Following the road: road trip through the villages


Roadtrip through the Madrid towns of Ávila

Coracera Castle, in San Martin de Valdeiglesias

The province of Ávila hides many treasures. If we also count with the proximity to Madrid , it becomes irresistible to take the road and look for a weekend getaway in nature . yes, there is life beyond the San Juan Swamp and of the El Escorial restaurants. We discover what we can find if we follow the road a little more. The result is surprising.


One of the favorite getaways a stone's throw from the capital is, without a doubt, Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial , one of the most precious World Heritage Sites in our country. His closeness to the border with Ávila has made many of the nearby towns become the center of tourist interest in rural areas in recent years.

Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial with Las Machotas in the background Madrid

Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial with Las Machotas in the background

We don't stop at the dump , but we continue road through mountains and pure air, a highly prized route for bikers and cycling lovers , until reaching Las Navas del Marques.

Las Navas del Marqués is for many Madrilenians the place to be in those summer weekends in which the holidays are still awaited and the only thought is to escape from the big city. Until six routes through nature are drawn from the urban area of ​​this town of Avila , which boasts of having a 16th century Renaissance castle and of even having received the very Lope de Vega.

By bike, on foot or on horseback, any option is good for get lost among pines and oaks where, with luck, it can be observed in full flight the peregrine falcon or the black vulture. In addition, it has two recreational areas that have been dressed in a radiant green, as dictated every summer, to stop along the way or even improvise a picnic in wild nature.

Las Navas del Marqués is a hive of tourists from Madrid attracted by its gastronomic tradition.

Stir-fried potatoes from Magalia

Stir-fried potatoes from Magalia

The Avila steak It cannot be missing at the table, although it can be quite a challenge, and of that they know a lot in Magalia (Road C 505, Km. 37.5) or in Monte Carlo (García del Real, 24), which has a more refined menu, allowing licenses to other kitchens where it appears a red tuna tataki or a plankton cake accompanying a salmon cooked at low temperature.

Every weekend the Main Avenue of Las Navas breaks his demure silence and the smell of grilled meat and of fresh bread They become the perfect sirens of Ulysses for anyone who walks around these parts wanting to eat.

Hence the Tapas and pinchos from Los Roeles and the sweets from El Saúco Pastry Shop should not be overlooked. As I point out, the roscones de reyes of this bakery They deserve to be a World Heritage Site , but that they still may not know.


San Martín de Valdeiglesias is one of the heavyweights of the D.O Wines of Madrid. Its vine fields among pine forests are the starting point for two other "very Madrid" destinations in Avila, The Tiemblo and Cebreros, in the heart of Alberche Valley.

Cebreros is a town in Ávila that borders with Madrid in the left basin of the Alberche , and has been able to stand up to the growing success of Madrid wines. Cebreros, in fact, has its own D.O.P Cebreros and its wineries They have more and more visitors and curious people who want to go one step further.

Castle of San Martin de Valdeiglesias

San Martin de Valdeiglesias

We are in the land of wines with personality. Wines that until recently were barricaded and that have finally opened the doors of their cellars to promote that part of wine tourism which they were reluctant to join.

But Cebreros It is much more than a land of wines. The town of Avila saw birth to the disappeared Adolfo Suarez in the 1930s, and his role in the history of Spain has earned him a large niche in his hometown, which has reciprocated by dedicating a Museum about the Transition. A museum that welcomes the visitor with a white Seat 600 what ends up being Instagram bait.

In this town we find quite curious things, such as the Palacio de El Queixigal, a 16th-century Renaissance mansion which was said to be the Most luxurious country house in the world , very frequented by Philip II.

Cebreros is also in the ESA and NASA crosshairs , since in its fields is the Deep Space Satellite Tracking Station. Here is what is possibly the most powerful and efficient antenna in the world, thanks to the cleanliness of the skies of Cebreros, where light pollution is minimal. Incredible but true.

Stewing Bulls

Stewing Bulls

Following the trail of the border with Madrid, this route leads us to El Tiemblo to stop at the peculiar sculptural group of the Bulls of Guisando. these four Iron Age boars , in his day, there were five and they have wandered through the pages of The Quijote at the same time that they undauntedly watch over what remains of the Monastery of los jeronimos.

The wine fields give way to a pine, oak and chestnut forest where silence imposes its law, where the air smells of thyme and rosemary, a place to enjoy solitude.

There are various hiking trails , since it is one of the places that in autumn are usually very visited by the such spectacular scenery that leaves the fall of the leaf. Now the forest is green and empty. It is the perfect time to enjoy the silence.

The sun is criminal so it is more than advisable to go well protected. At this point in the journey, the best option to close the chapter is to finish cooling off in the Burguillo Reservoir, what lies ahead in the direction of El Barraco. In addition to having a bathing area, in the reservoir you can carry out various activities of water sports such as sailing or canoeing.

Isla del Burguillo the unknown private island in Ávila.

Isla del Burguillo, the unknown private island in Ávila.


Santa Maria del Tietar It is the first town in Ávila if we follow the M-501 leaving behind San Martín de Valdeiglesias (in fact, the Autonomous Community of Ávila sign is literally at the entrance of the town). Here we go into the heart of the Tiétar Valley, through pine forests and glens where it is easy to find cows grazing freely, oblivious to everything that happens around.

We come quite close to what is known as the Madrid Gredos , a handful of small towns in Ávila where Many people from Madrid have decided to build their second residence.

The proximity to San Juan Swamp makes this route very attractive for those who want enjoy the beauty of this valley scandalously green, which also hides numerous hiking trails.

From Santa María to neighboring Casillas , the winding (and dizzying) road cuts through forests that look like something out of a German car ad. This area, very close to the Iruelas Valley Nature Reserve , has the forests of most beautiful chestnut trees in Spain.

An example is that of Casillas, home of wild boar, deer and red squirrel and that, luckily, it is not very well known, so it is easy to get lost in nature without running into anyone who could spoil the usual photo.

San Juan Reservoir 1 hour and 7 minutes

San Juan Swamp

To mitigate the heat, there are several options besides the Pantano de San Juan. A good alternative is to go to the town of La Adrada and enjoy a good swim in the Pinara Dam , after have visited his castle (although the water is not very clean).

For that, it is a better option to follow the road to neighboring Piedralaves and go to The Pond of the Granddaughter , a natural pool only suitable for intrepid.

On the way back, the best recommendation is to stop at Adrada grove , possibly the town that has more movement in the area (faith of this give their bars). There are many places to choose from but, without a doubt, the Garlic rabbit from Bar Linares (Dr. Rodríguez Miñón, 7) is an experience that anyone should have at least once in their life. Okay, and the ear, and the black pudding, and the revolconas...

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