Things you probably didn't know about Katz's


New York's most famous sandwiches turn 125

New York's most famous sandwiches turn 125


Because it's New York history. **Few places are older than Katz's **: 125 just turned this May (the Empire State, for example, is only 82, do the math). But it is also a story that can be savored in your pastrami, corned beef, tongue, turkey or tortilla sandwiches (with all of the above) , which have followed the same recipe since 1888. Yes, Meg Ryan's fake orgasm in When Harry Met Sally (pointed out in the restaurant with a sign) made him world famous, but before that, he was already one of the busiest delis - New Yorkers know where the good stuff is and they go again and again. They serve between 400 and 4,000 customers daily, and sell seven thousand kilos of pastrami weekly . And as her owner says: "If Sally had tried the pastrami, she wouldn't have had to fake anything."


Beef in brine , later cooked with a recipe in this case nothing secret, because they have it posted on their website: they cure the piece of meat between three weeks and a month (not 36 express hours, as they say, do other delis), it is smoked for 48- 72 hours (until the exterior is black) and is cooked in water (without being completely consumed) for four or five hours. Last step? They fillet it (very thin), put a huge amount between two slices of rye bread and each one adds mustard to taste. Awesome. The squirts of fat by your hands are worth it . Katz's big competitor is probably Carnegie Deli, but its absurdly huge quantities don't quite match the quality of this pastrami. Fiance.


well the pastrami sandwich (to share if you don't leave very hungry), but also the corn beef sandwich , or if you really want to try the most monstrous and tasty, the Reuben : many (but many) corn beef slices with melted swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian sauce . Are you already salivating? Mandatory, to accompany the pickles of both types, more and less sour ; And no fries, a thousand times better are the potato latkes: potato pancakes with sour sauce or applesauce.

a delicious monstrosity

a delicious monstrosity


It seems like an absurd question, but his answer is not. As you enter, they give you a tiny green, pink or yellow ticket . Don't lose it, they will write down what you ask for, either self-service, or served by a waiter (there are different tables, depending on the style chosen), and with that ticket you have to go to the exit and pay. Although they have not written down anything on the ticket, if you lose it they will charge you 50 cents, you have been warned.


During the week, you should avoid the lunch hours of the yuppies and workers in the area (between 12:30 and 2:00 p.m.). It is one of his favorite places and queues can form that go all the way around the building. The best? Go before or after. And better yet: a Friday or a Saturday, the days that do not close, at dawn , after heading out on the lively Lower East Side or the East Village. A pastrami sandwich heals you and prevents any possible hangover . Also, be warned, these may be the times when most would-be Sallys fake loud and unnecessary orgasms. According to its owner, Jake Dell, on average they have an orgasmic client once a week.

fake orgasms every week

fake orgasms every week


The owners of Katz's say that Bill Clinton ordered two pastrami . Last Saturday Joey Chestnut, the biggest hot dog eater in the Nathan's contest, also won the Katz's 125th anniversary pastrami eater contest. The guy ate 25 half sandwiches. , that is, 12 and a half sandwiches. We guess with mustard. It is not necessary to go so far, in fact, they should not even try. With one for two, plus companions, it is usually more than enough … Unless you have Bill Clinton's serve.


Sorry? Yes, yes, salami and the US Army. Katz's has two famous slogans: "Katz's, that's all," which can be seen on the facade that hasn't been touched since the late 1940s; and “Send a salami to your boy in the Army”, whose origin dates back to World War II, when the owner of it then had his three children fighting. Today they continue with this practice and make shipments of their sausage (and of t-shirts, caps and aprons, of which we do not know very well the use there) to the soldiers at the front.

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