Five things to drink in the province of Tarragona (and they are not calçots)


Natural pork loin sashimi from El Molí dels Avis

Natural pork loin sashimi from El Molí dels Avis

We selected five must-tastes that you should urgently taste, and if they are accompanied by wines, oils and carquinyolis of the area for coffee, better than better.


Ah, the eel, so many times overshadowed by its incarnation in the form of a fry that is the eel. The appropriate place to rediscover this delicacy with firm meat and a unique texture is the Ebro Delta.

The suquet or the xapadillo are two of the most traditional ways of making it, but if we are with people who feel a certain qualm about its appearance and intense flavor (or children a bit primmirats), take it smoked mixed with tomato on toast is a great option. It can be enjoyed in restaurants like Nuri House _(Goles de l'Ebre final road, s/n, Buda Island) _, Nicanor House _(Carrer Major, 22, Deltebre) _ or the very careful Can Batiste (Carrer de Sant Isidre 204, Sant Carles de la Ràpita).

Can Batiste

Here you will find that precious eel from Tarragona


Do we need to sing the praises of tuna, the prodigious fish? The highly controlled fishing of Mediterranean bluefin tuna is better explained and understood in a place that, curiously, offers a unique version of it: the visit to the Balfego Group in L'Ametlla de Mar . Every year, between May 26 and June 25, their boats catch tuna using the “seine fence” tactic, and take them to giant pools off the coast where they will live for about a year, fattening up until they recover their fat. they had when they lived in the Atlantic, before making their migration to reproduce.

The company also offers a unique activity: bathing among tuna in one of these hatcheries, also available to divers who have the license open water , and then enjoy a tasting (catamaran, swim and tasting from 35 euros) . They have also recently opened their own restaurant in Barcelona, The Tunateca _(Diagonal 439, Barcelona) _.

But if we talk about restaurants to use to enjoy the product (which is of course what we are talking about), in the same L'Ametlla de Mar we have two impenetrable destinations: the elegant The mill of the Avis (Andreu Llambrich 74; L'Ametlla de Mar), specializing in bluefin tuna (that is, a festival of different preparations and cuts to lose your head), and the small and wonderful The Llotja _(Carrer Sant Roc 23, L'Ametlla de Mar) _. Enjoying carpaccio or tuna morrillo on your terrace is a pleasure that is not forgotten. And watch out for their desserts.

Tuna Nigiri from La Tunateca

tuna nigiri


Traditional drink rescued for the present by hipsterism , the vermouth and its faithful have a mandatory place of pilgrimage: Reus. Being one of the key cities of brandy favored this novel (in the XIX) creation.

In Reus there are still four own brands of this drink that organize visits and tastings: Yzaguirre (Celler Sort del Castell, Morell) the Iris of ** Muller ** _(Camí de la Pedra Stela 34, Reus) _, the I look _(Adrià Gual 10, Reus) _ and the one the latter make for the Museu del Vermouth, Cori. This restaurant-museum _(Carrer de Vallroquetes 7, Reus) _ is the perfect place to soak up the publicity, references and history of the quintessential aperitif. Located in an old hat shop, it collects the private collection of its owner, Joan Tàpias , a passionate dedicated to the vermouth cause, and offers thirty references from all over the world.

Vermouth Museum

Vermouth Museum


Of course, Delta rice. This crop that changed life and the landscape at the end of the Ebro river forever is one of those signs that agriculture and the economy can transform worlds and deeply imbricate the spirit of those who work it. In addition to the amazing and ubiquitous scenery, you can learn about the rice fields in the Molí de Rafelet ; Santroc 8, Deltebre), a museum and homegrown craft production center.

And to fully immerse yourself in its elaborations, with galleys, prawns, black, with duck, broth and we don't continue because we melt, try L'Algadir del Delta _(Ronda dels Pins 27-29, Poble Nou del Delta) _, at the hotel of the same name. The return of chef Joan Capilla to the traditional cuisine of the area draws on rice dishes such as bomba or less known as carnaroli. the most of Nuri _(Riumar road S/N Deltebre) _ The Delta Barracks _(Carretera Sant Jaume 4, Amposta) _ or Lo Pati d'Agustí _(Carrer de l'Ebre 10, Poble Nou) _ are other classics that never fail.

L'Algadir del Delta

L'Algadir del Delta


The "unique experience" is thrown around a bit lightheartedly, but we have to admit that visiting a raft and enjoying the molluscs that are grown in it is . In Sant Carles de la Rapita Several excursions are offered with this option, but without a doubt the most spectacular is the Musclarium _(Badia dels Alfacs, Sant Carles de la Rápita) _.

Compared to other simpler visits, the Musclarium is a 600 square meter platform mounted since 2014 on top of a mussel farm. Due to the shallow depth of the Delta (4 meters), the structure is anchored to the ground, with what does not float or rock like the classic Galician rafts . This allows us to find an authentic terrace with all the comforts, bathroom, bar, tables, security measures, plenty of space. It's like being on the terrace of a hotel or a deluxe beach bar in the middle of the sea where they also explain the cultivation of mussels and oysters.

For 25 euros, the excursion to there by boat, the visit and tasting of the product is offered. The activity lasts about two hours, although visitors can stay in the Musclarium for as long as they want. And I should try to make it coincide with late afternoon , because from there you assist some sunsets that reconcile you with life.


One of mussels!

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