'Local Natives': when fashion and social commitment come together


Local Natives

Local Natives: the project that puts a face on local businesses in A Coruña.

Fashion has an important power for change. Its correct use can achieve great feats, but little responsibility can cause great disasters. Good news: it seems that we are witnessing its rebirth, an increasingly entrenched thought thanks to initiatives like Local Natives . In A Coruna Only good purposes have been met, hand in hand with the fashion firm Nowhere (NWHR), behind the camera of Angelo Ramos and the spotlight on local commerce . And when different minds come together, but all focused on social commitment , the result can only be unbeatable.

To know the entrails of this project it is important to ask yourself an initial question: what is sustainability? We have known that it is a recurring word for some time, it constantly haunts our minds and we have changed some of our daily actions to be able to add it to our lifestyle. But really, it is a concept with the immense capacity to branch out into infinite aspects of everyday life.

And that's how NWHR saw it, in an effort to become a brand that embraced full sustainability. . Because as we have well emphasized before: fashion has an important power of change, and that is why it cannot be satisfied with what is strictly covered by clothing. “The brand does not seek to be only a sustainable and design proposal within fashion, but also support and collaborate with social, artistic or environmental initiatives ”, they affirm from NWHR.


And in the midst of those good intentions, Local Natives was born with a clear purpose: to give visibility to neighborhood businesses in A Coruña . "Buying locally is also sustainability," they say from the brand. And it is that, despite the fact that we had to learn it by force after a pandemic, it seems that we have finally realized that we cannot let go of the usual shops.

In Local Natives, fashion and photography come together, and who are their models? Employees of these businesses , who appear in the campaign going about their daily duties at their respective jobs, while wearing NWHR gear. And the person in charge of showing his best face is Angelo Ramos . It was clear to the brand since it soaked up his style and his way of capturing the street essence of A Coruña. It was only necessary to share the values ​​of both for the photographer to become part of the team.

And so Angelo started shooting his camera, with that natural grace to capture the essence of people and portray their closest face . And, as if it were the season of a series, they started with the first chapter: Grocery Casa Cuenca . A lifelong supermarket, whose sign reads: "Ship supplier - Fine Ultramarines - Galician Products". And that is, without cheating or cardboard: an offer of proximity and, above all, of quality.

Who would be the protagonist of the second installment? A Cunquina bar , an establishment of those that, over the years, acquire their own personality until they become faithful friends. Located in the Plaza del Humor in A Coruña, is famous for serving cuncas de vino, personalized white ceramic cups , which are part of the tradition that Rosa decided to follow after her parents opened the bar more than 60 years ago.

Bar A Cunquina Local Natives

A Cunquiña is famous for serving cuncas of wine, typical in Galicia.

Local Natives aims to open the eyes of the public, make them see that local shopping is important . They want to show that in order to conserve and take care of our neighborhoods, it is essential to consume in the businesses that support them, because the people hiding behind them , not only have years of history behind them, but also effort, work and sacrifice.


The NWHR thing and the commitment is not something new. The DNA of the brand is based on three basic principles that carry the flag: transparency, nonconformity and fashion-counterculture . They do not believe in sustainability as an end, but as a path that is not optional and can be improved at every step. That is why make all their processes, materials and suppliers public , with the idea of ​​making its public participate in the trail.

With Local Natives they have experienced an enriching and reciprocal nutrition, taking into account the difference between the generations involved . And perhaps this has been one of the components to create such magic. The project does not have a marked end, but only the intention of keep launching chapters and discover new business that the doors of the history of A Coruña open for us.

NWHR has proven our initial premise. If we use the power of fashion for good, it can generate one of the most valuable concepts today: change..

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