20 tips to get the most out of your Interrail


The quintessence of the traveler looking out the window of the train heading to his new destination

The quintessence of the traveler: looking out the window of the train heading to your new destination

1.- Do not get overwhelmed. Being able to visit many countries in a given period makes inveterate travelers go quite crazy when it comes to planning routes, but relax! We've come to have a good time!

two.- Do not rely too much on the schedules. Not all of Europe is England, and even if it were, sometimes there are unforeseen events that not even the English can foresee. The issue is: don't plan to catch two trains with a very short time difference between the arrival of one and the departure of the other, because, you know, shit happens, and maybe by rushing, in the end you lose more than one link...

3.- Make a budget, choose an amount to spend and do not exceed it. Expenses tend to get out of hand on this type of trip, especially due to unforeseen events. Before leaving, estimate more or less how much you want to spend and keep track of it every day, or you will come home with an interesting hole in the account...

4.- Carry as little luggage as possible . Keep in mind that you will most likely spend a day or two in each place, so most of the time you will be carrying the backpack, and you do not want to get sick of it at the first change, right?

Tranquility in the masses Europe will still be there after your Interrail

Tranquility in the masses: Europe will still be there after your Interrail

5.- We have said little luggage, but we have not said what luggage . Note:

- Helmets of those that isolate you from the rest of the world, for trains with children... or with chickens

- A most universal charger possible for all your devices. You will save space. - If you are going to travel to countries with different plugs, a universal adapter it will be a must in your luggage - A deck of cards , the perfect icebreaker anywhere in the world (or almost) . The One is also international. - A book (if it is in digital format or audiobook, you can bring several) . Keep in mind that you will not always have network, or battery, to entertain yourself with Facebook. - If you are sensitive to sleeping in public places (read train, read station because said train does not leave until three in the morning), check also a mask and some earplugs. - Swimsuit even if it's winter. - Oilskin, even if it's summer. If your backpack is not waterproof, it may also be a good idea to carry one for her. - Sleeping bag. It can be used to a) sleep anywhere if you are a destroyer traveler. b) Enough to improve the conditions of any train (and even bed) to take a snooze. - Towel of those super absorbent and super finite (yes, they are the closest we have ever been to the future) .

- If you are daring and/or know how to play, a tiny instrument (as you can see, knowing how to play is not entirely necessary) . This will ensure impromptu parties and instant hookups. No problem. - Hand fan . It doesn't take up anything and can save you from hot flashes with a lot of art. - Lizard Soap or similar, to wash your panties/underpants in any sink. (Didn't you want adventure?) - safety pins to hang that same sparkly underwear from your backpack and let it air dry (sometimes it will be necessary to do so) . - Flip flops to get into quagmires/hostels to shower without anxiety attacks.

- what of comfortable clothes and shoes We take it for granted, but just in case: comfortable clothes and shoes. Oh, and don't bring your favorite t-shirt, rather bring things that, if necessary, you don't mind getting rid of at the end of the trip . - Mosquito spray.

- if you take medicines, don't forget them: it can be difficult to find which products in which countries. It would also be nice to bring ibuprofen or whatever you use for hangovers, I mean headaches. Also, a mini-medkit can't hurt anyone -except your backpack space-... - Tip: carry clear plastic bags with automatic closure to put the liquids if you do not want to mess it up big time with so much rattle. - One of those cushions that inflate It's usually a good idea to take a nap while looking out the window.

- Two words: toilet paper.

He didn't read our advice and now he laughs for not crying

He didn't read our advice and now he laughs for not crying

6. It is a good idea to use the train to sleep, and it is as easy as planning the routes in such a way that the journey (better if it is long) falls at night. If you are wondering whether or not to take a bed, take it, especially in Eastern European countries, which are usually quite cheap. You will almost always be able to sleep decently, with the bonus that you do it while traveling and you lose absolutely no time. Another bonus? The sunrises from the train!

