Four extraordinary destinations that will change your life this summer


There are destinations capable of changing an entire life. Just writing about them gives us an unmistakable chill, awakening the thrill of adventure in every cell of our skin. In each season they change, depending on how convenient the weather is then, depending on the interest offered by the festivities in certain months...

The world is full of wonders and the choice is never easy, but this summer, it is clear: we want to go to Turkey, Peru, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. and we want to go with CLOUD , the creative firm of the more sophisticated and luxurious experiences in the Spanish-speaking world.

Turkey one of the destinations we want to travel to this summer

Turkey, one of the destinations we want to travel to this summer

Traveling with them is discovering the difference between going through the ordinary or experiencing the exceptional. So much so that the Spanish agency, with more than three decades of experience (and also present in Mexico and the United States) stopped asking questions a long time ago: “Where do you want to travel?” and changed it to: "What do you want to live?"

For this reason, it builds with the most demanding travelers Tailor-made experiences, unrepeatable and incomparable . In Peru, for example, they are not content with taking you for a walk through Machu Picchu; will make you part of an authentic ceremony to please the Apus, the spirits of the mountains. In Mozambique, nothing to go alone to lie down on the white sand; they will take you to your own private Island, from where to see, as in no other place, how the sun goes out over the waters of the Indian Ocean in sunsets that will remain forever in your retina.

Peru is more than you expect with NUBA

Peru is more than you expect with NUBA

“Our purpose is to create sublime experiences and, our talent, helping others in their transformation, guiding them towards their next destination”, affirm these creators of creative, disruptive and completely unique experiences, without comparison in the entire tourism panorama. Who else will take you by helicopter to the Great Ruins of Zimbabwe, to enter them like the ancient explorers and enjoy a delicious lunch inside...?

Zimbabwe by helicopter an experience like no other

Zimbabwe by helicopter, an experience like no other

We, who travel so much, know it well: you will not find any other way more intense and singular to live the best destinations in the world that accompanied by CLOUD . Take a look at our gallery and decide which destination you want your life to change forever this summer...

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