Tell me how you are and I will tell you in which neighborhood of Madrid to live


Tell me how you are and I will tell you in which neighborhood of Madrid to live

Tell me how you are and I will tell you in which neighborhood of Madrid to live

Madrid It has long since passed from the home of urban tribes to a kind of Gathered Games in which a set of well-defined, connected and thematic towns coexist. A good part of this atomized Madrid of the 21st century hardly ever leaves their neighborhood, only if a prince marries or there is something free in the next neighborhood, preferably a festival. The summer houses will soon be rented on the banks of the Manzanares and going to the Sierra will be left for the honeymoons. It is yet another of the paradoxes of a city as cosmopolitan as it is territorial.

When one arrives in Madrid he swears that he will not become one of them, that he will never enjoy yelling at a traffic jam or walking at a marathon pace. But that's how we all ended up, turning the subway stairs into Super Mario Bros and making the hostile wave to our neighbors from inside the car.

So don't rule out becoming a local from Madrid The one who is not going to get out of his four streets not even a zombie invasion (you will only comment by sparing their lives: "this is becoming fashionable, it used to be cool").

In case it happens to you too, choose your neighborhood wisely . Adapt your choice to your way of being or vice versa with this simple barriuna personality test that explains where you live or where you are going to live.

Two roommates looking out the window in Madrid

What good times the neighborhood patios and the Madrid corralas give

*Report originally published on April 7, 2014 and updated on June 29, 2018

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