The best breakfasts in Reykjavík… according to the Internet


Kaffivagninn the number one cafe according to Trip Advisor followers

Kaffivagninn, the number one cafe according to Trip Advisor followers

In the case of the Icelandic capital, the surprising (and not as cold as it might seem) Reykjavík, we went to the well of wisdom that is the Internet to look for recommendations on where to have breakfast… and this answered us.

Google, that sort of virtual encyclopedia without which you can no longer live, responded to the question by recommending Prikiđ , one of the most historic places in Reykjavík, in the middle of Bankastraeti street. Halfway between a Seinfeld diner and an old western saloon , Prikiđ doesn't mess around with little girls.

Here, the breakfasts are overwhelming ( do not miss the anti-hangover special , the Hangover Killer, who includes a typical Icelandic sandwich , a vanilla shake with whiskey and an ibuprofen, and it cures even a bad mood), the black coffee and the authentic attitude: little has changed in the sixty years that it has been in operation.

Kaffitr's coffee mmm...

Kaffitar's coffee: mmm...


Hot on his heels on the list is Kaffitar , a chain of cafes that has become the benchmark for Icelandic craft coffee, and not without reason: the owner personally brings coffee from his travels to destinations such as Nicaragua, Brazil and Guatemala.

Their most popular venue is the one on the central street, a few doors down from Prikiđ, impossible to ignore with its magenta façade and the smell emanating from the door. Kaffitár is perfect for a light breakfast, especially if you have a sweet tooth: their brownie with walnuts will be one of the highlights of the trip.

Simplicity that conquers Kaffitr

Simplicity that conquers: Kaffitár


If Google is the equivalent of a traditional travel guide, Trip Advisor acts as a seasoned traveler, the one you fry with questions every time he lands from a new destination.

Kaffivagninn , the number one cafe according to Trip Advisor followers, is one of Reykjavik's traditional cafes. set foot on the premises, located in the port of Grandagarđur , it is almost a trip back in time to the Icelandic yesteryear.

Kaffivagninn's design may be simple, but the view over the North Sea is spectacular . breakfast here is The closest thing to going to an Icelandic granny's house , with a classic but powerful menu: porridge with strawberries, French omelette with cheese and salmon or French toast with Nutella are regulars on the menu.

Looking to start the day with energy

Looking to start the day with energy?


In the list of favorites of Trip Advisor it follows Reykjavik Roasters , one of the Icelandic centers of craft coffee. In this small center with hints of hipsters, coffee is a serious topic, with a menu of origins that takes you from Central America to Indonesia and back again.

Located a stone's throw from the center on Kárastígur street, Reykjavik Roasters it is easy to identify, by the wooden furniture and the record player in motion, always in motion. The menu? Just like coffee, it is a walk through the origins: artisan yogurt with granola, fresh croissants, or whole wheat toast with scrambled egg.

And what does the fourth social network in discord, FourSquare, tell us? This interactive map shows you not only the opinions of those who have eaten breakfast there before, but also how often they did so.


the Coocoo's Nest takes the crown for Reykjavik's most popular cafe, and not without reason. Coocoo's plays hard to get: hidden in the old port in Grandagarđur, not easy to find.

But once you locate it, go if it is appreciated. The place is picturesque, charming, and even more so considering what comes out of the kitchen: cinnamon pancakes, breakfast burritos, green eggs with ham… It's a stop you won't regret making.

Homemade cookies from Coocoos Nest

The homemade cookies of this cafeteria... of tears


The silver medal goes to Laundromat Cafe , a classic of the Reykjavik food scene and an unmissable stop on your breakfast itinerary . With a renovated farmhouse atmosphere, the menu is as eclectic as the decor . Choose between the clean breakfast, with muesli, fresh fruit and Greek yogurt, or the dirty, with added bacon, eggs and sausage.

Did you stay out late? No problem: Laundromat has a late breakfast menu available until four . Try the pancakes with blueberries, there is no heaviness in the stomach that can resist.

Follow @PReyMallen

Laundromat Café a classic of the Reykjavík gastronomic scene

Laundromat Café, a classic of the Reykjavik food scene

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