Muniellos, the promise of an autumn story


Located in southwestern Asturias, in one of those places where everything, from the air you breathe to the vegetables you eat, seems (and probably is) purer, is the Muniellos forest, the largest oak grove in Spain and one of the forest icons of Europe.

Finding spectacular forests is not a difficult task in a land like Asturias , especially considering that a third of its territory enjoys Protected Natural Area status.

That's why, Muniellos , located between the councils of Cangas de Narcea and Ibias, has more merit if possible, because even knowing first-hand the Asturian nature, This 2,695-hectare forest manages to leave you speechless.


Any time is a good time to **visit the Muniellos forest** and its surroundings, but autumn is when the subtle beauty of the area becomes irresistible.

Declared Integral Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2000 , the Biosphere Reserve status was extended in 2003 to cover the entire territory of the Natural Park of Las Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias.

Muniellos the promise of an autumn story

Muniellos, the promise of an autumn story

In this deciduous forest the slopes of the mountains, which seem to form a natural Amphitheater, star in an explosion of autumn colors: yellow, green, ocher, red…

The dominant species is sessile oak, of which there are centennial specimens and which covers three quarters of the protected area. However, depending on whether it is a sunny or shady area, they can also be identified. birch, beech, hazel, holly and yew . The last two are part of the protected flora of the Reserve.

The fauna that inhabits the forest is reason enough to visit it . Although wild animals are not easily seen, the truth is that in Muniellos they live brown bears, wild cats, wolves and capercaillies, as well as wild boar, roe deer and chamois, and therefore the possibility of crossing with them, although very remote, exists.

Perfect autumn picture in Muniellos

Perfect autumn picture in Muniellos

The almost magical spirit that hides under the colorful branches of the centenary oaks of Muniellos is undeniable, captivating. And its lands are the cradle of legends and fables.

Among them stands out the one that says that from its mountains came the wood with which the ships of the Invincible Armada were built, although the evidence suggests that the wood from Muniellos was used rather to try to repair the damage suffered by the Spanish fleet after the battered fight against the elements in British waters.


visit the Muniellos Reserve is to be privileged. Not only because access is restricted and only twenty people are allowed to enter each day, ** prior reservation (free) **, but also because entering the forest is to live a trip back in time: trunks with holes so big that a person can stand inside, lichens on the branches of the trees, waterfalls...

If it weren't for the small wooden bridges to cross the streams and the occasional information sign, there is hardly any trace of human activity. what is a triumph of the conservation effort that has been made throughout these years.

If permission is obtained, the departure of the visit starts from the Tablizas Visitor Center . From there there are two options, a circular route of about 20 kilometers, harder and more demanding, called the route through Fonculebrera , with a slope of more than 600 meters and that runs through complex terrain, with some complicated steps.

The other option, which are some 14 kilometers in total, it is more accessible since it runs along the banks of the Muniellos river, in the valley area, and the round trip is done along the same path.

The latter is known as the river route . Both routes connect with the access area to the ascent to the lagoons, witnesses of the glacial past of these valleys.

If the ascent to the lagoons - for which you take the detour in Tres Cruces - seems too complicated or you think you don't have time ( the path ascends until it reaches the Laguna Grande, which is located at almost 1500 meters of altitude ), you can continue with the circular route avoiding the detour, or if you do the river route, simply turning around.

Route through the interior of Muniellos

As if it were a fairy tale...

Likewise, the forest also has information panels in braille and a path of just over a kilometer enabled for people with reduced mobility . In this case, it is best to go down by car directly to the start of the accessible trail, since the path that runs between the visitor center and the start of the accessible trail is uneven and has a steep slope.

Once booked, to prevent the reservation from being cancelled, it is vitally important to remember that you must confirm the visit between 23 and 15 days before the date. On the other hand, there are times when there are free places, so if you don't have a reservation, it's worth calling the ** Tablizas Reception Center ** (+34 661 93 15 80) first thing in the morning to ask.


Not getting one of the twenty coveted daily visitor slots, especially at this time of year, shouldn't be reason enough not to visit the area. After all, the Muniellos Reserve is part of the Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias Natural Park ** and the surroundings of the park, bordering the protected area, remain absolutely spectacular.

And there are multiple options for both hiking and cycling routes. The Reserve Interpretation Center , located on the AS-211 road, kilometer point 5.5, is a good option to enjoy the two spectacular panoramic viewpoints with views of the wonder that is the Muniellos forest.

Cows grazing in the valleys of Muniellos

Cows grazing in the valleys of Muniellos

Before you leave, don't forget to stop everything you're doing and take a few minutes to listen to the sounds of the forest. You'll be amazed to witness all the life around you, from leaves gently swaying to the ground to squirrels scampering from branch to branch. Y if you are lucky, you will be able to hear some woodpecker.


The area of ​​the ** Muniellos Integral Natural Reserve **, in addition to a spectacular landscape, also offers opportunities to enjoy the Asturian gastronomy and viticulture.

One luxury accommodation option is the Corias Monastery, part of the Parador network, in Cangas de Narcea, half an hour's drive from the Reserve's Visitor Reception Center, the place from where tours depart with prior reservation. The village of Moal , also in the council of Cangas, is halfway to the Reserve and has a range of rural accommodation.

To eat, an excellent option is the ** Bar Blanco , in Cangas de Narcea.** Likewise, it is worth going to the Marroncín hotel-restaurant, in Las Mestas, 7 kilometers from Cangas. Cangas de Narcea is one of the quintessential wine areas in Asturias and as such has impressive vineyards.

Some wineries, such as Monasterio de Corias, Bodega Santiago or Bodega Vidas, offer guided tours. Also worth trying Low intervention wines from Dominio del Urogallo , one of the wineries with the most international projection in the area.

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