7.- However, do not always sleep on the train. Make sure you have a good bed to sleep in at least one night out of two, for the weary traveler complains more and enjoys less. Don't be the weary traveler!

8.- Another tip to not be that type of traveler: don't plan a lot of activities for each day . Sitting in a coffee shop for two hours sipping hot tea and watching life go by (or relieving your Wi-Fi monkey) is no sin. It is even desirable. Yes, you only have a few days to visit a lot of places, but we repeat it: do not get overwhelmed!

9.- To avoid unwanted shock , take one certified photocopy of your passport (They will do it for you at any police station in a little while). also carry all your documents in your mail or in the cloud , including Interrail tickets, plane tickets if any, etc. Make sure you have the assistance number of your bank card (on paper, not on the mobile: the mobile can run out of battery!) and your travel insurance (if you have contracted it) . Make sure your card can be used abroad and find out with what commissions. Of course, Has a padlock for the backpack and keep the keys with you. And don't forget the driving license if you consider the possibility of getting a car, as well as the youth card or the university card if you have them: you will get quite a few discounts thanks to them.

Not having caught the bunk doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore, huh?

Not getting the bunk doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore, huh?

10.- If you have enough time, don't just go to the big cities : take advantage of the ease that the train pass gives you to discover small towns, natural routes, coasts...

eleven.- Read the Interrail website very carefully. Remember, for example, that you have to pay supplements and reserve to sleep on the train, to catch a night or to enjoy high speed, as well as to ride on some trains considered "special". However, most places will be free!

12.- We are not very fond of souvenirs and, besides, you don't have room to transport them. The solution? Send postcards! In almost all cities, if you move through the most creative neighborhoods, you will find some very original ones made by local artists. Or you can also send some already written, of those old ones that are obtained in the slaughterhouses, and give them a new life!

13.- Tired of walking with the backpack from one place to another? In almost every season there slogans , just remember that you will have to come back before going to sleep, so it may be more convenient for you to carry it on your back or have it in the hotel/hostel (probably, they will be able to keep it for you even if you arrive before check-in).

14.- In addition to hostels, campsites and hotels, consider coachsurfing, Airb'n'b and... your friends! Don't you have any in that city? Surely someone does. Ask on your Facebook or Twitter before leaving and you will be surprised!

Trace postcards yeah

Trace postcards, yeah!

fifteen.- Most of the attractions and museums can be visited for free some day of the week. If you really want to go and have little money, make them coincide with your stay in the city. Also take a look, before you go, at concerts that interest you: maybe you'll finally see that singer who's never going to set foot in Spain.

16. - The local festivities they are an anthropological wonder in which it is always worth participating, but BEWARE: if you don't have a place to sleep, you may end up on the street that night. Anticipate as much as possible and, at least in this case, book in advance!

17.- If you go alone, we strongly recommend you read these tricks; if you are accompanied For your partner, take a look at this so as not to send her out for a fresh wind as soon as she sets foot in Spanish territory. And if your musketeers are friends , Make sure they pass the cotton test. Becoming an Interrail means spending many hours together (many of them in a rolling cubicle) and making many decisions that at the time seem like a matter of life and death: Should we go to the museum of modern art or the city's history museum? Should we take the night route or the one that leaves at noon? Eat in a restaurant or get the eleventh hamburger for one euro? Apparently harmless questions can turn into lasting enmities on a trip like this , so we recommend leaving space (try the "see you here at three" and everyone do what you want in the meantime) and have the most important issues planned (basically, the route to follow and where you are going to sleep) .

18.- Train stops aren't always announced, and even if they are, you won't always understand what the hell the PA system is saying. Learn the arrival time and write down the previous stops : this way there are more chances that you get off the one you had planned. You can also ask the locals or the reviewer to let you know.

19.- Save some energy to the night and its charms: traveling was also this.

twenty.- Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy! And tell everyone that roaming is over right now!

Sleeping in Munich without reservation during Oktoberfest mission impossible

Sleeping in Munich without a reservation during Oktoberfest: mission impossible

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