Holidays in June: 7 reasons why it is the best month to flee


For many to go on vacation in June not the best plan. Perhaps too soon to disappear considering that when we return there will be a long and hot summer ahead.

But, as is the case with September, June has many followers. In fact, more and more people are encouraged to start their break in the summer start. And these are some of their reasons.


June is a month in which weekend getaways skyrocket which multiplies hotel occupancy by two compared to the month of May as reflected in the data in the INE year after year. But this a long way from the employment boom from the months of September, July and especially August; and this is because during the week there is a lot less movement of tourists.

Ikos Andalusia reinvents the all-inclusive concept with its beach bar aesthetic and its relaxed, natural air.

Ikos Andalusia, Costa del Sol.

The INE also accentuates this statism in the border tourism movement, so the long trips They are a very good option during this month. At the national tourism level, this traveler behavior allows the reservation in hotels, tourist flats or rural accommodation more easily, especially for those who leave everything to the last minute, and in the high season months that is reckless. There is more space and also you can choose.


The phenomenon adults only is making a hole more and more transcendent in our way of traveling. And it is that what has begun as a claim for hotels has become for many a philosophy that encompasses hundreds of leisure activities, private spaces in some tourist areas, hotel establishments and, if you bet, the "silent wagons" of the AVE.

Many of these options become more attractive in the month of June since the minors they are still in school and they don't have holidays until the end of the month, which is why it is easier to find a leisure offer for those who prefer a adult environment. If you are a lover of the Adults Only trend, June is undoubtedly your month to travel.


Maybe the climate change makes us think that going on vacation in June can be a Russian roulette, we are already living it. But the National Institute of Statistics tells us something very different, because if we analyze average temperatures that we have had in recent years we can see that in the month of June they soften between four and seven degrees for the months of July and August.

Malta's Grand Harbor with the sun reflecting off the water.

The Grand Harbor in Malta, with the sun reflecting off the water.

The sun burns, but a priori there are many less risk of health problems due to heat waves and the nights are much milder, with a very similar temperature to that of September. June encourages spending more time outside than inside; It is not a month of climatic contrasts, so if your destiny is hot you will have no surprises. If, on the other hand, your destination is not particularly warm, think about what you put in the suitcase. One way or another, the June temperature is more pleasant.


Any tourist accommodation, Whatever it is, it is always more expensive during the months of July, August and even September. But in June the prices of hotel rooms are still somewhat relaxed, making it easier to set a budget. With a more competitive price, June is the perfect month to venture to a transoceanic voyage, for a cruise of many days or to enjoy a couple of weeks of a resort in a paradisiacal environment where no one finds you.

Secrets Lanzarote Resort Spa.

Secrets Lanzarote Resort & Spa.

It is something as simple as analyzing prices, drawing up a budget and doing numbers in one month and in another. The difference can even be a few hundred euros. It is also easier to find cheaper flights or train tickets. And if we take into account that some restaurants prices rise when they see the avalanche of tourists, almost certainly we will stay with June to travel.


The overcrowding from any destination tourism during the strong summer months always causes traffic chaos, both on the roads and in any population center where we find ourselves. In June we have less flow of passengers and that means that the car parks on the beaches are not so crowded and we have to park miles away from where we want to place the parasol. Neither are there so many withholdings, nor crowds at the entrances of the most touristic cities, which allows access to the historic centres more easily.

Not counting the amount of noise pollution that we avoid and what we gain in safety by having fewer cars swarming around the edges of the beaches, on many occasions invading spaces dedicated to leisure and sports activities. If we talk about renting a vehicle, we will also have more options now.

girl on the train

Traveling before high season is always more relaxed.


June is a month that is halfway between the middle season and the high season, so travel agencies, especially the most prestigious ones, take the opportunity to launch their summer campaign. June holiday pack offers usually have unbeatable prices. The difference of a pack of holidays agency for the same destination varies a lot in price from month to month. Of course, you always have to compare, avoid excessive bargains and, if possible, rely on well-positioned agencies in the market if we want to avoid unpleasant surprises.


One of the things that can annoy your summer vacation is traveling to a destination and not being able to enjoy of all the activities you want due to lack of space. It is indisputable that in summer the supply in most cases cannot cover the demand. A paragliding flight, a horse route, a submarine dive, rent a catamaran or just a table at the trendy restaurant can spoil our summer if we don't arrive on time.

Paragliding on the beach of Matalascañas Huelva.

Paragliding on the beach of Matalascañas, Huelva.

In June there is not so much rush, it is easier being able to do all that we want to do without staying with the desire. If we eat out we are less likely to stay without trying something on the menu because it has finished, something unfortunately too common in many restaurants from our shores. Not to mention that on many occasions and due to the need to serve so many hungry mouths, the quality it can falter in the high season months. In June it is more difficult for this to happen.

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