The best Russian salad in Spain is eaten in Malaga


Russian salad Chinchín port

This is the best Russian salad in Spain.

“A salad is a salad”, he said Chef Pedro Subijana before revealing the winner in the III National Russian Salad Contest – San Miguel. That's right, a salad is a salad, you can innovate, you can risk, you can modify, but there are flavors in this popular dish "that must be recognized".

So popular is it that there are probably as many salad recipes as there are kitchens in this country. And palates for each of them. A cover so widespread throughout the national geography such as potato omelette or croquettes. There is it with tuna, without tuna, with or without onion, with or without peas, with or without potato. With more seafood, better fish. But a salad is a salad, with mayonnaise, of course.

Maybe that's why it's not an easy contest. Each one will have their preferences about salad in their personal taste memory. And even so, you had to taste and choose taking into account flavor, texture, as well as temperature, smoothness and quality of the mayonnaise.

The magnificent salad of Half Ration

Salad lovers.

A jury chaired by chef Pedro Subijana, from Akelarre, was in charge of taste nine selected salads in restaurants throughout Spain in the III National Russian Salad Contest – San Miguel and in the congress San Sebastian Gastronomika – Euskadi Basque Country The winner has been announced: the best Russian salad in Spain is eaten this year in Chinchín Puerto, the restaurant specializing in fish and seafood, with Lourdes Villalobos at the head, and located in Caleta de Vélez (Malaga).

Your secret? A coloraillo-based mayonnaise, "a very reddish-colored shrimp that slips into fishing nets, a semi-discarded product," they explained after the contest, “an unctuous, sweet and mellow raw material”, and that surrounds a mixture of finely chopped raw onion, blanched carrot brunoisse, egg white with the bodies of the coloraillo as the icing on the plate. According to its creators, it is a dish with “passion for the sea” and “a very southern recipe” with which they want to create **"a memory in the diner's memory for life". **

That's why we like salad so much. It is that popular dish in which the appearance does not matter but the combination of all those elements that makes us return to it again and again. our particular comfort food.

The Russian salad from Chinchín Puerto has prevailed over those from surtopia (Madrid), Phoenix Bar (Murcia), Hidalgo 56 (Saint Sebastian), Bar Nerva (Malaga), The Piñera Guisandera (Madrid), cuckoo bread (Sweden, Cantabria), Petit Committee (Barcelona) and Xerta Tapas (Barcelona). And take over from Caps 24 of Barcelona that won in the first edition of the contest and the prize stays in the province of Malaga because in 2019 he won the recipe for golf padlock, by Javier Hernandez.

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