Four essential restaurants to discover the province of Albacete


Four essential restaurants to discover the province of Albacete

partridge salad

our bar _(Mayor Conangla, 102 tel. 967 24 33 73) _ €€-€€€

Traditional cuisine. His is a local proposal without useless concessions, tasty, simple and well prepared.

Everything in this place transmits history and roots : from the beautiful building to the bar area, through which the restaurant is accessed, also passing through the custom of welcome the customer with a glass of Albacete cuerva.

Attention to your garlic slaughter. Atascaburras, migas ruleras, garlic and brain omelette, battered lamb's hands or pickled red partridge They give shape to a menu focused on the most immediate recipe book and in which there is also a good selection of traditional sweets. An attentive and classic service.

Ask for their pouts of the day: village pot, lamb stew, oxtail or beans with partridge, among others.


Maralba _(Violeta Parra, 5 tel. 967 31 23 26) _ €€€€

Creative cuisine, with an aesthetic and finesse that is greatly appreciated in these parts.

Is your Michelin star surprising? Not so much for those who have seen the evolution of this restaurant over time and the efforts of ** Fran Martínez (in the kitchen) and his wife, Cristina (in the dining room) ** to bring it to fruition.

The basis of its creation is Mediterranean, La Mancha and product and seasonal cuisine, with fixation by fish and cephalopods. The menu is always a surprise, literally. Don't miss their cheese cart, Probably the best selection in the region.

Pincelín Meson _(Las Norias, 10 tel. 967 34 00 07) _ €€€€

It is one of the references of the most classic cuisine of the East of La Mancha. Founded by Pascual Blanco "Pincelín" and his wife Josefa, his sons Diego and Pedro are the ones who run this house today.

In addition to the classic stews of the area, it is known for its excellent selection of seafood and mojamas, served both in the restaurant and in its popular bar.

Pickled partridge salad; stuffed potato gratin; suckling kid rechigüelas with garlic; gachamigas with tripe. You have to try their Manchego gazpachos: with rabbit, chicken, pigeon, chanterelles and snails.

Pincelín Meson

Brush Inn. Almansa


Saffron _(Avda. Reyes Católicos, 71 tel. 967 14 52 98) _ €€€

Contemporary kitchen. About to turn a decade old, it is a local recipe restaurant with a moderate dose of thoughtful updating.

Theresa Gutierrez She has a solid track record (Riff or La Sucursal, in Valencia; El Faro del Puerto, El Puerto de Santa María) and training in dietetics and nutrition, aspects that are reflected in her offer, articulated through a letter and a tasting menu. ratatouille vegetables meatballs; homemade orza loin with sweet salmorejo; vintage migas with grapes, sardines and bacon; Tiznao cod with tripe and pine nut stew.

Here special attention is paid to local wines and Manchego cheeses made by hand.

€ Less than 10

€€ Up to €20

€€€ Up to €50

€€€€ More than 50 €

*You can find the 2018 Gastronomic and Wine Guide in a digital version for your devices, at Manzana , Zinium Y google play .

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