Where to shipwreck in the South Pacific: choose your island


American Samoa

American Samoa

The Pacific Ocean is dotted with more than 30,000 islands, islets and atolls of which many still remain alien to the traces of man.

The attractions of each island are as impressive as they are innumerable. But don't worry, here there are paradises for all tastes.

Distant, unknown, surprising. The South Seas have served as the inspiration for numerous stories about shipwrecks, so captivating that they have become a unique destination for intrepid travelers and honeymooners.

The largest ocean on the planet was geographically divided in 1832 by the French explorer Jules Dumont. To the north Micronesia and the Hawaiian Islands, belonging to Polynesia, and in the South Pacific the rest of Polynesia and Melanesia.

Bora Bora

Bora Bora, one of the paradises that make up French Polynesia

Although they all boast of having heavenly beaches ruled by palm trees, each of them counts with very different landscapes and attractions.

The westernmost islands of the Pacific, such as ** Vanuatu or Fiji ,** are characterized by the great biodiversity, both marine and terrestrial, which they have.

The western Isles, instead they are more desert, but the visibility under the sea is clearer due to the lower amount of plankton in its waters.

We embark in Papua New Guinea and discover the wonders of the Pacific Ocean until we reach the east, where French Polynesia and Easter Island are the protagonists. We conquered the South Seas!

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