It all started in a bar


Tarantino bars good

Tarantino bars: good


It said I don't know who the woman was preparation until Greta Garbo and decadence from her. Well, a bit the same with the bars in the movies and Don Quentin Tarantino. And it's not that his filmography drives me particularly crazy (well this does and Jackie Brown too, but I also think that ** has changed the old fury in athletic transgression) ** however, it is impossible to imagine a bar in the cinema without falling into Pumpkin & Honey Bunny Dinner , at the round table where the Reservoir Dogs discuss Like a virgin and tips (wonderful scene) and of course Austin's Güero's Taco Bar (it's real) where he serves the tequilas himself in Death Proof.

Pumpkin Honey Bunny Dinner

Pumpkin & Honey Bunny Dinner


Losers fascinate me because they, at least, played. And if it's about loser bars, there are two that I have etched in my memory precisely because the movies were unforgettable. The first is the bar where Eddie Felson “The Quick” listens to the thunder of the balls on the mat in The Color of Money (Scorsese when he made good movies) nothing more and nothing less than Fitzgerald's in Chicago . The second, the book Irish (wood, bar and beers) where Burt Lancaster crings a little more than Susan Sarandon in Louis Malle's best film: Atlantic City.

The losers they at least played

The losers: they, at least, played


"Lunch is for wimps" (lunch is for wimps). In ** Tablecloth & Knife ** we cannot detest Gordon Gekko's statement more, but we must admit that he portrays not only a character, but also a a (detestable) typology of winner and a time . In _ Wall Street _ Gekko also affirms that "Greed is good" (greed is good) and damn the image of Oliver Stone, because I can not imagine a better reflection of what is cooked one day and another also in the newspaper pages you like.

Eating is for losers. He affirms it while pulling a steak tartare at the 21 Club and he's talking to Charlie Sheen about how the world works. The same Club 21 where -almost- all the presidents of the USA and every self-respecting celebrity have dined. The same one where Murder Mystery in Manhattan, An Unforgettable Day and some premenstrual hookup session of Sex in New York were filmed.

Is eating for the weak?

Is eating for the weak?


Colleague bars are the tavern of Mou, Cheers, MacLaren's Pub or Central Perk . But if you have to choose one (and yes, you have to) the chosen one can only The Moonlight Mile in Minnesota. Tracks? Snow, cold, colleagues and the crisis of the thirties as a backdrop. More clues? Natalie Portman playing Natalie Portman (clever and unforgettable) The ultimate clue? The best scene of colleagues singing in a group that the undersigned has seen on a screen, pure cinematographic adrenaline. Happiness at 24 frames per second , capable of cheering up the most annoying notary in Barrio Salamanca. Aha, 'Sweet Caroline' on Beautiful Girls.

buddy bars

buddy bars


Go ahead I love Aaron Soorkin and David Fincher So I can't - and I don't want to - be fair. The Social Network is the pear and perhaps the best thing about this work of cinematographic engineering is the start, that start in which my (I saw it before you, so shhh) adorable Rooney Mara stands up Mark Zuckerberg in a perfect 55 seconds . In the nerd bars They play darts, they drink pints, they wear Harvard polo shirts and the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity staff make bets (I say) on the meme of the week. the mother party.

nerd bars the mother party

Nerd Bars: The Mother Party


Your wife smokes a joint and tells you that a sailor made her (very) horny a few years ago. And what are you going to do? Of course, go to whores and end the night very sad in a jazz club. What you did not imagine is that in that club you were going to find Todd Field playing the piano in a nice herringbone gray suit, much less that you were going to end the night at a -mysterious- party that was going to be the mother of all parties. . What things. To the point, I'm missing: Eyes Wide Shut's wonderful bar is Club Sonata in New York , but since Kubrick was like a shower and he couldn't/he didn't want to leave London or step on a plane, they shot the scene in the Madam Jojos of London.

Jazz bars that bring trouble

Jazz bars that bring trouble


I am a topic and a bun, I know. But I just can't leave out (I know I should, but what the hell) the bar at the Four Seasons Wilshire Beverly Hills where Richard Gere waits for his favorite slut with a fat Cartier and a couple of Tosca tickets. The bar where the badass-but-sensitive waits for the lumi is TheBlv, but I didn't come here to talk about drinks but about maitres. And it is that If there is a lovable character in Pretty Woman, it is Héctor Elizondo as manager of the Four Seasons. . Impeccable like those concierges that Don Carlos Mateos portrays so well: "An efficient concierge is a man for everything, a getter. Those tickets for a Knicks game, that last minute table at Daniel, those special passes for the Metropolitan. A concierge is an ally, a host, a friend who makes that call for you and that he moves heaven and earth to get you one more ounce of happiness if only for a few days ".

Here Richard Gere waited for Julia Roberts

Here Richard Gere waited for Julia Roberts


If a bar is of any use, it is as a vehicle for secrets. Confidence with the other, with the barman, with yourself. That's why a bar is always a refuge and, why not, a meeting place with life that is no longer (and what could it be). Without detours, if I had to choose a mythical bar it would be this one: the dinner bar where Jude Law tries to pick up (one by one) the pieces of Norah Jones's broken heart in in the Palacinka Cafe (Grand Street and Thompson Street, Manhattan) by Blueberry Nights . Essential.

cheesy confidences

cheesy confidences

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