In May the destination is Cádiz: enjoy the bluefin tuna route


In May, the destination is Cdiz, enjoy the bluefin tuna route

In Cádiz, May should rhyme with tuna

to travel to Cadiz reasons are not needed. And yet, in May you have the perfect excuse: **it's tuna season**. With the almadrabas already on the horizon, the gastronomic routes of Barbate, Conil de la Frontera, Zahara de los Atunes and Tarifa await you. Pick up we're leaving!

Ancient treasure, marine black leg, the Iberian that crosses the seas, silver bull, marine jewel, red gold... It doesn't matter what they call it, because the Red tuna it is always a treat.

The culinary star of Cádiz is especially honored during the Month of May , when these spectacular fish cross the Strait of Gibraltar at full speed.

The Cadiz almadrabas They have authorization to fish 1,292 tons of bluefin tuna this year, so surely there will be something for you. In fact, the first you get up they augur a good year for the sector and also for your stomach.

In May, the destination is Cdiz, enjoy the bluefin tuna route

A good year is expected for the sector

From now on, the four almadrabera localities par excellence they celebrate it with as many gastronomic routes. These weeks there will be no day without the restaurants of Barbate, Conil de la Frontera, Zahara de los Atunes and Tarifa offer exquisite and original tapas.

So take just what you need, throw it in your suitcase and go looking for them with the bright sun of the **Costa de la Luz** as your guide**. You can go easy: although it never hurts to know how can they fool you with tuna , in this corner of the planet you have the immense luck that fraud is practically non-existent.


The first samples are already served in Border Conil since last week. There they have set themselves a challenge: Will anyone dare to try the 300 dishes offered by the town's restaurants with tuna as the protagonist? ?

The Tuna Route of Almadraba Conile began on May 4 and, still, no one has achieved it. But there is no rush, because the gastronomic festival is celebrated until June 4 and its 33 establishments participants will be waiting for you until then.

This month, on Fridays there will be flamenco music and on Saturdays dramatized routes through Conil , in addition to talks, exhibitions and other cultural activities. Not forgetting the II Popular Pirinaca , that fresh and delicious dish based on tomato, pepper, onion, oil, salt and sherry vinegar that by itself or as a companion tastes like glory.

You can also visit the vicinity of the almadrabas aboard paddle surf boards . From the 17th to the 19th, the ** Entre Almadrabas festival ** is added, which this year pays homage to how tuna has united Cádiz with Japan . To do this, there will be collaborative showcookings by chefs from here and there and various Japanese and Cadiz music sessions.


Meanwhile, on May 9 the ** XI Tuna Gastronomic Week in Barbate ** begins. In this town of Phoenician origin the names of the caps that you can taste and make your mouth water. Just two examples: Red tuna unloading ingot on a bed of caramelized apple, sesame seed and a touch of wakame Y Tataki with Sambaizo sauce and orange oil.

They are just a couple of the twenty tapas that participate in the contest and that will make you go from end to end of the Cadiz town in corners as classic as the Peña del Atún or the Tabanco - Bodeguita Alambrazo El Relojero.

In May, the destination is Cdiz, enjoy the bluefin tuna route

Sashimi of wild red tuna loin, with orange soy and citrus pearls

Also the range of bars and restaurants in front of the Virgen del Carmen beach , where a kilometer and a half of sand will be ready and willing for you to stretch out the towel and take a dip to rest lunch.

Over the next few days, Barbate also organizes guided tours of the Tuna Museum or the facilities of local salting factories Herpac and Gadira or tourist routes through the barbateño urban case. Also samples of live cooking, book presentations, ornithological walks through the marshes...

And during the night you can always Pair tuna fish bites with local music at the fairgrounds thanks to the performances of María del Mar Ramos, María 'La Mónica' or the Mojama Band . Flamenco had never found such a tasty place to perform.


Just as gastronomy had not chosen a landscape as particular as that of Zahara of the Tuna, white town whose X Tuna Route arrives in mid-May, between May 16 and 20 . It will be time to forget about the world, stroll through quiet streets and let yourself be carried away by the wind on the Atlantic shore of the Retin beach.

Also, of course, to savor some of the best world tuna bites (thus, without exaggeration, we are in Cádiz) thanks to tuna that arrive from the almadraba to the table of establishments where they know this fish better than themselves.

Zahara of the tuna

Zahara of the tuna

It must be recognized that in few places culinary wisdom is also given so much imagination, humor and even a bit of healthy cheekiness. From there arise tapas like the funny ones Tunisians of the Casa José María restaurant, the Rise of Tonno of the Trattoria L'Angolo, the Tun Bao from Catherine's Corner, The Fog of the Strait of The Vapor or the Ojhu , from Casa Blas . In addition, this year there is also an artistic cover called iTuna X made in ceramics by the creator Mauro Basile in the workshops of his establishments Sotto Scala and Me Piace.

In total, almost 40 places will offer their original tapas with drink at 4.5 euros. Don't forget to seal your tapaporte after savoring each tapa: once completed, it is the key to having the possibility of obtaining interesting prizes.

Showcookings, entertainment activities for the little ones and street brass bands will turn the narrow streets of Zahara into the tuna capital of the world for a few days. And if you want a bit of relaxation, an excursion to the El Canuelo beach It will give you the necessary peace of mind to gather strength, come back and continue devouring.

Rise of Tonno

Rise of Tonno


For the final stretch of the season, Rate It is already decked out to celebrate the sixth edition of its ** Tuna Route **. It will take place between May 25 and June 3 and this year it has a beautiful poster that will mark the passage of the party.

Up to 37 establishments will serve tapas with tuna as the main element. There will be something for all tastes: from tuna aguachile from Mexcalito to Vietnamese tuna sandwich of Fubuki, passing through the Confit garden tuna of Casa Paco Amaya, the Tuna Comb of The Anchor, the Black pudding from our shores of Spa or the Red tuna tacos with pink grapefruit perfume from the Taste Office.

And beyond, the capital of the wind offers a good catalog of activities during the ten days of tuna festivities, from visits to the ruins of Claudia Baelo ornithological outings and whale watching, as well as hiking proposals, a cooking contest for girls and boys and some other surprises.

To rest, of course, there will always be the beaches of Punta Paloma or Valdevaqueros and the cocktails of its beach bars. It is also the perfect place to practice water sports such as kite surfing. Not everything is going to be eating. And no, don't hesitate, the wind won't miss these parties either, so count on it.

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