Madrid is to eat it: six new restaurants with their own name


Celso and Manolo

The tavern of a lifetime like never before

The full house surprises on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, and when observing the atmosphere you can realize the mix of generations enjoying the relaxation that the space provides, the careful attention of the work team, and some menus designed with a point of Very defined view, quality and good prices.

The words that are repeated the most among those responsible for these new premises is “honesty and unassuming” , delicious food available to everyone and spaces that recover the essence of the bars and restaurants of the 20th century . In most cases the materials are warm, like wood, an overly industrial or minimalist vision is avoided, although cement or industrial lamps are not lacking. Fashions and trends go by very quickly in this fast-paced 21st century, and for this reason, there is nothing better than insuring with traditional attributes to remain in time.

the ling

Madrid is to eat it

Secondly, in Madrid the formula of eliminating all vestiges of the old had been imposed , and now they are beginning to be valued as treasures the tin bars , Formica tables, terrazzo or sintasol on the floor. There is also a clear vindication of the squid sandwich, the Russian salad, the croquettes and the traditional empanadilla, without signs of deconstruction, yes, with the best seasonal products.

Of course, there is a different air in the lighting, the tableware, the design of the menus and part of the furniture... , which, in almost all cases, have a local design or production developed by the new makers, artists, designers and architects who have turned their gaze towards the noble crafts and who provide, in general, excellent manufacturing, a sense of humor and a halo of undoubted contemporaneity.

Russian salad of La Maruca

Russian salad: is there a greater pleasure?


The overwhelming success of La Maruca comes from the simple word of mouth, as an open secret, the message has come out in a forceful way: good food, very pleasant atmosphere and moderate prices.

In this torrid Madrid summer it is appreciated the deployment of a small terrace at the entrance same from the premises, and a wide bar , with high tables, where trays of wonderful pinchos follow one another throughout the day. The kitchen is visible, and there are several rooms with a versatile interior design by Zooco Estudio with Batavian furniture.

The letter is prudent with two fixed home insurance: squid rings and anchovies . To which should be added Russian salad with small pieces of anchovies . A piece of advice: try all the desserts, all of them.

the ling

Wood, shared tables and great desserts


A large marble bar presides over the space and brings Celso and Manolo to life. In it they work and prepare some of the rich delicacies, tomatoes, bread, olives, anchovy dishes, cecina and Russian salad.

It should also be noted, the terrazzo floor of spanish bar of all life and the bull's heads hanging in front of the bar, all made of straw, of course. But above all, stand out the good work of cooks, waiters and the owners themselves, The Zamora brothers from Santander, who after La Carmencita restaurant, are enthusiastic about this new proposal located on the same street.

Celso and Manolo

Squid and anchovies, a classic


It has been open for weeks on Calle San Jorge Juan and like its "cousin" Ten Con Ten, there is not a soul since it opens in the morning, it is full at all hours.

It is a grocery store where you can have a vermouth and some excellent olives while you buy organic fruit or decide, at the main counter, which ham, cheese, sobrassada or cured meats from around the world you want to buy.

Classic country tableware, exposed brick, even in a spectacular vault, stools and straw and wicker chairs , and high tables combined with low ones, create a warm and close atmosphere, very successful for the hustle and bustle that is generated at all times in the space.

And as in all self-respecting groceries, you pay at the checkout, at the exit.


The gourmet traveler of the capital


Surrounded by offices Marietta's restaurant , the name of a mysterious character who has a very definite trait, she is an inveterate traveler. Among her partners is Chiqui Calleja, a very young but experienced businessman, who has surrounded himself with a top team, all very friendly and very efficient.

The kitchen is run by chef Roberto Velazquez , which proposes a letter with a international kitchen , from the market, which is based on respect for the raw material with a Mediterranean base fused with features from different continents.

From Roman squid sushi , veal nugget, Bilbao-style salmon with wild asparagus, an exquisite octopus … and we cannot forget its desserts where it stands out their creamy cookie cheesecake or their 100% Oreo cookie homemade fresh from the oven with stracciatella ice cream and chocolate sauce.

The project and decoration have been carried out by Proyecto Singular and led by the architect Jorge Lozano, with a concept that has been influenced by the nomadic character of the traveling Marieta.


Roman squid sushi


The Martina's place is located behind Gran Via , in the Plaza de Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, and displays all its strength through a wonderful terrace in the square and a traditional cuisine with some exotic note, as defined by its owner and designer David Friar : “The warmth of the dark wood on the tables and the floor, the Eames chairs and some beautiful black lacquered copper lamps are hallmarks of this restaurant, I wanted to show an interior design with a different personality, the idea is that customers feel at home ” .

Exposed brick and cement are happy with the artist's work Tiago Oliver and with a colorful poster illuminated with light bulbs with the main name: Martina . The nights come alive with several well-known DJs and cocktails from various countries.


Traditional cuisine with an exotic note... and with a terrace


It is the absolute novelty of this summer of 2014, opens these days and launches its fresh and simple proposals at Calle Argensola 24. Breakfasts with breads and French pastries of the highest quality , to eat, the usual salads, great Italian pasta, rice dishes, cous cous, and the difference with respect to its older brother on Monte Esquinza street, the impulse of dinners and cocktails.

A large wooden bar is the absolute protagonist of the space , along with a front assembled with scrapped doors and windows also made of wood.

The word thank you , a large size, occupies another of the fronts of the space, Pablo González del Tánago, partner and designer of Petit Appetit, thus thanks the clients for entering and also for their loyalty to this proposal that has been so successful in recent years in its other location, across the street Genoa.

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thank you

Petit Appetit's little brother

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