Getaway to the source of the Mundo River: the most beautiful natural spectacle on the planet


river world

a wonder of nature

It is listed as one of the most beautiful natural phenomena of our country and the planet, That's right. Access the escarpment where the river world It is possibly one of the sensory experiences that can most transport us to another planet, due to the uniqueness and exoticism that it exudes.

It could be a waterfall lost in some forest in Central Germany or even Canada, but no. We are in a province that never ceases to amaze: Albacete.


The river world It is one of the most important tributaries of the safe river which, in turn, is one of the great river jewels that die in the Mediterranean, leaving behind true treasures of our fauna and our flora.

river world

The waters are an unreal color

It is born very close to the Albacete town of Riópar, in the Calares del Mundo y de la Sima Natural Park, a specially protected area.

It is specially protected because due to its altitude and its peculiar geographical conditions, rare plant species have been able to proliferate, that adapt to the complicated life in the high mountains and that are currently in danger of extinction, as is the case with certain varieties of fungi.

The access This little movie paradise has to be done from the town of Riópar, and it is very well signposted. Yes indeed, it is convenient to go with time since access to the car park is quite limited and on weekends it is usually crowded, so it is recommended to get up early.

From the car park itself you can outline various routes but as soon as you get out of the car you feel how the air has completely changed, how the trees whistle and, When you look up, you begin to see the fabulous waterfalls through which the newly born river descends.

river world

It is not Germany, nor Switzerland nor Canada, it is Alabacete

At an altitude of almost 1,100 meters above sea level, A river will appear that will travel its way to the Segura for 150 kilometers, with two reservoirs in between.

The path leads to a small lagoon where the waters that fall from the cave are poured, and that is where everyone gets the snapshot that hangs on social networks and that is the hallmark of the place.

The waters of the lagoon are an almost unreal crystalline, but bathing is prohibited. The temperature of the water is so low that, if bathing is allowed, you would have to have something more than courage and resistance to the cold to get into the water and not give yourself a cardiac arrest.

If the Yeti exists, it obviously lives under those cold waters, there is no other explanation.


Observe the waterfall from below is only part of the expedition. The best thing to do is contact the Riópar Town Hall and ask for a guide to make the route from Paraje del Chorro to the cave, since you cannot do this excursion on your own.

On the other hand, accessing the interior of the cave, the cradle of the river and through which its first steps take place, is only suitable for those with some knowledge of caving or experience in mountaineering.

river world

The Mundo River runs its way from an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level until it ends in the Segura River

What has been said, that you can hire a guide who, on the other hand, can help in matters of technical material necessary to carry out the path of ascent to the mouth of the cave.

we are before a stone path with steps and slopes that you have to climb following the instructions of the guide, since it is very easy to slip.

In little more than ten minutes you can reach the mouth of the cave, crossing some viewpoint and under the watchful eye of Aleppo pines, yews, maples and oaks. The scent of aromatics is also intoxicating.

Access to the cave is restricted, since you have to be an expert to be able to practice the descent, but from the entrance you can admire a natural phenomenon of unparalleled beauty.

Just over 100 meters is what separates the cave entrance from the restricted area; the guide will prohibit you from approaching at all times. It will also explain to you the phenomenon of the river Mundo is something quite unusual.

The water literally comes out of the cave under pressure from the ground, as if it were a siphon, which causes that in certain parts of the year, the Mundo River waterfall becomes a furious and at the same time beautiful waterfall.

river world

Observing the waterfall from below is only part of the expedition

The descent is no less dangerous than the ascent, but it's a perfect time to find out there are other guests at the party.

The area is home to protected animal species such as the griffon vulture, the golden eagle or the peregrine falcon. It is also territory of mouflon, mountain goat or wild boar during the day and Royal Owl at nightfall.

It is not difficult to spot any of these species, although the path is not an ideal place for it due to its difficulty.


As you have been able to appreciate, escaping to the Calares del Mundo and La Sima Natural Park can become a truly exhausting day.

The place is perfectly prepared for those adventurers who want eat in their picnic areas but, as you know, at we love beyond words any activity related to rural tourism.

That is why visiting the spectacle of the birth of the Mundo river can be a good opportunity to get closer to Riópar, our initial starting point, and discover a little more about the most unknown Albacete.

Riópar was known in its day for being the place that housed the first zinc and brass factories, which date from 1773, in the Spain of Carlos III and coinciding with the economic expansion derived from the Industrial Revolution.


The Albacete town of Riópar

The manufacture of products made in bronze It gave an economic boost to the town that, in the 20th century, has gradually left that gap for tourism.

And so it is that the Royal Bronze Factory It is in the process of becoming a hostel since this year 2018.

Approaching Riópar is appreciating part of that Albacete gastronomy always where we find sausages on the centerboard such as their chorizos, their loins and their blood sausages , elements that it shares with the provinces of Jaén and Granada .

It is not uncommon that in less hot months we find crumbs on the table and products from the garden such as broad beans and asparagus.

In addition, in Riópar you can enjoy in its grill a good roast kid because, for that matter, some of us like to sit at the table more quietly.

river world

The most recommended is to do the excursion with a guide

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