Savoring Asturias in Madrid


Dishes with Asturian essence

Dishes with Asturian essence by Antonio Campoviejo

From now until March 27, the best cuisine in Asturias takes the dishes from seven 'stellar' restaurants in Madrid in the form of a perfect mix: purely Asturian products and in the hands of restaurateurs who are rather authentic ambassadors of Asturias . We do not miss this great gastronomic offer of €64 tasting menu (warehouse included).


Veda Nacho and Esther Manzano will open martial house (**two Michelin stars)**, they will do their kitchen magic today and tomorrow at Viavélez. Your bet? The menu " From Gijón to Fito, from the sea to the mountains ”. Attention, let's go: crab, sardine brioche with artichokes, truffle and almond juice, pigeon marinated in algae with herbs from the marshes , grilled suckling pig kidney, its juice and arbeyos. As a final icing, apples in the cider mill with ice cream butter . And of course, accompanied by wine The chamomile boot and one cider which, due to its intense and refreshing flavor, will liven up the entire table. Not to be missed.

salmon with cous cous

Confit salmon with cous cous made by Nacho Manzano


Gonzalo Pañeda and Antonio Pérez make up one of the strongest couples on the Asturian gastronomic scene. They present their talent between today and tomorrow at the Auga restaurant in Gijón, surrounded by an enthusiastic and professional team, both the kitchen and the dining room work like clockwork. Nothing is left to chance . Everything is studied and rehearsed a thousand times. At the Ferreiro restaurant in Madrid we will have the pleasure of trying its gastronomic menu “L apple, cheese and the sea ”, an extensive tasting such as: the Rey Silo cheese with apple, tomato, sardine and macadamia jam, sea urchins with apple and truffle, skewered hake of Cudillero scented with Melisa , cream of molluscs and green lemon, Asturian tripe traditional style and I could go on saying more but... surprise! Without a doubt, a wonderful delight in every rule.

Oricios with apple and truffle

Oricios with apple and truffle


Isaac, the latest generation of family cooks, and his father Michael Loya , experience and nerve, are the gourmet wizards of El Real las Salinas spa (with a michelin star ) . You will be able to meet them on March 18, 19 and 20 at the L a Máquina restaurant through their tasting menu, pure essence of Asturias , where they will delight us with delicacies such as jowl confit, crispy beans with black pudding and Iberian broth, a Red mullet at low temperature with potato scales and its saucepan, Asturian beef tenderloin roasted in the oven with its own juice , and more delicacies that we won't know until we go.

isaac loya

Isaac Loya preparing part of his tasting menu


José Antonio Campoviejo of the El Corral del Indianu restaurant in Arriondas he was awarded the Afuega'l Pitu de Oro last month at the Foz de Morcín Cheese Contest. We will have the pleasure of appreciating his culinary talent between the 18th and 20th of this month at the Teitu restaurant in Madrid. His menu is based on flavors of yesteryear with textures of today , being its main dish the asturceltic gochin . In addition, corn tortilla with guacamole and onion enchilada, trembling Afuega el Pitu (King Silo) cheese with nuts, spicy touches and anchovies. Finally he will surprise us with a dessert, one of those that you can't take anymore but when you see it you think... "there is still a hole": c fried chocolate with village milk ice cream.

Kitchen of Jose Antonio Campoviejo

Roasted and toasted asturceltic gochín, purple onion juice


Father and son offer their talent in Prendes, at Casa Gerardo restaurant. His star dish is his famous bean stew . Now, we will be able to taste it between March 25 and 27 in Madrid, at the Puerta 57 restaurant. The secret of the house to achieve “ lighten up ” Fabada without sacrificing its flavor is cook the compango separately twenty minutes before adding it to 'les fabes '. Nevertheless, Mark Moran , "cook before chef", as it is defined, has been placed in the kitchen with the purpose of update the family tradition with an avant-garde cuisine proposal . Thus, his gastronomic menu is called “ Asturian vanguard in 15 steps ”: fabada de prendes, Iberian hake, oyster, eel, chard and quinoa and so on up to 15! As a final shot, pineapple, ginger and cream of rice . We prepare for a good meal.

Fabada House Gerardo

Casa Gerardo's famous Asturian bean stew


The last and brand new star of the Asturian firmament appears in Madrid from 25 to 27 with two Michelin stars behind him (in his restaurant El Arbidel). Jaime Ouz will delight our taste buds at the Ñeru restaurant in Madrid with the menu “ Asturias cheeses and other delicacies from the north ”. Cheese addict, you're in luck : here you come to enjoy the good cheese and gorge on black pudding ravioli, roasted pixin with cous cous, lobster caramel and squid noodles . Can you with a plus something sweet? A Crispy rice pudding frixelin, lemon cream and cinnamon ice cream.

roasted cheek

Toasted cheek, celeriac purée and beetroot in salad

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