The best places in Berlin to have a kaiser breakfast


The best places in Berlin to have a kiser breakfast

Kaiser Corps Breakfast in Berlin

In ** Germany ** it is often said: “have breakfast like a Kaiser, lunch like a king and dinner like a beggar”. And the majority, who can boast of being obedient, they apply this maxim with the methodical rigor that characterizes them.

At night, the worker's consolation comes early (between 7 and 8 p.m.) and ill with what is likely to be the saddest dinner in the world what they call Abendbrot , and the Spanish would translate as bread with sausage, is one of the most common options for the last meal of the day.

Now on the weekends brunch was already worshiped long before enlightened 'hipsterism' adored poached egg avocado toast on Instagram. maybe the only desktop that lasts longer than strictly necessary in Germany be the one that brings the whole family together around a endless variety of rolls, cheese and fruit on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

It is usual that the first to get up go stock up on brötchen, brezel and c_roissants_ to the nearest bakery, lay out the coffee and decide how the eggs will be cooked: scrambled (_Rührei) _, grilled (Spiegelei) or soft-boiled (_gekochtes Ei) _.

Although it is not surprising that the same ritual takes place outside the home: there are some temples that deserve the pilgrimage. in the multifaceted berlin is it so arranged throughout the city layout without distinguishing between neighborhoods. Some require a reservation, others do not contemplate it, but all allow breakfast in the Kaiser's body as tradition dictates.

The best places in Berlin to have a kiser breakfast

The genius of starting the day with a cheesecake


Nest provides the best possible excuse to get out of bed on a Sunday morning: a breakfast buffet. Even dispensing with those '5 extra minutes', because in this small café in Kreuzberg They do not tolerate delay at all. Undoubtedly, it is due to the infinity of reservations that are processed on weekends and that is your brunch it has very little to do with what you are imagining: no hard-boiled egg, bacon and sausage -which too-, are served here dishes made from vegetables, tabbouleh and pasta.

A little less sophisticated, breakfast at ** Café A.Horn ** includes a wide variety of bagels at the consumer's choice (we strongly recommend that of dried olives and that of poppy seeds ) that are served with sausage, tomato, cucumber, butter and jam. On that basis can be added eggs, muffins, or cereal as an accompaniment. Be careful because as in most restaurants in Berlin, here you can only pay in cash.


Wherever two of the most modern neighborhoods in Berlin per square meter (Kreuzberg and Neukölln) intersect, they converge some of the most attractive cafes in the city for locals and visitors.

The best places in Berlin to have a kiser breakfast

Their Benedict eggs are perfect to deal with a hangover

Among them stands out Le Bon , the little sister of KAFFEEBAR , which offers an English-speaking refuge to tourists and an infallible remedy against a hangover for those who have not yet been home: eggs Benedict with a spicy touch. And if you don't want the picture of your pancakes haunts you in dreams months later, do yourself a favor and don't stay with the desire.

Among so much breakfast for champions, there are also simple but very convincing alternatives such as The Croissanterie , where one knows exactly what is coming. It has the stamp of approval of the most exquisite French that yes, you will never look favorably on those delicious puff pastries filled with hazelnut cream, but Granted, the classics are the best croissants in town.


Right next to Boxhagen Platz , where the busiest market in the favorite neighborhood of Spanish expats is held every Sunday, you can start one of the best days of your life with breakfast at Silo Coffee . Don't be fooled by the tourist appearance because huge and delicious portions justify the investment. For vegetarians, mushroom toast. For traditional, Silo breakfast.


In the residential and family neighborhood par excellence (also known as Pregnancy Berg) there is no shortage of options for a good and nice breakfast. A cinnamon roll Zeit für Brot enough to satisfy any craving, but if you are looking for something else, in Butter Coffee offer a varied value for money breakfast buffet explains the queues that form at his door. Does not accept reservations.

If you feel hungry when you walk between the shops, you can enter one of them where, in addition to ice cream and waffles, they serve breakfast. In the cafe Kauf dich Glücklich in addition to the popular formula for bread and sausages served in a colorful multi-tiered fountain, also they offer sweet and savory waffles with tomato and pesto that no one should miss.


Their pop-up breakfasts were so celebrated in the city that Sophie and Xenia, two sisters of German and Iranian descent, finally decided to open their own space near Potsdamer Platz. In Rocket and Basil interpret some of the culinary classics of Persian cuisine with fresh seasonal products and some additions from the years they lived in Australia.

Distributed throughout various parts of the city, the main claim of the establishments of Brammibal Donuts is that all your products are vegan and handmade, but what they don't tell you is that they are delicious and that you will want to come back every month to try the new flavors.


As in most big cities, it is more difficult to find affordable and unpretentious places in the central area, but in Berlin it is almost a challenge. In the Mitte area, there is **a colorful Japanese restaurant that serves a four-course brunch and cocktails on weekends. House of small wonders ** is ideal for groups.

In short, they will not know toast with tomato, but their repertoire is not limited to the stereotype of bread and butter either. As in almost all European capitals, the religion of brunch is widespread, but in Germany it really is the most important meal of the day (and of the week!), so Berlin is well worth a breakfast.

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