Why you have to live in Paris for a few years... or forever


Why you should live in Paris for at least a few months

Can you imagine yourself here?

Certain, Paris It doesn't exactly have a reputation as a welcoming city, but it may be right Ernest Hemingway when he wrote in Paris was a party : “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris when you were young, then Paris will accompany you, wherever you go, all the rest of your life”.

There are thousands of reasons to live in the city of light and stay trapped for a few years, there are some.


Nothing like living the Parisian dream in a nice apartment haussmanian with the most desired trio fireplace, moldings and old parquet , to be able to be tip Hungary.

You will feel like in a French decoration magazine in which any piece of furniture you choose will be magnified.

Parisian houses are by obligation romantic

Parisian houses are, by obligation, romantic


There are more than a thousand different varieties and all of them exquisite, to try them in their entirety there is no better excuse than to stay a long time in the city of love, and of the fromage.

Taste a little piece in one of the most appetizing dairies in Paris or let yourself be carried away by the menu of the new **restaurant-fromagerie Beau et Fort**, designed by pierregay, Meilleur Ouvrier de France.

Among the succulent cheeses he proposes a T rap e d'Echourgnac based on cow's milk flavored with abbey walnut liqueur Notre-Dame de Bonne-Esperance ; a tasty Brillat - Savarin triple creme de bourgogne , considered to be the foie gras of cheeses, or a smooth Margaret , made with sheep's milk from l'Aveyron.

Still Life of Perfection at Beau et Fort

Still Life of Perfection at Beau et Fort


Paris retains many movie theaters with a lot of charm that attract moviegoers and other viewers in search of Parisian romance.

So you will attend the legendary louxor , or to charming independent theaters where they screen great films in black and white such as Le Christine , The Grand Action either Le Champo , one of the most reputable Quartier Latin frequented by students of the Sorbonne.

Another option is the Cinema du Pantheon , active since 1907 in which its elegant vintage-style lounge with leather sofas and its mythical room in which each seat bears a plaque with the name of a director.

In addition, during the summer months, you will enjoy the most appetizing outdoor summer screenings under the stars.


Their breads are incomparable , delicately crunchy on the outside with the perfect point of sponginess on the inside. Between the pains most demanded highlight the traditional , rustic-style craftsmanship and the famous baguette with which they also prepare their simple but delicious sandwiches like the classic jambon-beurre.

In addition, in the Parisian bakeries you can treat yourself to a gourmet with your demands, it is well seen to ask the boulanger for your pain parfait , slightly baked but golden brown, very crispy, with a cream-colored crumb and cut in half, s'il vous plaît.

So strong is the love for le pain that every year the contest for the best baguette , in which everything is measured in millimeters; the ideal one measures between 55 and 70 cm and weighs between 250 and 300 g. Furthermore, according to tradition, the winner of this award will be the provider of the President of the Government for one year.

Try the original breads of Gontran Cherrier such as rye with red miso or curried baguettes ; the charcoal bread and toasted sesame utopia ; or some natural recipes from the Boulangerie BO that follows a traditional manufacture based on yeast and biological flour.

Gontran Cherrier

Original and award-winning baguettes at Gontran Cherrier


In addition to the endless works of art and permanent exhibitions in its prestigious museums, Paris offers magnificent art exhibits both in the famous ** Louvre **, d'Orsay Y Pompidou as in other musées that you may not know like the one in cluny ; the Jacquemart-André Museum or the Bourdelle .


You won't get bored walking around the block; In addition to the classic typically Parisian neighborhoods, in Paris each arrondissement is a world.

You will explore the Indian area of La Chapelle where to try some parathas, a tandoori chicken and a lassi or buy aromatic garam masala spices or a pinch of black salt.

The Asian neighborhood of Choisy , to let yourself be tempted by some nems, some dim sum or a delicious lacquered duck and why not, finish the party in some karaoke.

In the zone of Barbès-Rochechouart its African population stands out with wax fabric shops to make a bag, baby clothes or decorate your home.

In another style, the Opera area, specifically the Rue Sainte-Anne and its surroundings gather simple and delicious Japanese restaurants. Kunitoraya, Udon Jubey and Iguma they are specialized in udon, ramen, donburis… Juji Ya proposes its delicious bentos and here original cakes with matcha.




Paris has numerous concert halls such as the legendary Olympia music-hall, others such as Le Trianon , the leather goods , or the jazz clubs Au Duc des Lombards , New Morning Y Caveau des Oubliettes .

