Recommendations, apps and travel guides for celiacs


Gluten-free cake at Celicioso, the bakery where gluten is not welcome.

Gluten-free cake at Celicioso, the bakery where gluten is not welcome.

Whether you have just debuted as a celiac or if you are already an expert in eating with caution and gluten-free, this report will come in handy when traveling. Why? Because surely in your day-to-day, in your immediate environment, in your city, you have located and scheduled the places and trusted restaurants where you can go to have a feast, but What happens when you have to change city or country? How to be sure where to go or what local recipes to eat when you are on vacation?

It is true that in Latin or Anglo-Saxon countries you will have it a little easier because of the languages ​​(and specifically in Madrid even more thanks to our complete restaurant route), but you know that yes or yes you will end up signing up for a gastro route through Norway or Denmark and that it is a matter of time before you end up having breakfast at the Tsukiji Sushi Fish Market, one of the star recipes of the #glutenfree movement. But be careful, you should never lower your guard, because there, in the country of the rising sun, will be the soy sauce stalking you with its natural aspect (which it is) and its composition loaded with wheat to the brim.

With the FACE Gluten-Free Food List 2018 you won't go wrong when ordering a dish.

With the FACE Gluten-Free Food List 2018 you won't go wrong when ordering a dish.


We have contacted the FACE (Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain), which takes advantage of the celebrations of May 27, the National Celiac Day, to follow claiming and fighting for the rights of this group, to give us some basic advice and this is what they have told us:

1. Find out exactly what typical foods of each country you can eat and which ones to avoid because they contain gluten or are contaminated.

two. For the first days in the vacation spot, take the necessary gluten-free foods in your suitcase, to be able to have something to eat until you find a store where you can buy them. This way you won't have to start the holidays with the stress of having to do the shopping. The key product is bread.

3. If you are thinking of going on a cruise or traveling by plane, find out if they have gluten-free menus before booking.

Four. Check opinion forums to know the experiences of other traveling celiacs.

5. If possible, try to speak directly with the cook, This way you will be sure that your requests reach the most appropriate person.

You can consult this information on its website and complement it with that provided by the CYE (Celiac Youth of Europe), belonging to the AOECS (Association of European Celiac Societies).

With the FACE Gluten-Free Food List 2018 you won't go wrong when ordering a dish.

With the FACE Gluten-Free Food List 2018 you won't go wrong when ordering a dish.


It is important to travel with a list of gluten-free foods in your pocket, which will make your job easier when it comes to checking what you can or cannot eat at your destination. FACE has been publishing the Gluten-Free Food List for more than twenty years and this year's list has already been sent to its more than 21,000 associates. A list of reviewed foods that comply with European regulations that will help you when choosing the dishes suitable for celiacs from any menu.

And the most interesting thing, if you travel through Spain, its mobile application Facemovil uses a geolocator so you can identify the #glutenfree restaurants, points of sale and hotels closest to your position (over 3,000) . It also includes a barcode reader so you can check the products suitable for celiac people (for Iphone and Android).

The Eastern

Gluten free at any time of the day


An interesting offer of specialized travel guides for "the gluten free adventurer" worldwide is that of The Gluten-Free Guides. All editions are divided into an index by food and others by neighborhoods, so restaurants, hotels, B&Bs, cafes, bars and supermarkets from Italy, Spain, France and the USA are perfectly ordered and classified.

For her part, Jodi Ettenberg, creator of Legal Nomads, offers on her website some Gluten Free Restaurant Cards downloadable directly to your mobile that will facilitate your research work in countries such as Japan, Mexico, Greece, Vietnam, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy and France. A field work contrasted by "a celiac who loves to eat" and by translators familiar with the recipes and local languages.

experiences that combine wanderlust with a love of food This is what the Glutenacious Life website collects, which shares everything from a guide to Churros&Chocolate in Madrid to another essential guide to Parisian establishments.

Behind most of the initiatives related to this disease there is usually a person diagnosed with celiac disease or who shares her life or is in the care of someone with celiac disease. This is the case Dave, who when he saw himself in the position of having to reserve a table at Disney restaurants months before his trip (you have to do it in advance) he did not know very well in which of all to do it so that his wife, with gluten intolerance, could have dinner normally.

So he saw a need and created a solution: the Gluten Free Disney Dining app, which takes care of constantly update with menus served at Walt Disney World (Florida) and at Disneyland (California). As he himself says, it's an app for those who "love Disney but can't eat gluten."

On Amazon you will find one wide range of travel guides for celiacs written in English about countries like Italy or cities like London or New York, but it is to write the same search in Spanish and the answer is discouraging: 0 results for "gluten-free travel guide".

That is why we must continue to celebrate National Celiac Day every year, so that thanks to the media interest aroused, society becomes aware of its needs and rights and thus more and more books, applications and travel guides emerge, those so necessary for can travel stress free and knowledgeable.

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