Zaha Hadid Architects to Design Xi'an Cultural Center


Zaha Hadid Architects will be the study in charge of drawing up the design of the Jinghe New City Culture & Art Center on the Chinese city of Xi'an.

After rising like the architecture studio victorious in the contest to conceive the Jinghe New City of Culture and Art Center , the creation that will be built in the city will continue betting on the development of the scientific and technological area that has been developing at the north of Xi'an , on the chinese province of Shanxi.

Zaha Hadid Architects Jinghe Culture and Art Center

Zaha Hadid Architects signs the Jinghe New City Culture & Art Center in Xi'an.

"Supported by new scientific research institutes and driven by environmental considerations, the city is becoming a hub for the development of industries focused on new energy and materials, artificial intelligence and aerospace," he says. Zaha Hadid Architects it's a statement.

With Patrik Schumacher as director of Zaha Hadid Architects , Satoshi Ohashi in his role as project director and Nan Jiang as its architect, the art and culture center will seek emulate the valleys sculpted by the jinghe river through the mountains and landscapes of the shaanxi province.

How are the coordinates of the new design? Jinghe New City Culture & Art Center will connect the new multimedia library to the north of the avenue jinhe with the new performing arts theater, multi-functional rooms, studios, and exhibition galleries to the south through elevated courtyards, gardens, and pathways that traverse the avenue's eight traffic lanes.

Zaha Hadid Architects Jinghe Culture and Art Center

The performing arts theater will seat 450 people.

Forging a remarkable bond with the urban plan current, the gently sloping ramps will serve as a gateway to the network of elevated public walkways, as downtown winds its way to link its commercial and residential districts to the parks and river to the south, moving city residents to the epicenter from the building, providing direct access to the metro station.

Located on the south side of Xi'an Avenue, the performing arts theater will have capacity for 450 people, and, according to Zaha Hadid Architects , it is possible to adapt it for different kinds of events.

For its part, the multifunctional room, studios and galleries have been arranged around the theater to share public areas designed to improve accessibility and interdisciplinary collaboration.

It should be noted that in the arts and culture center there will be public reading areas for individual and collective research, while the library it will host print publications along with immersive virtual reality technologies.

Zaha Hadid Architects Jinghe Culture and Art Center

This is the new design of Zaha Hadid Architects.

Composed of Carlos Bausa Martínez, Bahaa Alnassrallah and Aditya Ambare, the team of sustainability managed, through the analysis of solar irradiation and site planning, to optimize the use of natural ventilation and natural light.

Likewise, they have proposed to use photovoltaic panels for the generation of energy in situ, to collect rainwater, and to use locally produced materials with a high content of recycled material in order to obtain the 3-star certification in the China's green building program.

Who else made up the project? Sanxing Zhao, Lianyuan Ye, Shaofei Zhang, Qiyue Li, Shuchen Dong, Yuan Feng, Congyue Wang, Yuling Ma, and Yanran Lu, who in turn helped define a sequence of indoor and outdoor cultural and recreational spaces for the Xi'an community.

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