Rural Andalusia: post-confinement disconnection activated


The Acebuchal Malaga

The Acebuchal, Malaga

Disconnect from disconnect . It may sound a bit nonsense, but we are sure that we are not the only ones those who have been invaded by that feeling.

A pressing need for flee from monotony, from loneliness -physical- to which this confinement has led us, to go to a place, also quiet, in which enjoy the simple things. Do it without crowds, with peace as a companion. And, if possible -yes, please- in the south.

Reservoir of Viñuela Malaga

La Viñuela Reservoir, Malaga

we launch to explore the landscape of Andalusia to discover those corners in which the longed for essence of the rural still remains.


GPS takes you head to Malaga, and not precisely for what you jump headfirst into the mediterranean -which, hey, wouldn't be bad either-: we want you to investigate this time in the Axarquia region, that you travel its convoluted roads flanked by cereal fields and olive groves, of curves and more curves, until you come across **an immense reservoir of turquoise waters. **

Hey friend: You have arrived at La Viñuela. And how happy you are going to be to discover that the great landscape treasure of the area is a perfect enclave for you to cool off in its waters, kayak or practice sailing. **

With barely two thousand inhabitants, in the town of La Viñuela - which gives its name to the reservoir, of course - you will enter into communion with the Malaga with the most authentic roots: the one with whitewashed walls and geraniums coloring their pots. To eat, a basic: in Canillas de Aceituno , about a 20-minute drive away, they make **the best suckling goat in the area. **

And to sleep, don't hesitate: in the Hotel La Viñuela & Spa, of the boutique chain B bou, You will rest like a baby while you relax with the best views imaginable of the reservoir.


Time to stay with your mouth open: as soon as you see yourself before what is probably the greatest landscape wonder of Seville -which, curiously, is also a great unknown outside the province-, the eyes will make you sparkles.

Iron Hill

Iron Hill

A geological formation with over 600 million years and a stone's throw from two towns that are two great jewels, Constantina and San Nicolás de Puerto.

A natural wonder whose wealth was already discovered by the Romans in the past, when they did not hesitate a second to exploit it as a mine and thus extract the iron present in its limestone rock. **

It was precisely this man/nature embrace that molded and outlined the spectacular monument that is the Cerro del Hierro, a corner of unique shapes and colors full of potholes, walls, needles, cavities and even corridors that are also **a delight for climbers. You know, in case you dare… **


It is clear: if you have to find a corner away from the madding crowd, where life goes by at its own pace, without stress or stress, and in a most idyllic enclave... opt for the Granada Alpujarra . And, specifically, for two of the towns that have managed to carry the name of this unique Andalusian space around half the world.

Pampaneira -only 250 inhabitants- and Capileira -less than 600- , are towns overflowing with charm that, anchored in the Poqueira Ravine , they are worth, without a doubt, for immerse yourself in the most authentic rural life.

Pampaneira the Berber village.

Pampaneira, the Berber town.

Lose yourself in its cobblestone streets, drink the pure water that its fountains supply and enjoy the details of its typical terraos and tinaos -roofs and arcades from the Alpujarras, so that you go doing with the autochthonous jargon.

Hang out with your people breathe the cleanest air breathed in your life and relax. That, above all. Hey, and be careful, if you get lost you don't come home.


We continue to offer you rural life as an escape route, this time in Huelva ways. and if it exists a place to find the most absolute fullness and rediscover yourself, have no doubt: this beautiful town surrounded by infinite meadows of holm oaks and cork oaks, and its consequent Iberian pigs swarming from one side to another, it's your place

And we'll warn you right now: you'll start to marvel at the area as soon as you advance through the country roads that will reveal the beautiful landscape of the **Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park. **

Once in Higuera, enjoy again those details that make the towns of inland Andalusia unique places and admire the beauty of the simplest things.

be even happier and give yourself the well deserved tribute -if possible, based on Iberian pork products, of course- in Jacarandá, a wonderful restaurant in the central Plaza de la Constitución. There Isaac, its owner, will manage so that you do not forget the experience in your life.

