips and things get complicated.

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