Ten reasons to visit the new National Archaeological Museum


Prehistory room

Prehistory room

1. THE RETURN OF THE LADY OF ELCHE. Just as Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is the undisputed star of the Louvre Museum in Paris, we could say that the Lady of Elche is the great queen of the National Archaeological Museum . The possibility of rediscovering ourselves with this Iberian sculpture from the 5th century BC. is reason enough to visit the museum again and again. Located on the first floor (room 13), her perfect bust is inside a large glass case on a huge copper-colored plain tapestry . And she is very well accompanied. Next to her we can see the ladies of Galera, Ibiza and Baza, and the Costitx Bulls, cast in bronze.

National Archaeological Museum

The queen of the museum

two. THE BUILDING IS SPECTACULAR. The new National Archaeological Museum has little to do with the one inaugurated by Queen Elizabeth II in 1967. Although its historical essence has not changed, the comprehensive reform has given it a good facelift, going from being a dated and obsolete museum to a true jewel. of the 21st century. The new lobby of the museum is wonderful, more spacious and welcoming. Although what we like the most has been the recuperation of two fantastic historic patios, one Roman and one Arab, 20 meters high and covered with climatic glass vaults that transform depending on the intensity of light and heat. To give the walls of the museum a facelift, grooved Merbau wood has been used and the floors have been covered with travertine marble. The result is outstanding.

National Archaeological Museum

South courtyard of the museum, a real joy

3. A NEW PERMANENT EXHIBITION. At the same time that the cranes and workers worked on the architectural renovation of the building, the museum undertook an ambitious program of cleaning and restoration of its entire permanent collection. Pieces such as mosaics, sculptures, coins, sarcophagi, mummies and the embroidered cloths of the Noble Rooms have been pampered and cared for during the years that the museum has remained closed to now show off its historical splendor with the greatest possible force. In short: almost 10,000 m2 of surface, with 40 rooms spread over four floors and 13,000 pieces constitute a new permanent exhibition that we cannot miss under any circumstances.

Four. THE MUSEUM ON YOUR MOBILE . Forget carrying heavy guides to the museum or buying the brochure they offer you at the entrance. The easiest (and cheapest) is to download the new interactive guide to MAN. It is a delight. As soon as you launch this free app, a voice guides you throughout your visit. With a single click you have access to the plans of all the floors of the building and to a thematic index where you can choose which exhibitions interest you the most. The mobile works as an audio guide that will make you understand perfectly each of the collections that you have before you. Of course, do not forget the helmets.

National Archaeological Museum

The museum app, a must for your mobile

5. ENTRANCE IS FREE. Yes, is free until Sunday April 20 . The reason: the museum is holding open days on the occasion of its reopening and that is something that must be taken advantage of, especially considering that Inside, one of the most important collections of antiquities in the world is preserved. If you don't have time to attend the open days, don't worry. As of April 21, the price to enter will be only 3 euros , a very cheap figure if we compare it with tickets to other museums in the city, such as the Prado National Museum (14 euros) or the Reina Sofía Art Center (8 euros).

6. A HISTORICAL AND MODERN LIBRARY. Another of the great treasures of the Museum is located on the fourth floor: its library. The value of the funds it houses is incalculable with more than 120,000 volumes with printed books from the fifteenth century to the present and an important ancient collection. It is the best source for those seeking to delve further into the subject matter and the museum's collections. The library also brings together one of the most important collections of specialized periodicals in Archeology and Prehistory in all of Europe. . As if this were not enough reasons to visit it (which they are), the reform has given the library a new air of modernity: the old metal trusses of the original building have been recovered. Its sloping ceiling together with a perfect combination of metal, wood and glass have created a space that reminds us of a Parisian train station . To access it, a prior request is required.

National Archaeological Museum

The most modern historical library

7. THEATER AND CONCERTS WITH A LOT OF HISTORY. Close your eyes and strain your ears. The music of the magnificent royal organ of the museum will begin to play its first notes from September 14, when the "open doors" concerts begin. The music is fabulous: melodies from the 16th and 17th centuries reproduced in the new noble rooms of the museum . But that is not all. The museum also organizes short theatrical monologues that help contextualize the pieces in its exhibitions with fantasy stories. An original (and fun) way to learn about history. Take a look at the museum's agenda and don't miss a thing.

8. AN AUDIOVISUAL JOURNEY TO "DEATH" . If you are one of those who every time you visit an archaeological museum, you go straight to the rooms of Egypt to see its mummies, take note of one of the thematic tours offered by the new museum : the Archeology of Death. The objective: to understand the transit to the Beyond in the Iberian Peninsula and in ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian and the Greek. Exciting! The museum offers a multimedia guide during the 110-minute tour. Also , the new audiovisual media that accompany the collections help make the journey even more interesting.

National Archaeological Museum

The Egypt room, one of the most attractive

9. HAVE A HISTORICAL COFFEE. Caffeine addicts, Madrid opens a museum and also a cafeteria. We don't know what museum cafeterias have, but we love them. It will be that historical and artistic atmosphere that permeates the air, which makes each sip of coffee taste much better. The cafeteria of the new museum is located in the entrance hall and is one of the public spaces that has been created with the reform. A space of 134 square meters of the most modern with a terrace included for good weather. Here they not only serve drinks, but also cook delicious sandwiches, salads and even hamburgers. And you can go as many times as you want, it is not necessary to buy the ticket to the museum to access it.

National Archaeological Museum

The new face of the museum is amazing

10. IT IS A MORE ACCESSIBLE MUSEUM. And we are not referring only to people with disabilities or those who move in a wheelchair, but also for families with pushchairs . The reform has provided the museum with larger spaces, without architectural barriers where it is easier to circulate. Now everything is more comfortable. There are also many more areas dedicated to the public (around 2,600 meters more, to be exact) . Another plus: in the basement there is a small lactation room for moms to find a more private place to breastfeed their offspring.

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National Archaeological Museum

A spacious and welcoming lobby

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