The best panettone in the world is baked in this Italian town near Rome


The third edition of Panettone World Championship , organized by the Federazione Internazionale Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria (FIPGC) , you already have a winner: Fabio Albanese has won the award for 'Best Panettone in the World' of 2021 in the 'classic' category.

Yes last year Francesco Luni (Pasticceria Estense) and Ruggiero Carli (Borsari Emporium) took the gold medal to the 'Miglior Panettone del Mondo' to the Italian towns of Padua and Badia Polesine , respectively, this year the highest award has traveled to Pregiata Forneria Albanesi, in Fiano Romano (province of Rome), where Fabio Albanesi bakes his magic.

The contest, held at Palazzo Rospigliosi Congress Center Rome on October 10, has had 300 participants from all over the world (from Japan to America passing through Australia), who have competed in four categories: classic, innovative, decorated and gluten-free.

The jury of the World Panettone Championship has been made up of ten World Pastry Champions: Robert Lastani , president of the jury together with Matteo Cutolo, Paolo Molinari, Enrico Casarano, Claudia Mosca, Gianluca Cecere, Francesco Luni, Luca Borgioli, Pasquale Pesce, and Ruggiero Carli.

Impossible to resist.

Impossible to resist.

In the category 'innovative' , the winner has been Luca Porretto, from Pasticceria Beverara (Bologna).

The award the 'Best Decorated Panettone' it was for the cake designer Flavia Garreffa.

Lastly, in the category 'without gluten' , the winner has been Sacromonte Srl.

In the words of Robert Lastani , president of the jury and of the Federazione Internazionale Pasticceria Gelateria e Cioccolateria and Pastry World Champion, “We are happy with the results because we are sure that this competition can be for many the starting point or the confirmation of a path, and above all, insurance transmit the art of confectionery in the world through these contests".


"A man, to realize himself, must do in his life what he does best ”, are the first words that can be read on the web of Fabio Albanese.

Before becoming his job, the bread it was the salvation for Fabio Albanesi (Rome, 1966), for his brothers and for his mother, Bianca.

“I got my hands in the dough for the first time at the age of seven, when I was skipping school to work at a nearby bakery.” He did it to help at home, due to the precarious economic situation: "I did it knowing that for me bread was not just the product of a job, but an art form," says Fabio himself.

Slowly, flour and yeast became his life companions and he became a professional, cutting his teeth in bakeries like Bonesi Giuseppe, Rossini Pietro, Valli Giuseppe, El Gianfornaio and Zefferino in Rome.

His biggest project is undoubtedly the Pregiata Forneria Albanesi , whose first premises were opened in 2005 in Rome. As of 2015, they began to incorporate new points of sale: the bakery Precious Albanesi in Senigallia , other Pregiata Forneria Albanesi in Fiano Romano and the Pregiata Forneria Albanesi, also in Senigallia.

In addition, he works as a consultant and teacher, is the president of the Confartigianato Imprese Rome (sezione panificatori) and has collaborated with RAI and Mediaset.

Fabio Albanesi wins the gold medal at the 2021 Campionato Mondiale del Panettone.

Fabio Albanesi wins the gold medal at the 2021 Campionato Mondiale del Panettone.

It is not the first time that Albanesi, known as "The Master of Artistic Baking" (Master of Artistic Bakery) is awarded for his great talent, because several Italian and European awards precede him.

His first recognition was won in Switzerland in 1998, finishing second in the Le Grouyière International Competition. Since then, he has not stopped reaping successes.

He has won the first prize in the Italian Championship of Artistic Bread (Italian Artistic Bread Championship) during four consecutive years (from 2000 to 2003) and first place in the European Championship of Artistic Bread.

To the rich panettone

To the rich panettone!


The Federazione Italiana Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria (Italian Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate) is a sector of the Federazione Internazionale Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria (FIPGC), which has a deep-rooted presence in the Italian territory, with delegates for each region and sub-delegates for each province.

His mission is none other than “collaborate with all the existing associative realities, with wholesalers, professional schools, catering schools, all professionals (without exception) who, like us, want to strengthen more and more the Made in Italy ", they explain themselves.

Internally, it has a team called ‘Equipe Eccellenze Italiane Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria’ formed by numerous members who have collected more than 580 gold medals in international and world competitions.

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