Romantic Ibiza: the perfect shared sunset


Ibiza for two and without limits

Ibiza for two and without limits

Forget parties and discos. It's time for secluded coves, candlelight dinners and unique experiences . The ibiza love it is turquoise.


By the stomach you will conquer him. And this time, without cooking. In Platjes de Comte They make it easy for you. In this area of ​​the west of the island you will find one of the first and most appealing romantic plans. Nature plays there with old dune systems, convoluted pine trees and a great biodiversity: nightingales, genets and the colorful tuberoses.

The landscape is the most similar to Formentera in Ibiza and that is also transmitted to its beaches, with fine sand and calm waters of a particularly bright turquoise. From the car park there are several coves that will captivate you for their beauty, but walking a bit to the one further south has a reward. Some stairs give access to a paradise difficult to describe in words; not even the photos reflect its uniqueness . In one of its nooks is the Cala Escondida Beach Bar , Tess's dream that is now also yours.

This Ibizan of Dutch parents always had this cove as his favorite and three years ago she managed to make an idea come true that had always been on her mind. The beach bar is one hundred percent ecological : it works with solar panels, everything is biodegradable and ecological (including the bathrooms) and the absence of music prevents noise pollution, although sometimes they organize exquisite acoustic concerts.

Coffee, natural juices, avocado toast, scrambled eggs and chocolate cake make up an unforgettable breakfast that will give you energy to explore Ibiza. Although if you have fallen into their nets, you can always continue taking cous cous or vegetable tagine for lunch . It's hard to choose, so let yourself be carried away by José, who came from Cádiz to make your life easier, like the rest of his companions. The prices are reasonable, something difficult to find in Ibiza and, even more so, in places like this one.

The cove is nudist and the beach bar won't bother you if you want to visit it without clothes. Try to forget it to savor the refreshing Mediterranean in the best way until the sun goes down. "That's when the best time of day comes," says Tess. It will be your first sunset on the island and love will flow. But beware, you will not be the only one. We tell you a few lines below.

Cala Escondida Beach Bar

Cala Escondida Beach Bar


Driving in Ibiza is a more fun experience than it seems. And do it in search of lonely beaches , even more. So put in your backpack everything you need to live an adventure because it's time to explore narrow paths that will take you to some of the best waters on the island.

The rural landscapes of fig and carob trees are gradually transformed into pine forests and, at that moment, you will know that the coast is approaching. Cala Llentrisca, on the outskirts of Es Cubells, it is one of the best excursions. Getting there requires a dose of guidance, a love of hiking, and of course your partner too.

Cala Llentrisca

Cala Llentrisca or the search for happiness

Just like Es Canaret , located between Port of Sant Miquel and Portinatx and which is reached by labyrinthine paths that, at least, are well indicated. And although in both cases they require a walk, the solitude of these coves surely allows love to multiply.

If they seem like very demanding routes, it is also worth having a great time making small stops to discover coves such as Xuclar or S'illot des Renclí to the north ; or the charming pier of Porrig to the south. In this area, the same path will take you to Es Jondal, where arriving early has a reward: you can park your car just five meters from the water. Next to it, a contortionist pine tree offers shade so that you don't even have to take out your umbrella. And if you want to continue investigating, the good thing about Ibiza is that it has 180 beaches, so use guides like the one in Miguel Angel Alperiz and throw you: there is a romantic roadtrip for a while.




It's hard to choose the most beautiful sunset in Ibiza , so it is best to collect a few. The most classic, well-known and, also, magical, has as its main landscape the islet of It's Vedra . You just have to stand on the terraces next to the cliff of Cala D'hort , although it is best to walk to the Savinar's Tower : there you will see the sun go down in the perfect place while you charge telluric energy. Another great option is to drive along the narrow roads that lead to Saint Agnes and from there take the Camí des Pla de Corona.

Cala d'Hort

Cala d'Hort

In just two kilometers you will run into The Gates of Heaven . Literally. It is the name of the restaurant that looks like a beach bar that welcomes you in the middle of the pine forest. At its gates you can dine watching the sun go down, although there is also the option of going down a path that passes next to the Arab settlement of Sa Penya Esbarrada . The trail ends next to some cliffs that serve as a grandstand to experience the show on the grandstand.

And, eye, you must never forget the opportunity to fall in love with the Benirras sunset , although as a couple it is better to avoid the drums and the party every Sunday. Any other day of the week just a couple of kettledrums put on the perfect soundtrack to see how the day turns into night. The fourth sunset card can be obtained at the beach bar ** Sunset Ashram, in Platjes de Comte**, where it can be accompanied by sushi. And it is always advisable to take a walk to return for the penultimate Cala Escondida beach bar : love will last forever. Keep expanding the collection!