You will enjoy the great classical music concerts in The Philharmonie , the Theater des Champs-Élysées , in the different churches as Saint-Merri, the Sainte-Chapelle, the Madeleine or even at the Château de Versailles.


Nothing like sinking your teeth into a Parisian butter croissant, a pain au chocolat that dissolves into a thousand sheets with each bite, a creamy Saint-Honore cake , a macaroon or a succulent Paris-Brest. Don't miss out on the Pâtisserie Yann Couvreur ; by Maison Gerard Mulot , for ** Pain de Sucre ** or the new pastry chef pâtissier Cedric Grolet of the Hotel Meurice.

For its pastries and cakes

For its pastries and cakes


Wherever you go you will come across the memory of a historical event, a statue of an influential person, the memory of an event, a writer's souvenir, a commemorative plaque and millions of anecdotes.


One of the best inventions of its beautiful parks are its recognizable green chairs , which you can move as you please, to direct them towards your favorite view, the most refreshing fountain or that long-awaited ray of sunshine.

Discover the Luxembourg Garden, the Tuileries or the intimate Jardin du Palais Royal, either alone for a leisurely reading, or as a couple for a romantic moment.

Luxembourg gardens

Luxembourg gardens


Paris is a paradise for antiques from all eras and vintage decorative objects of any style. You can get lost in its many antique shops and markets to search for that much desired piece of decoration that has had several lives before reaching your hands.


With the arrival of spring, the country season opens. pique-nique and all its meadows are dressed in tablecloths and cups... There are even companies that prepare it to your liking and take it to the corner you most want for a Let go of the herb.

The LeBristol Hotel, proposes very chic pique-nique panniers with a blanket, cutlery and crockery. The pretty basket holds a menu prepared by its chef Eric Frechon, based on crispy vegetables, goat cheese with olive oil and herbs, Sologne caviar with blinis, Breton lobster with gazpacho and guacamole and to finish ossay iraty with black cherry jam, a fraisier del chef Julien Alvarez, sweets and chocolates.

PiqueNiques like the ones in Paris... they don't exist

Pique-Niques like the ones in Paris... they don't exist


Each neighborhood has its own and everyone enjoys an appetizing atmosphere good kid Also, sunny days “bobos” rush to some markets like the one on the boulevard Richard Lenoir, where they hang out at their oyster stands that they accompany with a white wine or at their stalls prepared food, traditional or exotic.


It is true that Paris is a big city and there is also no beach, but you can change the air just 100 km from the capital , walk through leafy forests, ride horses, learn about other gastronomy, visit sublime chateaux or rest under a tree by a lake.


Paris breathes fashion, for something the myth of the allure of the parisienne is still latent. If you are a fashionist you'll gloat over the spectacle of Fashion Week, whether it's the fashion shows of the elegant houses of fashion as with the swing of the most sophisticated street style outfits.

The rest of the year you will be inspired by its superb boutiques and by the je ne sais quoi of the Parisian women that you will come across on the terraces.

romantic paris

Its inherent romanticism


Taking a night walk through the center of Paris is like floating; Its perfect lighting manages to sublimate its grandiose monuments even more, giving them an unreal appearance, as if it were a movie set.

make a midnight balade down the silent cour Carré of the Louvre Museum , cross some of its impressive bridges such as the Pont des Arts, or the Pont Neuf or borders the banks of the Seine.


Its cafes, restaurants and shops are inspiring, they manage to turn a decrepit joint into a stylish bar using some lights, a bit of music and a couple of studied objects placed strategically.

Its florists do not prepare garish bouquets of flowers with mixtures of impossible tones wrapped in cellophane and colored ribbons as a carnival. Parisian florists have exquisite taste and create wonderful bouquets of delicate dried flowers like those of Une Maison dans les arbres or wild and fresh like those of Bergamotte.


You will be spellbound by the Sainte Geneviève reading rooms; the Library Mazarine , the oldest public library in France; the majestic Rue Richelieu BNF mid-16th century; wave Interuniversity Library of the Sorbonne of the eighteenth century.


Despite living years in the city of love, you will continue to be won over by the dimly lit narrow streets of its oldest neighbourhoods, the walks through its gardens, the marvelous view of the Plaza de la Concordia at sunset or the bucolic Île-Saint Louis with a melodic accordion in the background…

And after a few years, you may find the love of your life, a prince charmant parisien who conquers your heart and tells you Je t'aime mon amour.

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