In Flanders, beer is a women's thing


Let's banish myths

Let's banish myths

The relationship between women and beer dates back to time immemorial . In ancient Mesopotamia Ninkasi she was the goddess of this elixir, while in Egyptian mythology she was Hathor who protected the benefits of this drink. In the Middle Ages brewing was a female occupation but little by little the men were displacing our congeners, as in many other aspects, and the idea that this drink is masculine par excellence was consolidated.

Oh beer... mmm...

Oh beer... mmm...

In Flanders do not agree with this statement (in fact, women are at the cradle of Flemish beer culture) and for this reason in Mechelen this year the guide Beer in the hands of women has been created in which experiences, stories and routes that can be done in this city linked with this nectar . One of the most recommended (and I say this knowingly) is the pairing of beer and tapas that the bar proposes. Hono Loeloe located in the square of the City Hall of Mechelen. Women also played a great role in the birth of the famous Malian brewery. Het Anker since they were precisely the beguines (religious women who were part of certain existing communities in Belgium) its first makers.

The famous Malian beer Het Anker

The famous Malian beer Het Anker

The concept of women and beer for which he has opted Mechelen has been developed by the well-known sommelier sofie vanrafelghem who affirms that beer is a very attractive gastronomic pleasure for both men and women. Likewise Vanrafelghem she points to two physical issues that make women better beer tasters: we have a better sense of smell than men and an increased number of taste buds so we have a much more sensitive palate.

Women's leadership in many brewing companies is increasing in Flanders. In Ghent , to give an example, one of the traditional breweries, La Gruut, is run by Annick de Splenter , who represents the latest generation of a family of brewmasters. The grout , inaugurated in 2009, has the peculiarity of being one of the few places in the world where this drink is made without hops.

Visiting lively Ghent Make a stop in Gruut

Visiting lively Ghent? Make a stop in Gruut

But there are plenty of other places in Flanders to enjoy beer whether you're a man or a woman. In Leuven , birthplace of Stella Artois, the company Leuven Leisure It proposes several activities related to this drink, such as a tasting in several of the most emblematic places in this student city. In addition, in Louvain there are several haute cuisine restaurants such as Bramble either essenciel that propose the most chic paired menus, of course, with good beer.

After all the above, it is not acceptable but rather immoderate that still the women whom we like beer we are branded as vulgar. But who was the smart guy who said beer wasn't glamorous?

Follow @marichusbcn

Bramble Belgian haute cuisine in Leuven

Bramble Belgian haute cuisine in Leuven

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