Sunset at The Gates of Heaven

Sunset at The Gates of Heaven

Sunset in Benirrs

Sunset in Benirras


In high season, this wonder of nature on the outskirts of Portinatx it barely saturates. And, in months like May or September, with a bit of luck you can stay in the cove as a couple, with no one else in sight. The last section of access to this beach is the closest thing to a rally, but with care you can leave the car next to the skeleton of the building that never became a hotel.

A two-minute walk leads to a cove of golden sand and turquoise waters which, in addition, is an excellent shelter for days when the wind blows. The mountains protect it so that on its transparent shore you can enjoy one of the best and refreshing romantic baths from all over the island . The sun goes down quickly on this beach, but that's the least of it: while the light diminishes, the environment changes color, the seagulls come to say hello and the marine life multiplies. It's also time to start opening a bottle of wine: Cala d'en Serra It is a great corner to toast with those of the Can Rich winery , located west of Ibiza.

And if you have left the opener at home, there is always time for Remy and Esti prepare some tasty cocktails for you in their tiny but charming beach bar. Be careful, only one, that you have to take the car to return home.

Cala D'en Serra

Cala D'en Serra


To the home, or to dinner in places so romantic that they will make you want to propose to each other or renew vows right there. Northern towns like Sant Miquel, Santa Gertrudis, San Carlos, Sant Joan de Labritja give the opportunity to find small restaurants where tranquility reigns as aubergine , Can Cires or the wonderful oil store Six Schools . Right in the middle of all these villages is Sant Llorenç, made up of just four houses, a school, a bar and a beautiful church.

Also a Mediterranean cuisine restaurant served with love, like al the pigeon team he likes to define his space. It was born 13 years ago thanks to the initiative of an Italian family who wanted to start a business linked to nature. A farm in ruins was the beginning , but little by little it has grown to become a place where dining is an unforgettable experience. It is huge, but you will always find the perfect intimate corner for you couple.

The branches of an immense carob tree protect some of the best-placed tables, while others even reach into the orchards where some of the vegetables you will eat later grow. Charcoal-roasted aubergines, sea bass ceviche, sashimi of sardines marinated in lime and delicious Italian pasta are some of the snacks that you can pair with a delicious cocktail or a good wine. And long live love!




If romanticism reaches high levels in Ibiza, in ** Formentera it overflows **. And the advantage is that barely half an hour separates the two islands. Get off the ferry, rent a scooter, put on your helmet and head to some of the best beaches in Europe. the of Illetes It is the culmination of the national coastline, but do not leave aside Levante or the coves of Sa Roqueta . And, if you feel like a bit of adventure, nothing like paddle surfing on the Island of S'espalmador, where they will take you in beautiful glass-bottomed boats.

On the way back, approach the two lighthouses, the Pilar de la Mola and Barbaria. There you can continue collecting sunsets, as in Cala Saône, where the sea swallows the sun every afternoon. Toast with a good local wine ( Cap of Barbaria , for example) or a craft beer at the Delicatessen Pantyhose and then go to beach bars like Pelayo or Sol y Luna. They will give you the opportunity to try the best traditional proposals on the island away from the noise of tourism. The Formentera salad, made up of potato, tomato, onion and dry bread along with the traditional local dried fish, is perfect. Perhaps, after so much experience, the romantic getaway to Formentera will become a life plan. Or do not feel like staying to live forever?

Ses Illetes Formentera the best beach in Spain according to our readers

Ses Illetes, Formentera: the best beach in Spain according to our readers


Ibiza farmhouses have an advantage . And double. Most of them are in the countryside, hidden among forests, next to vineyards or with landscapes of orange land where fig and carob trees mark the profile. And yet, the air smells of salt: on the island it is impossible to be far from the sea. These temples of relaxation offer the best of rural vacations... and next to beaches that you would find in the Caribbean. On the outskirts of Santa Eularia des Riu is xarc , with ten rooms surrounded by fruit trees. and very close Can Guillem , another agrotourism where love multiplies.

In the north is located Sa Vinya d'en Palerm , an eight-hectare farm located near Sant Miquel de Balansat. Each of its five rooms is dedicated to a local tree, all next to a beautiful swimming pool where tranquility reigns. Very close is Can Planells , as well as Ca Na Xica , a luxury of rurality with twenty rooms. And, well, if you dare and want to give everything on a romantic trip to Ibiza to celebrate your love, another wonderful option is to stay in places like ** Atzaró ** or Hacienda Na Xamena , far from everything and with all the necessary facilities so that romanticism lasts forever.

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