BICO de xeado, from the cow (Galician) to the cornet (Madrid)


Artisanal ice cream in Madrid with a Galician seal

Artisanal ice cream in Madrid with a Galician seal

farm ice cream ” Learn that concept. It is what they do and sell in BICO by Xeado , the Galician ice cream parlor that has just opened its doors in the Chamberí neighborhood of Madrid. The adventure began seven years ago. “In 2009, the A Coruña Agricultural Cooperative (closely related to the Galician dairy sector in comprehensive advice on milk production, substitution service...) **recovered the milk production of a farm located in the Concello de Miño ( A Coruña) ** with two objectives”, explains Jesus Otero , manager of the farm called O Concelo, today a reference. The two objectives were to "demonstrate with facts" what they advise their clients, managing 100% of the farm with a salaried hand, a staff that they train so that they can later join the labor market.

A year later, with the farm up and running, they begin to sell fresh pasteurized milk, “just milked”, which maintains all its properties. And, in 2011, when the crisis in the dairy sector worsened, they decided to create their concept: “the farmhouse ice cream” . In 2015, due to the good reception of farmhouse ice cream, they began to sell their "ice cream kisses" in their own ice cream parlors in Galicia and beef food trucks that move around A Coruña, Santiago...

Galician cow's milk the main ingredient

Galician cow's milk, the main ingredient

And what is farmhouse ice cream? An ice cream made from “fresh milk” that they produce in La Granxa or Cancelo. Fresh milk, the usual milk, the one we never see in supermarkets, is the basis of all its flavours. Then, they combine it with ingredients “ of first quality and, as far as possible of proximity ”, explains Jesús Otero: “Fresh seasonal fruit, Valrhona chocolate, Madagascar vanilla, raw cream…”.

"We look for original flavors within the classics," says Otero. In Madrid, next to the strawberry (spectacular) or the vanilla They have ice cream mint with chocolate chips , for instance. "Our customers define our ice cream as 'an honest product, where creaminess and authentic flavor stand out'. They say they taste like what we say they taste like, which shouldn't be surprising, but it shows that we are already very used to artificial flavors in many everyday products."

BICOS by Xeado

Ice cream kisses (artisanal and Galician)

In the small and cozy wooden premises that they have opened in Madrid, he receives a bench in the shape of a cow, the protagonist of Bico de xeado. “Our colleagues”, as Otero says. Those responsible for achieving Bico's ice cream is unique right now on the market. Inside, the professional ice cream makers will give you all the flavors to try until you find yours, all 100% handmade recipes. In addition, they have coffee that, of course, here you have to drink with milk. Plus, They sell ice cream in tubs to take away and bottles of fresh milk.

Full Madrid team

Team, in full, from Madrid


Address: Fighting Street, 3

Telephone: 604054741

Schedule: from Sunday to Thursday (from 12:30 to 22:00), Friday and Saturday (from 12:30 to 1:30)

Follow @irenecrespo\_

This is the interior of the best ice cream parlor in Madrid

This is the interior of the best ice cream parlor in Madrid

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