The flowering in Castelluccio di Norcia, the summer spectacle that will make you fall in love


Every June, there is an area in Italy that can boast of having a flowering equal (or more beautiful) than that of Japan. And only a two-hour flight away!

Here is the dream of every lover of art of photography or painting . Between the months of June and July , nature gives us a mosaic of multiple polychromatic shades that settle at the feet of the Sibylline Mountains ( Monti Sibillini in Italian), specifically in the Castelluccio plain.

This enclave belonging to the town of Norcia, has annually the awakening in its lentil farm fields that offer prints that have nothing to envy to the images that come to us from Japan every spring with the flowering of the cherry trees.


The plain on which we will place the focus of attention occupies some 15 kilometers long and is guarded by the people of Castelluccio di Norcia.

Depending on the moment in which winter has begun to leave its mark, flowering will occur sooner or later, but normally it usually begins to wake up to end of May , to have your maximum splendor between the end of June and the beginning of July . What in the coldest stage of the year is an area full of snow and fog, in summer it completely changes its appearance to offer a most creative and inspiring environment.


The predominant colors that you will be able to admire are the red present in poppies , the tulips yellow , the daffodils white, the purple of violets and the centaurea cyanus blue , popularly known as cornflower.

This mix of plants make up the impressive canvas that promises to remain imprinted on your retina and on your camera roll for life. An act of nature worthy of admiration and to appreciate in the first person.

Lentils from Castelluccio they are a highly demanded product both in Italy and beyond its borders. Not only in his day to day, but also in one of the most relevant parties of the year, on New Year's Eve . Tradition dictates for centuries that Italians instead of grapes should eat lentils and if they are those of Castelluccio, next year's fortune is more than assured . Here lies the importance not only of flowering but also of its most precious food.

Flowery field in front of the Monti Sibillini.

Monti Sibillini.


If you have decided to witness this captivating spectacle for the first time and have taken the flights to visit this part of the Umbria region between June and July, you are in luck, This year's flowering promises to arrive with more force and color than ever.

But first of all you have to take into account a series of guidelines that although they seem more than obvious, it is important to remember. You know, in case the emotion can with you at that moment!

-You can't step on the flowers! We already know that a selfie of you surrounded by a field full of colorful tulips would look great on your Instagram feed, but it's something to avoid at all costs if you want the flowers to be there next year . There are comfortable paths that allow you to admire the flower and cross it without ruining it.

Poppy fields of Castelluccio di Norcia.

Of lentils and daffodils, poppies and violets.

-Forbidden to take souvenir flowers: Regardless of whether they are cut or uprooted, it is strictly forbidden to take any of the beautiful flowers that perch on the plain as a souvenir.

-You have to respect both the fields and their surroundings: This means that the environment must be taken care of from the first moment you arrive until you leave. This area belongs to Monti Sibillini National Park so it is forbidden to throw garbage, dirty the area, light a fire, produce too much noise pollution or carry out any act of vandalism.

-Drive through the marked places: Getting to the enclave is not lost but you must park and drive through the places indicated for it. Don't try to get to the most beautiful colorful area by car, put on comfortable shoes and go for a pleasant walk.

-Admire the beauty that you have before your eyes: take your time to take the perfect shot, but also let yourself be intoxicated by the wonderful scene that is happening before you. Not all people can witness something like this and who knows if you will have the opportunity to return in the future.

The village of Castelluccio on top of the hill.

The village of Castelluccio, at the top of the hill.

-Not everything is flowering: the area also becomes the perfect setting for lovers of hiking and mountain activities. This natural park is full of correctly signposted routes of different difficulty levels, in addition to having the possibility of doing other mountain sports such as paragliding. You dare?


In recent years flowering ( flourish in Italian) in Castelluccio di Norcia has a special value and meaning for the terrible earthquake of 6.5 on the Richter scale that occurred in October 2016 whose epicenter was recorded between the towns of Norcia and Price , being this area of ​​the province of Perugia the most devastated after the earthworks.

The town of Catelluccio was practically destroyed and it has taken years, work and a lot of willpower so that its inhabitants can gradually return to the normality of before, although there is still much work to be done.

“Fortunately, after the earthquake, the inhabitants of Castelluccio managed to restart the planting of lentils, on which much of the flowering depends. There were difficulties, especially in the first year, because the road from Norcia to Castelluccio was partially unusable , difficult to cover with agricultural vehicles. During the flowering period, in 2017, it was necessary to organize transport for tourists , because access to the plain was not accessible, as it is today”, they tell from Pro Loco Norcia, the tourist association made up of volunteers that has the task of promoting Norcia and its surroundings.

The fields full of red yellow and violet flowers.

A spectacle of nature in the heart of Umbria.

This flowering reminds us that life goes on and that with patience, affection and some hope , everything can be achieved. It continues to be cultivated and for another year, nature gives us this gift to confirm that Castelluccio de Norcia is more alive than ever and waiting expectantly for both locals and travelers who wish to admire the beauty in its purest form.

What less than giving the people the credit they deserve for caring for all these years this protected area and for receiving with gratitude all the people who spend the summer months there. Without all of them, this would not be possible.


The best way to get to this enclave is by renting a car from the place where the plane leaves you, either from Rome or Perugia, because access by public transport is not the most comfortable or simple, if not quite impossible.

Rome is located 180 km from the town of Castelluccio (almost 3 hours by car), while Perugia is located 124 km (2 hours by car) so our recommendation is that you stay in some of the accommodations in Norcia and drive only the half hour that separates this town from the flowering plain. And if it can be early better, because at this time the area can be somewhat overcrowded by the hundreds of tourists who come to see this ritual.


“Because it is a unique show that really leaves you speechless. And above all because it tells an ancient story. It recounts the peasant traditions of a town (the nursini ) which is even older than Rome . Tell the hard but beautiful relationship between man and nature, since the flowering would not exist without the work of the peasants of Castelluccio”, indicate from the association Pro Loco Norcia. Who will be able to resist such a description?


The gastronomy of the region can boast of working with a spectacular raw material that goes far beyond the world-renowned pizza and pasta dishes that predominate in Italy. Quality products that range from legumes, meats, cheeses, sweets and everything that comes ready to conquer even the most gourmet palates. What not to miss?

- Prosciutto di Norcia (ham in Spanish) .

- Tartuffe (truffle in Spanish) .


- Pecorino cheese.



Traveler, are you prepared to be breathless in the face of such beauty?

Panoramic view of the fields of Castellucio di Norcia full of color.

An artist's palette.

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