Salinas: ode to good vibes, the little things and the surf life


people sitting on salinas beach

Eternal afternoons in the sun

The outbreak of the pandemic has turned the world tourism sector upside down. Whereas in 2019 airlines and Instagram photos helped us decide on our next vacation destination, now it's national restrictions and perimeter closures that determine the distance of our next trip.

In this new context, national tourism has been one of the great beneficiaries, and this is evidenced by the data from the past 2020. Despite the fact that the sector suffered a severe economic blow due to the continuous outbreaks that were taking place throughout throughout the country, Asturias was one of the most benefited provinces.

The low infection rate, the mild temperatures and the possibility of choosing between the sea and the mountains were some of the factors that tipped the balance in favor of this northern province, something that could happen again this summer taking into account its high rate of vaccination. If you are also considering Asturias as your next holiday destination for this second atypical summer, take note of Salinas , the coastal town that we discover below.


Salinas is a town of 4,301 inhabitants located in the municipality of Castrillón, just five kilometers from the city of Avilés, the third most populous in the entire region. Although its attractive and long beach has always been a tourist attraction for vacationers and Avilesians, for a decade surfing has been the economic engine that fills its streets with tourists from June to September.

girls on the beach in Salinas

Salinas, young mecca

Since the International Longboard Championship was held for the first time in the town in 2002, the passion for surfing has gone from being the hobby of a few to a sport that revives relationships and fosters collective learning of the people living in the territory. The art of catching waves has been transferred from one generation to another, which in turn has made it possible to weave a economic and tourist framework that has positioned Salinas as a destination to go to to live the complete experience around the waves.

“For me, Salinas has something special at all times of the year. I think one of the reasons is that there are no shops , so life, contrary to what we are used to now in the cities, is done around the beach and a local bar. It is a very attractive destination if what you are looking for is tranquility, surf or eat well ”, comments Cristina Fernández, an interior designer from Salinas and one of the members of the creative studio Special Thanks. Nicknamed by some tourists as 'the Northern California ', the atmosphere of Salinas during the hottest months of the year, indeed, evokes that carefree philosophy so present in the nomadic life that many surfers lead, in which having a beer watching the sunset is the best plan possible after an afternoon catching waves.


If we had to choose a place to spend some time after surfing, that, without a doubt, would be Moon which, in recent years, has become the favorite meeting point in front of the beach. The versatility of the dishes included in its menu, its kitchen permanently open and, above all, the good vibes of its people, makes it the ideal place to go for a vermouth and lunch, although we also love to end the day on its terrace, watching the sunset.

Other recommended informal and young establishments, the kind where we can eat a hamburger as well as some noodles, are El Agüita and El Ewan, also located in front of the sea.

On the other hand, on the second line of the beach, a few meters from the Anchor Museum, is the piedmont , one of those must-visit establishments if we are lovers of game meat and home cooking. It is unforgivable not to try their stuffed potatoes! And for an experience of michelin star , the Royal Spa is the ideal alternative. chef's kitchen isaac loya stands out for offering dishes where the product is the protagonist and among which stands out sea ​​bass in champagne, lobster flambéed in its own broth or the lemon menier, used as an accompaniment to fish such as monkfish or sea bass.


“Salinas is a very entertaining beach to surf, because it has sand waves , which means that as the backgrounds are constantly changing, the waves are also changing. That is, it changes the place where they break, the shape, the duration, etc. Regarding height, the waves range from half a meter to two approximately when we are facing a normal swell, ”says Diego Quirós, a regular surfer in the Castrillon area.

It is precisely this interest present in the local population that led to Carlos Means , founder of the Pez Escorpión Surf School, to open the closure of the surf economy in the town. Since it was launched in the late 90s, his school has not stopped receiving students and spreading his knowledge and passion for this sport.

“If I had to recommend a surf school, without a doubt, it would be El Pez. They are by far those with more experience , so much so that I learned with them back in 1999. In addition to having very experienced monitors, from their own hostel they organize other types of activities also related to sport”, adds Diego Quirós, referring to the little hostel of the establishment, which has all the necessary comforts and services to spend a few days of waves, music and good company.

“Although Salinas has always been a summer town with a well-known beach among surfers, since, in recent years, schools of this discipline have proliferated, the number of young people who come . It is very common to see that, during July and August, groups of friends arrive to learn ready to have a good time and attracted by the good atmosphere" says Fernández, who adds that Salinas has always reminded him a lot, both for the landscape and for the atmosphere, to the villages of southwestern France.

That friendly air to which the interior designer refers reached (before the pandemic) its peak during the last week of July and the first week of August, dates around which the international Longboard championship used to be held, which this year is postponed again. Nor will the Surf, Music and Friends festival be held, where you could just as easily attend a workshop on marine biodiversity as listen to a rock concert or watch a phase of the different tests of the Waterman Challenge, a sports competition where the protagonists are the lifeguards .


The environment of Salinas can still get more juice from the most classic tourist perspective. For example, we can visit the Philippe Cousteau anchor museum, which is located at the end of the beach, and from whose lookout we can see a 360 degree view of the Cantabrian Sea and its cliffs.

If the views from the previous point leave us wanting more, we cannot miss the panoramic view that Tall Pines , a small pine forest located on the hill in front of the beach. To get there, we can follow the directions for the Senda Norte, which runs along the entire coast of Castrillón, and which begins one of its stages at the Real Balneario restaurant. In fact, if we get bitten by the bug of the hiking , this route is an excellent option to get to know the coast of the council first-hand, since it is a path that skirts all the cliffs, starting at Arnao beach and ending at the longest sandy area of ​​all, Bayas beach. .

“Many people who spend the summer in Salinas use it as a starting point to get to know Asturias because, at most, it's an hour's drive to get to any corner ”, advances Fernandez.

Along these lines, an interesting and accessible plan is a visit to the Niemeyer center in Avilés, a benchmark in art and avant-garde at a national level and, in turn, the only work by the Brazilian architect of the same name in Europe.

If what you prefer is a more calm and rural plan, the parishes that are within the council of Castrillón and in the surroundings, such as ** Ranón, Santa María del Mar, Bayas or Arnao ** can also be interesting for Suggest other excursions.

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