Ceviche District: the revolution of Latin American cuisine in Madrid


Ceviche District

The daring, tuna and salmon ceviche.

Where was ceviche invented? Who prepares it better? Who makes the most authentic? We ignore all these questions. No controversy. We don't even get to decide if it's ceviche with b or v, with c or with s. We just want ceviche , a good ceviche, in quality, quantity and price. And that's the goal of Ceviche District.

“We created it with the idea of ​​revolutionizing a bit, on the one hand, traditional Peruvian and Latin American food. And, on the other, joining the healthy food trend that has not stopped growing”, explains Héctor Maiolino, general director of Distrito Ceviche. They are born in the heat of the poké trend, also offering bowls of healthy food, raw fish with accompaniment, "but with much more preparation and much more flavor." “Ceviche District was born to ride that wave and to be a benchmark in the market”, he continues.

Ceviche District

The prophet, the most classic ceviche on his menu, which is not classic.

Open in August, Distrito Ceviche wants democratize a very popular and widespread dish in Latin America, but that in Spain it had only been installed in restaurants of a certain level and thought of as a starter or to share. “If you see the specialized menus for this type of food in Madrid the average ticket is double that of ours –which is 15 euros with a drink–, we want to democratize food by offering very good quality at very good prices and a brutal experience”, insists Héctor.

Its short menu and designed for a lunch or dinner that you can eat quickly if you wish and take it with you or order it for home if you prefer, currently has four different ceviche dishes: The profit, which would be the most classic although its leche de tigre also has yellow pepper; Captain, a mixed ceviche of shrimp, octopus and baby squid; the daring, where the Nikkei influence is seen, in the mixture of salmon and tuna and tiger milk with ponzu; Y the deep, the most Nikkei of all, leche de tigre with soy, edamame, wakame…

Ceviche District

The tostone revolution is here.

In Distrito Ceviche they also talk about revolution because their ceviches are not the usual ones. “We are a mixture, there is a lot of influence from Peruvian cuisine, but also oriental flavors”, bill. And inspirations from other Latin American cuisines can be seen in other dishes on their menu, such as in the starters where they offer tequeños with kimchi mayo; or plantain chips with Creole sauce. "That is comfort food, we want you to sit down and try and like it, although it is not traditional”, says Héctor.

Since his ceviche is not traditional, at least they have wanted pay homage to the origin of a dish which is cultural heritage in Peru through the design of the premises. industrial in nature, in different metallic textures, they are a nod to those places where they kept the fish for the succulent dish in the beginning.

Ceviche District

Casual dining at your local in Princesa.


Distrito Ceviche opened two stores at the same time in Madrid in August. One of Casual dining on Calle Princesa and another of fast casual in the Mercado de la Paz. Same menu, although with small differences, because in the La Paz Market it is faster, there will be more rotation and, in addition, they include breakfast, only to go. And the letters of both will change, announces Héctor. This month they added some wings with anticuchera sauce Y a combination ceviche created by a customer (because you can also create your own dish) that will only be available in October.

Soon they will also add the tres leches cake, which will be added to some already very popular desserts, such as Parmesan cheese cake with passion fruit coulis either the lotus biscuit cream.

Despite having opened in a year as complicated as this one, the team behind Distrito Ceviche has created it with the idea of build the first Latin American food chain. “It is a very replicable concept and we hope to grow in the next three years”, they confirm.

Ceviche District

Passion Cake, Parmesan cheese cake and passion fruit coulis.

Address: Calle de la Princesa, 79 and La Paz Market See map

Telephone: 91 060 39 84

Schedule: Calle Princesa: Sunday to Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Thursday to Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Additional schedule information: Peace Market: Monday from 10 to 16:30; Sundays until 3:00 p.m. and the rest of the week also at night, from 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (only delivery and take away).

Half price: 15 euros. Weekday menu €11.90

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