Eight reasons why traveling makes you sexier


Brad Pitt traveler and sexy in 'Seven Years in Tibet'

Brad Pitt, traveler and sexy in 'Seven Years in Tibet'


Nobody wants to go out with someone who is drowning in a glass of water, with whom, after an hour, they can't decide what Saturday plan they want. And much less with the one ruin lunch because you run into your ex.

Travelers, however, have seen nightfall in a lost town in Morocco without a single hotel and have managed to sleep hot and with a plate of couscous for dinner. In other words, they have been able to turn what seemed like a dramatic situation around and make it a memorable experience, and when they remember it, they see themselves clad in superhero tights. Do you really think that they are going to worry about an old flame or is it going to seem like a problem which cinema to go to? They are way above that! And that, friends, is TERRIBLY SEXY.


The traveler has sat down to talk with everyone who has something to say and he has dynamited all his prejudices in a single conversation (so he knows there is no point in having them); The traveler has made friends all over the world, and she has learned to respect - and sometimes even love - traditions that, at first, might seem ridiculous.

For all this, in her speech you will not find the sad (and definitely NOT SEXY) fear of the unknown, but pure curiosity and real desire to meet the other. And when you're in front of a guy like that, all you can think about while he's talking is curiosity + no fear or prejudice + a lot of attention to the other = BOOM!

Traveling is experimenting and testing your limits

Traveling is experimenting and testing your limits


The traveler has seen too much (and done enough research) not to have something interesting to say at every turn. It's not just that I tell you about anecdotes of his journeys...; he will simply put his vast knowledge of the world at the disposal of your conversations, in a display that will leave the listener dazzled. I mean, you. I mean, the brain is the sexual organ par excellence. In other words, there is a theme here.


No one travels the world from end to end to pass the time; the traveler savors every moment of his journeys, from the moment they begin to take shape in his head until he returns home and recalls them over and over again. Always they will speak to you passionately of everything they have known and of their next adventure, and do not be surprised that he does it with the same intensity of his favorite books or the way he likes to drink tea. The person who travels is passionate by nature, and it goes without saying how sexy that is... and the "practical uses" it has.


The body is, in a way, like a dynamo: the more energy you expend through physical exercise, the more energy you possess. That's why it's so hard for someone who never gets up from the sofa to get started, and that's why it's so easy for someone who travels to sign up for any plan. But the thing goes further: having a healthy body (and there are few things that make the extremities more ready than a trip) is to exude energy... and substances such as serotonin. And do you know for what pleasurable need it is very necessary to have high serotonin?

A true traveler will tell you about the time he ran away from home to go on adventures

A true traveler will tell you about the time he ran away from home to go on adventures


The opposite of a bitter person could be, without a doubt, a traveler: they make the holidays, the happiest time of the year for everyone, a way of life. They escape during the week if they have a little hole; They manage to adjust their entire calendar so that the days off multiply and they can make that great trip that they have been dreaming of for a long time. They live with the joy of the getaway set . And we all know that a sincere smile (especially if it is accompanied by a desire to live very full) is the most sensual thing there is.


Everyone has a past, but sometimes that past sucks. And no matter how handsome someone may have seemed to you at first, as he tells you about how he has done everything that was expected of him, that he has only left his hometown to go see his grandparents in town and that his friends are still only and exclusively those from school, you your love bar is running low.

On the other hand, someone who tells you that they went to another country to live for a while, that they have been to I don't know how many parts of the world and that they have three more trips planned for this year, makes your globetrotting heart beat very fast. And not only because you suddenly think you have found your soulmate, but because you know that he has developed a whole part of his personality in places that you do not know, by himself, sometimes even alone, and that he will not hesitate to do so. again, maybe with you, maybe without you. And of course, that autonomy, that not being able to decipher someone in five minutes, is practically addictive.


The traveler knows what life is about and, somehow, has found his place in it. Obviously, it is not the one who in the first WhatsApp conversation admits that he studied his degree "because something had to be studied", nor the one who - without force majeure - lives with his parents despite having been working for years.

Traveling offers you enough time and circumstances to know who you really are, and if you ask him about his future plans, a nomad will tell you something like that he is not very clear about what to do with his life, but that he does know what makes him happy. And that as soon as he has children, or nephews, he is going to take them to travel the world with him. Her plans will probably include a couple of sabbaticals, and they will also probably change over time, but the mere fact that she is clear about where she wants to go in life is already erotic enough to make you think about the children. Or, rather, in what comes before having them...

That living on the road is hopelessly cool

That living on the road is hopelessly cool


All of the above is based on real events ( in the newsroom we like travelers well ), but also in the opinion of experts. Thus, for example, **María Garay, dating coach of the dating portal Meetic ** tells us: "The person who travels is usually curious, wake up to life , full of knowledge, she is self-confident and with a thirst for adventure that makes her an active and attractive person, with great power of adaptation and empathy..."

And she continues: "A true traveler often asks interesting questions that allow him to get to know others better, and on the other hand, he always has a thousand experiences and stories to tell about his adventures, which makes him the undisputed focus of attention, and in the eyes of anyone he becomes much more attractive. Generally, traveling people are g predisposed to learn and understand other cultures, what makes them more open-minded people, fascinating and sexy "

For his part, Alberto Bermejo, from the psychological cabinet Eidos , tells us about inveterate travelers, about globetrotters: "The globetrotters convey the image that they live from day to day and face their daily experiences from an adventurous perspective. These types of travelers feel more comfortable with less committed relationships and probably more passionate (if passionate is the experience of their trips). But there is everything in the Lord's vineyard, although it is true that the poses of freedom and adventure that many globetrotters exude are characteristically sexy and attractive to their potential partners.

"Unless a globetrotter is to shun social contact, if shown sociable, friendly and communicative in your traveling experiences with new friends or fellow travelers, offers signs of a good emotional stability , and on top of that he is physically attractive, we can definitely agree that this globetrotter can be considered what popular language understands as "sexy", concludes Bermejo, describing, by the way, our ideal partner (sigh) .

*This article was originally published on February 6, 2016 and republished on March 1, 2017

The person who travels is usually curious awakens to life

"The person who travels is usually curious, awakens to life"

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