Sierra Fig Tree

Sierra Fig Tree


And from the Sierra de Huelva, to that of Jaén , land of extensive fields of olive groves worked with the sweat of those day laborers who are an essential part of the Andalusian idiosyncrasy. the same ones that live the beautiful towns dotted with white, every so often, landscape.

Precisely one of those nuclei surrounded by Arab walls and steeped in history is Segura de la Sierra, which stands impetuous in the heart of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park, the largest in the entire peninsula -and eye: also in Europe-.

In fact, prepare to be surprised, because the Arab castle that crowns the town it can be seen from afar.

Take advantage of your days disconnecting from disconnection in the most pleasant way: investigating the history of the town, visiting some of its attractive monuments - its two churches, the Arab baths and the House of Jorge Manrique are just some of its claims- **and, above all, walking. **

Their steep and narrow streets they remind us of that Muslim past that, even today, feels present.

the wild olive tree

One of the charming streets of El Acebuchal


Perhaps the name of the place that we are now proposing sounds rather unfamiliar to you. But, how about we call you Frigiliana? This beautiful town in the province of Malaga is known among nationals and foreigners for the charm that its streets give off, converted into a beautiful postcard.

But it is that there, a little higher, about 8 kilometers along a dirt track, is El Acebuchal, this village of just a handful of neighbors who are now fighting to restore a pinch of life after decades abandoned to its fate.

It is the ideal place if what you want is to make it difficult for the world to find you: between avocado crops and infinite mountains in which to lose yourself until you get bored, and in the tranquility that forgotten places grant, ** you will find that peace that you have missed so much. **


The somewhat less than 700 inhabitants that live in the whitewashed houses of Zuheros throughout the year they have the good fortune to enjoy, almost exclusively, the beauty of its corners.

And it is a beauty of those roots, which speak of the past, of preserved traditions and stories that occurred in its streets and viewpoints. **

Balconies to the immensity from which you can breathe deeply the clean air of the Cordovan countryside and admire the landscape of the Subbética, that expands at your feet like an immense cloak.

the wild olive tree

El Acebuchal: small village of memory

Being happy in Zuheros is not complicated at all, take advantage of it and spend a few days not only getting lost in its streets: also explore the surroundings, where you can go cycling or hiking along the Vía Verde that runs 65 kilometers of the path of the old Oil Train it is more than obligatory.

Also to visit its iconic Bat Cave, where paintings were found 3,500 and 4,000 BC of C., and, of course, to taste the local goat cheese. An absolute delight.


Forget bumping into great monuments or tourist landmarks, constantly bumping into neighbors and, much less, meeting hordes of visitors: The attraction of this small town in Almería is precisely its simplicity and tranquility that breathes in it.

That, and the beauty of -once again- its houses of white facades and pots full of flowers, a constant when it comes to talking about the south. Take a deep breath when you walk through them, you may be surprised **by the appetizing aroma of Lucainena's typical dish: gurullos. **

The history of the town began thousands of years ago, when some houses were built around the mining deposits that marked his character forever. In fact, the remains of eight of the towers used back then for melt carbon from iron can still be seen.

Zuheros street with plants


Surrounded by the wonders that it hides the Sierra Alhamilla and bordering the wonderful Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar, It is another of those rural enclaves of Andalusia that will never disappoint you.


Again one of the treasures protected in the Sierra Huelva awaits you with open arms to tempt you to change your way of life forever. **Believe us: the energy that you feel in Alájar are big words. **

And perhaps it comes driven by that green mantle that surrounds it, a thick forest of holm oaks, cork oaks and chestnut trees ideal for wandering aimlessly or looking at the clock.

One of its natural emblems is the imposing Rock of Arias Montano, a limestone promontory where **Benito Arias Montano himself lived, editor of the Council of Trent and adviser to Philip II. **

Lower down, still in the labyrinth of its cobbled streets, what catches you is something else: its little houses with red roofs, the famous plains that act as a prelude to the houses and those details that, here and there, show that the rural still survives. **

The peculiar calcination ovens of Lucainena de las Torres

The peculiar calcination ovens of Lucainena de las Torres

his mythical Hermitage of Our Lady Queen of the Angels It is, by the way, one of the most important pilgrimage centers in the south.

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