Juno House, this will be the first women's club in Barcelona


In March, coinciding with the month of the woman , will open in Barcelona the first club for professional women in the city. And it will do so in an emblematic place where there are: the Farinera d'Aribau , a five-storey industrial building built in the 18th century in the Sant Gervasi neighbourhood.

But, What is Juno House and why would we want to meet it in person? Natalie Batlle, founder and CEO of Juno House, explains it to us. “All women who want to be part of Juno House are welcome. As long as they share our values, which are determined by our philosophy, which is based on collaboration over competition . Our goal is to form a large collaborative and diverse community of women, from businesswomen, designers, creatives, producers, executives, etc. Likewise, the parents, children, friends or relatives of the members are also welcome to visit the space, to participate in events and to share experiences”.

Natalie, born in Chicago but based in Barcelona, ​​was inspired by New York women's clubs to create Juno House.

“I met Liana -co-founder and CPO of Juno House- when I was living in New York. Just during that stage, different clubs conceived by and for women began to appear in the city, something totally innovative at the time. From then on, and with my first maternity leave, I realized how necessary it was to have spaces that would help reconcile women's professional and personal careers ”, She explains to Traveler.es.

So, after talking about it with several women around her, she thought it would be appropriate to create and offer global and productive spaces under one roof that would allow personal and professional development among women.

Juno House thus being the first women's club in Barcelona

From there was born the project of Natalie, Liana and Eve , which will see the light of day in March and which has received an investment -to reform the Farinera- of 2 million euros.

“When looking for a building, we were very clear that we wanted to be in the center of the city to be accessible. Precisely, the Farinera d'Aribau It is located between Diagonal and Aribau, and it is also an iconic building in the city dating from 1915, so we could not not choose this building to create the first Juno House ”, emphasizes Natalie.

The entire building, intended for Juno House, is divided into two large spaces, on the one hand, the farinera , which has four welcoming floors designed to promote growth, family reconciliation and personal well-being; and on the other, the ship , a space of more than 800m2 dedicated to professional development, business center and networking. A total of 1,400m2 intended for what a day to day entails: working, eating, inviting clients, family, friends, attending the activities and events generated, organizing their own events and meetings...

See images: The newsroom speaks: the travelers of our lives


The name say everything: Juno is the Roman goddess of love and marriage . She is the guardian of the home and childbirth. And in that sense, this women's club will function as a membership with a monthly fee according to the services used by and for the woman.

On the one hand, Juno House will have a multipurpose space dedicated to the sons and daughters of the members , which will connect families with an enriching extracurricular offer. There will also be a boutique fitness studio, dedicated to activities such as yoga, pilates, meditation, and pre- and post-natal care.

While the Nave will offer spaces for events or meetings, booths dedicated to videoconferences and podcasts, and other innovative services such as a pop-up store, where all members will be able to exhibit their brands and products fostering a space for collaboration and creation of opportunities.

“In fact, our philosophy is based on promoting and being a space for collaboration between women, hence the concept women to women (W2W), as well as boosting the post-covid local economy”.

At the moment about 600 women have already been interested, of the 100 are members. Will you join too?

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