The route of the Faces of Cuenca: an experience between sculpted figures


Route of the Faces in the Buendía reservoir


next to the town of Buendia (Cuenca) , on the shores of the homonymous reservoir, we find one of those corners of unknown Spain that we like so much: ** the Route of the Faces .**

There are several hour-long itineraries from Madrid to get there by car. On the way we decided go for the A-2 and, after passing Guadalajara (capital), we take the N-320 to Sacedón. Then just take the CM-2000 to Buendía.

Kilometers before arriving we will begin to enjoy the postcard views that the riverbed has sculpted between the rock in the vicinity of Entrepeñas swamp, that next to the overlapping Buendía swamp dam the Tagus waters and various tributaries forming a giant horseshoe shape.

Route of the Faces in the Buendía reservoir


After passing over the Entrepeñas dam and leaving behind the Hermitage of San Andres and the old town of Buendía (which used to house the reservoir workers) we arrive at the Buendia Dam, where we can't help but stop the car to shoot our camera on the impressive views that it leaves on both sides. On the left, the gigantic fall , whose gravity is only able to be defied by the numerous swallows that nest on the wall. On the right, the immensity of a turquoise blue water that serves as a natural border between the provinces of Cuenca and Guadalajara. From the front, although we cannot distinguish it, we have our destiny carved on the opposite shore.

Leaving behind the service area for caravans (which visit the enclave quite frequently) we will soon arrive at the town of Buendía. It is enough to cross it following the indicative signs to reach the Route of the Faces , at whose entrance we will find a parking lot and a booth for receiving visitors.

The route is signposted at all times (no loss) and is suitable for all ages (children will not cease to be surprised, but also the older ones) .

And what is this madness about? A handful of gigantic faces carved out of rock? Well, the 'fault' of everything lies with the artists Jorge Maldonado and Eulogio Reguillo, what in 1992 They started this project taking advantage of the malleable nature of the sandstone that is on the banks of the swamp under the shade of its pine forests.

Route of the Faces in the Buendía reservoir


In 1992 the first two ended, the nun Y Beethoven , and the last ones were completed in 2007, maitreya Y arjuna . There are a total of eighteen, whose dimensions vary from 30 centimeters (Indian Goblin and Paleto, the smallest) to four and a half meters (Maitreya, the greatest).

They are divided into three large groups, and They are all seen in just half an hour. Some have small townhouses explanatory posters where the data of the work is specified (author, name, date, dimensions...), and we also have the option of signing up for one of the the guided tours that are organized on weekends.

It is precisely one of these guides who explains to his group the origin of the most photographed and remembered face of the set upon arrival: Of death, a skull sculpted on a rocky height next to a viewpoint where you can contemplate the panoramic view of the reservoir. According to him, the artists found the skeletal remains of a woman there that served as a model and inspiration.

The ease with which these rocks are handled has also encouraged many other sculptors to create their own amateur faces, although their little consistency has caused some of them to end up collapsing. There are also hundreds of visitor signatures that insist on putting their name on record, in some cases and unfortunately on the original works themselves.

Route of the Faces in the Buendía reservoir

The most photographed face: Death

In addition to the many fishermen who flock to its shores, people usually take advantage of the trip to have a picnic in the picnic areas , enjoy the weekend in your motorhome and, in summer, bathe in the Buendía water (We will also have the option of going to the town's municipal swimming pool).

Having seen the faces, we return to the town to do the cane route. While we discover the these from your wall a, the caves that served as cellars on the hill of La Fuente and the beautiful main square arcaded, we had a few beers on the terraces of the ** Casa Obispo ** and the ** Julmi bar.**

But the corner that captivates us is the inner courtyard of the house of doctors , rural house and restaurant where we realize their shrimp croquettes and its carved entrecote with potato garnish. Pleasant place and good cuisine to finish off the excursion with a good tribute.

On the way back, so as not to go back the same way, we will go through the green widths of the valley of altomira until you reach the Valencia road (A-3) .

If we have been wanting more, before heading back we will have to look at the ** Site of the Virgin, ** the hermitage dedicated to Our Lady of the Forsaken carved out of the rock on the banks of the Guadiela River. A place about thirty minutes away by car that looks like something out of The Lord of the Rings with its own recreational area to enjoy the scenery.

Route of the Faces in the Buendía reservoir


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